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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PL > PLANES (60)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.1.8:
The sole bridge between the spirit's understanding and the embracement of the earthly plane is the white blood corpuscle. But you know what conflict attends their existence. Do not the white corpuscles, subject to the forces of Earth and bearing the knowledge of spirit, seem to you like White Brothers? This is why harmony is so difficult on Earth. But to work there where the spirit has descended into matter, the conditions of both planes must be met. One should not estrange oneself from the earthly, yet one must abide in spirit. For the mastery of the earthly formulae, one must possess a strong channel of the heart, because the reflex of the earthly signs carries dangerous sparks. But for Earth, all must be accomplished upon the earthly plane. Therein is the chief reason for the existence of the Brotherhood here. Therefore, upon Earth one must reach Us, discover Us, as silver ore - the best beneath the earthly crust.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.18:
Now, when the continuity of the chain between the earth and the heavens must be made evident, there is unity of manifestation upon various planes.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.9:
You can progress not by the way of the lower strata of phantoms and encumbrances but through cooperation with the Higher Planes.

New Era Community (1926) - 72:
72. The Community, as Fellowship, can unprecedentedly accelerate the evolution of the planet and give new possibilities of intercourse with the forces of matter. It must not be thought that community and the conquest of matter are found on different planes. One channel, one banner - Maitreya, Mother, Matter!

New Era Community (1926) - 206:
Indeed, as We say, the Community battles for reality. You have another kind of ally; those who strive for the truth, for whom evidence is nothing but an unclean glass. If chemical and biological evidence is complicated, then still more complex is the evidence of the planes of structure of life and actions. Without the development of consciousness we shall dwell in a continuous mirage; as in catalepsies, we shall be twisted in frozen terror.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 224:
224. The subtle body of the yogi, when liberated, visits different planes of existence. Flights into space and descents into the depths of the planet are equally possible. A study of planetary cataclysms will provide an understanding of the stratifications of life. It can be observed how animals became fossilized when caught in a mineral flow. When moving through the subterranean channels, the yogi can see to what extent the foundations of our planet have become worn out. Thus the spirit of the yogi becomes familiar with the conditions of ancient formations, and afterward nothing can appear to him as stable or complete. Such a realization is needed for the progress of the spirit. A striving toward perfection will come through an understanding of imperfection.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 464:
464. Even if one gathers all the power of will, one still cannot evoke the Fire of Space. Those manifestations of the fiery element are not subject to command, they grow naturally from the expansion of consciousness. We call the human consciousness Our garden, where grow the fruits of labor. The work on the expansion of consciousness proceeds on two planes. These two planes are separate from the manifestations of life, just as a subterranean passage does not touch the vegetable kingdom and just as the fall of a meteorite is independent of the weather. People understand with difficulty these stratifications of two planes. Vigilance of the consciousness is required, but few are those who possess it. Each phenomenon of fire not only requires certain physical conditions but also depends upon the state of consciousness. The unexpectedness of phenomena is not so difficult to explain: it is enough to look into one's own consciousness without prejudice and to discern the physical conditions that preceded the phenomena. One will perceive a kind of short circuit of the current, which produces the manifestation.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 166:
166. The evidence of the Cosmic Magnet itself affirms the tension of the forces which manifest a shifting. Conditions of necessary maintenance may require a downward step. And when the attraction acts upon the resonance of the predestined forces, the spiral of progression is established. Accidental shiftings do not occur, nor does destruction occur without a possibility of an evident restitution. The cliches of necessary shiftings exist on all planes. Of course there occur shudders of the spheres, and vortices of superterranean whirlwinds, but the causes of such disturbances are to be found in strivings inharmonious with the Cosmic Magnet.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 170:
170. The attraction of the various parts of one principle acts through the medium of the Magnet. Hence the variety of the expressions of all the affirmed principles on different planes. The core of Reason is apparent in all Spatial Fire. Being of the same origin, the Cosmic Magnet carries within itself the principle of creativeness of Fire, and Reason builds the substance applicable to each sphere. Therefore, homogeneousness is spread throughout the entire Cosmos, and homogeneousness can provide man with the key to the understanding of the existence beyond. Homogeneousness will lead then to the understanding of the highest principles. When humanity will refine all conceptions of the principles, it will be possible to affirm the manifestation of homogeneousness ad infinitum. Thus are all strata of Be-ness build; not by deflection from the principle inherent in the Cosmic Magnet, but by contribution in most subtle forms. Therefore, the Origins should be the affirmed guiding principles. Let us accept the principle of Be-ness as the affirmation of the Highest Reason, and the Cosmic Magnet will unfold as the manifested might of the Mother of the World. This concept can bring a true understanding of the existence of Our Brotherhood, a true understanding of the far-off worlds, and a true understanding of those principles which ordain man as a creator.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 178:
178. Urusvati is right - a wondrous truth is in beauty. Cosmos affirms evolution by this formula. Cosmos directs the world to the mastery of beauty. Yes, verily, the Mother of the World possesses the Magnet of Beauty. And wherever the Spatial fire has collected the fiery affirmation of its forms, the fire of the spirit manifests itself. When the invisible process is revealed to the fiery spirit, it may then be said that the creative transmutation has been confirmed. Therefore, one may say that the psycho-dynamics of the spirit transmutes as a most saturated fire. When the centers can flamingly reflect the will of the Cosmic Magnet, then the psycho-dynamics of the spirit unites the higher planes with the planet.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 195:
195. The divergence of points of view in regard to the Universe reveals an approach to varied spheres. What kind of vision has humanity? The eye of an earth dweller does not penetrate beyond the physical plane. Naturally, the search for material manifestations results in the aspiration for that which is visible only by crude sight, and the manifestation of higher spheres is thereby excluded. The world vision encompasses the creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet, and man can penetrate into the higher planes. The truth predestined by Cosmos can be attained. When the world vision directs itself into Space, it is aware of all laws. But the world vision has its boundaries and goals pertaining to it; the periphery of its striving is within the closest sphere. Its quests reach into the spheres close to Earth. But the Spatial Fire can be encompassed by the vision of the Infinite. And to the spirit who has approached the Spatial Fire, the limitless vision is granted. The psycho-life of the Spatial Fire can encompass the spheres through the assimilation of psychic energy. The spirit who has embraced the Spatial Fire lives through the creative force of Materia Lucida.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 303:
303. The possession of the knowledge of higher laws confirms the Brothers of Humanity as the Leaders of evolution. When a planet is in the process of birth, the manifestation of all energies is concentrated toward affirmation of new cosmic laws. The possession of knowledge impelshumanity toward better interrelations. Every energy must be intensified by another - the directing and attracting energy. The energies are strained in identical manner upon the physical and spiritual planes; hence, the laws are in mutual correlation.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 6:
6. The irradiation of the human aura can intensify a powerful energy. The propelled stream of a center can melt an intensified energy. Hence, when streams of blue fire pour from the fingers, it is the creativeness of the emanations that manifests the action; thus do the centers create. The spiritual transmissions are intensified by the same energies. All creative processes are thus strained by the centers. The process of creativeness of the centers is so subtle that it is invisible. Of course the centers act creatively on many planes. The creativeness of the propelled irradiation strives into the spheres of the far-off worlds. Creative emanations truly magnetize space.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 47:
47. The yearning for manifestation is expressed by all straining energies. Thus, upon all planes the striving arising from this stimulus may be observed. This is the stimulus that evokes manifestations; it is the assembling stimulus; it is the life-asserting stimulus. All manifestations of this stimulus are intensified by the magnet of life. Each conscious striving is steered by this lever. The Spatial Fire which imbues each seed asserts this stimulus. That is why the construction of Cosmos is so precipitant. Only the magnet attraction can create new forms. The cosmic creativeness is greatly intensified by this powerful stimulus. Thus are the parts of identical energies assembled.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 130:
130. In Cosmos there is a law which foresees all the best combinations. Does not the law of attraction move the striving particles. Is not the law of gravitation put in effect by the Highest Reason? When people speak about harmonization they penetrate very little into the essence of the law itself. Cosmic creativeness contains in itself the substance of the great Materia Matrix. Attraction is a property established for the expansion of Cosmos. Therefore, this law acts upon all planes, in spirit and in matter. The foundation of construction is established upon the manifestation of the better possibilities, and the creativity of spirit proceeds under the same mighty law. Hence, while the creativeness of Cosmos is put in tension by sundry factors, it should be understood that the main impulse is given by the Highest Reason. Thus is the Infinite built. Thus is the world chain built. Thus is Cosmos built.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 133:
133. The karmic law affirms all vital rights and governs all karmic attractions. Thus, the property of the Cosmic Magnet is laid into each karmic foundation. The manifestation of life indicates the development of polarity. The manifestation of a potential of attraction evokes receptivity in a close spirit. Thus, the indicated and existing laws will effect the preordained. All planes have their karmic laws.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 138:
138. A great life is confirmed by the manifestation of the Cosmic Magnet. Three planes are manifested to humanity for the affirmation of all principles. Indeed, it is easy for the spirit to strive upon the higher planes, but the earthly, the lowest pole, is established as the place of decision. Only there where Light and darkness battle can the spirit manifest a free choice. Imbued by the emanations of the energies, the spirit can establish itself through the expression of its striving. Only when immersed in the earthly sphere can one manifest the subtlety of striving into higher spheres. Cosmic creativeness requires entirety of manifestation. Thus, the spirit composed of all cosmic energies must pass through all cosmic steps.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 157:
157. Whence emanates the striving to the Cosmic Magnet? A correlation of energies is but confirmed by attraction. Whence emanates heterogeneity and the attraction of dissimilar energies? The affirmation of forms can result only from the fact of differing properties. Only when heterogeneous properties are drawn into the creation does a true cosmic manifestation take place. Only when the force of polarity is asserted does the force of attraction act. Thus, upon all planes the affirmed polarities are asserted. The spirit which serves independently attracts the force of the Cosmic Magnet. The formulation of thought attracts the needed evolution. The participation of the heart brings a constructive vibration. Thus, the foundation of creativeness is the awakening of the vibration of the heart.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 162:
162. The reorganization of the world strains all forces of the dark ones. Each wave of evolution strains the forces of stagnant intent. When the world is divided into Light and dark forces, is it possible that the affirmed resultants will not be born? The cosmic creativeness is intensified through battle, and the battle proceeds upon all planes. Therefore, the manifestations which are closest to Us show themselves first of all as forces which stimulate opposition. Therefore I say, "The predestined will be fulfilled, the preordained will be fulfilled." One should preserve the joy of the future; one should affirm victory!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 352:
352. Each sensing of the cosmic energies gives impetus to the communion with the Fire of Space. When the centers of earthly fires are active, tensions of the spatial fires are inevitable. When the Cosmos is strained, there are no inert energies. The volcanoes are becoming active and they evoke human tensions. Thus, when humanity has been brought into tension by the creative fires of shifting Our soaring flight is intensified by the Cosmic Magnet. Hence, the spirit who knows the dates and the course of the Cosmic Magnet can sense the volcanic actions upon the physical and spiritual planes.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 357:
357. A manifested formulation of thought can create a chain of better effects. Only the manifestation of striving affords formulation of thought. How can one cognize the construction of the world? Only by the formulation of thought projected into the higher spheres. If humanity would but ponder upon adaptation of the higher structures, how easily it could apply the principle of expanded conception! Thus, adoption of the concept that all vital principles exist upon all planes will induce the formulation of thought.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 384:
384. The cosmic tension is expressed in the driving force of all energies upon all planes. Therefore, the separation of the physical and spiritual worlds cannot lead to the understanding of the higher coordinations. Only when the principle of coordination is affirmed in the consciousness can one strive to assimilate the higher energies. The principle of coordination puts man into contact with the manifestations of cosmic fires. The principle of coordination impels the spirit to higher cognizance. Hence, the cognizance of the universal energy gives the spirit a knowledge of his own substance. When the spirit absorbs the higher impulses, it can be said that he creates with Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 391:
391. The Cosmic Consciousness is reflected in all world structures. Only humanity is limited by inability to admit the integrity of existence. All points touch each other in Cosmos, A cycle of life lives in the limitless Cycle of Cosmos. The cosmic ray is diffused throughout Space. Only the human ray limits its spheres. Instead of reflecting in its spirit the entire manifested Be-ness, humanity steeps itself in the conception of a limited world. There is not division in Cosmos and the chain of events is closely linked throughout all planes. Hence, the cosmic perturbations and spiritual shiftings proceed in parallel. Thus, there is cycle within cycle; and in these limitless shifting planes the human karma flows toward the affirmation of Infinity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 440:
440. Certainly the spirit which stands close to construction can feel the correspondence between the planes. Hence, the correspondence attracts conscious impulsions. The creativeness of the spirit of a sensitive Agni Yogi knows the direction of magnetic currents. Hence, when all forces are intensified, human thought strains the levers of shifting. Therefore, the enemies feel all the mighty coordinations and the dark forces bar themselves from Light.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 470:
470. Cosmic tension is reflected upon all planes, and transmutation of the spirit takes place on the planet. Only the power of thought can impart tension to the spirit, and transmutation of the spirit engulfs all that is weak. But the ascent is powerful for one who is in pace with the Cosmic Magnet. The cosmic creativity thus intensifies the striving quests. Therefore, the transmutation of the spirit strains all strata.

Heart (1932) - 200:
200. I cannot sufficiently point out how significant is this moment. After long preparations, both sides have finally clashed. One can notice this along all planes, from the spiritual to the military. The Food of the Heavens is turned to muck, and the sacred Fire has become like a torch of arson!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 32:
32. It is difficult for a refined heart to exist in the lower strata. To a certain extent the heights are helpful, but still the intervening breaks between the heart and its fiery birthplace are too great. But these polluted strata should not have existed - people created them; hence they must strive to purify them. Artificial ozone helps but little. Prana is purified by the highest Fire, and only this quality makes it creative. Yet even in the planes, even in the city squares, before expressing a decision, try to inhale as deeply as possible. In this inhalation perhaps a particle of the prana of Benefaction will reach you through all barriers. Thus, let us nowhere despair, and let us everywhere make a final effort. One can observe how a sincere heartfelt sigh becomes like a long-drawn out trumpet-call. Thus, let us not forget that all the best manifestations of the human organism not only are powerful in their chemical reactions but penetrate many strata by their psychic force. Let us not in any way depreciate the sacred microcosm created by the will of the pure heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 175:
175. What is especially important is usually entirely neglected in thinking. The most real circumstances become elusive. People are unwilling to notice how the capacity for observing sensations beyond the physical is leaving them. Whereas, even during an ordinary cough, yawn, or sneeze, one can notice an instant of a special condition which is not a physical one. We shall not even enumerate other, more complicated tensions, but whoever has felt the above-mentioned sensation of being outside of the physical state, can already begin to gather manifestations of the other planes.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 350:
350. Hygiene of thought must be applied on both the spiritual and earthly planes. One must carry out experiments, strengthened by fiery medicines, upon the processes of thinking. One should pay attention to the action of phosphorus or the evaporation of eucalyptus upon thinking. One should verify the extent to which thinking is improved by musk. One should gather all data in regard to various resinous oils. Finally, one must remember all the combinations that are closest to the activity of Fire. These experiments should be carried out with persons of strong fiery thinking. Such experiments will remind one not only about vitamins but also about Agni. The efforts of physicians to concentrate not only upon internal remedies but also on the reactions of the sense of smell will produce the needed results. People are gravely sick. The dark forces endeavor to seduce with all kinds of narcotics, but the narrow boundaries of life are not broadened by stupefying the intellect. Just now spiritual vigilance is needed. One must grow to love this vigilance as a state fitting to man.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 566:
566. Let us pay especial attention to the battle in the Subtle World. Innumerable hordes are battling on all planes. A stout heart is needed to realize these forces. And even on Earth the shoulders can ache from these battles. One must warn people about the extent of their dependence upon the Subtle World. People often search for answers. Whence comes a seeming inner shock? Its cause may lie in some manifestation of the Subtle World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 65:
65. All statecraft and social order can be affirmed upon cosmic law. Science gives all the directions, and only sensitivity of application is needed to reveal the many aspects which are for construction. If instead of so-called innovations and new statutes humanity would turn its attention to the cosmic laws, it would be possible to establish equilibrium, which now is being violated more and more, beginning with the law of conception and extending up to cosmic consummation. The affirmed laws are one. Upon all planes it is possible to affirm unity. The path of evolution crosses threadlike through all the physical and spiritual degrees. Therefore, in the state and in the social order all the cosmic laws could apply toward perfecting of form. On the path to the Fiery World one should be imbued with the power of the unity in the Cosmos.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 72:
72. Verily, the human spirit is a conductor of all the higher energies. As a strong current, the spirit performs various functions for the affirmation of manifestations of the Higher Will. How else could all the manifestations on different planes be connected? Only the affirmation of the spirit can function as the link. Therefore the heart and hand of the guiding Teacher discern all the factors which are necessary for ascent. Amid fiery concepts the greatness of the link which connects the worlds must be especially sensed. From the hands of the guiding Teacher the disciple receives instruction for his association with the power of Fire. From the heart of the guiding Teacher the co-worker obtains the fiery consciousness. Only the spirit of man can truly bind together the worlds. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us manifest a fiery reverence for the earthly Teacher who implants the seed of the Highest.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 92:
92. The principles of Good and evil are repeated on all planes with this distinction, that by prolonging the line into the spheres of the Subtle World, all expressions become heightened. Only the principles of constructiveness give to the spirit that resultant force which affirms a conscious striving for good. The servants of darkness will be inevitably attracted to the lower strata. Ancient Covenants speak of those who dwell in the Kingdom of the Spirit and those who live under the earth. One may be surprised as to why the earthly strata and the Earth itself is inhabited by the forces of evil. Actually, a downward attraction explains these hordes. Each aspiration toward the Fiery World tends to hold the spirit in the Subtle World, but the Spirits who are Bearers of Light, filled with self-sacrifice, rush to the Earth for purpose of salvation. There are whole countries on Earth which are saturated with destroyers. The Earth conforms, with its poisoned emanations, to these spawns of darkness. Therefore, be not astonished that portions of the world are peopled with dark entities.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 229:
229. Divine Fire impels each cosmic manifestation to creativeness. Each lofty potential is saturated with this Divine Fire. Each spark of life bears within itself this Divine Fire. Let us apply to all vital manifestations the significance of Divine Fire. In each center of life is this Fire affirmed. Human actions, indeed, bear in themselves these divine sparks. If one regards human fires as creative centers, then one can observe how bodies unified by Fire have their conformities in the different planes. It is correct to think that essence is distributed upon the planes affirmed by subtle energies. Therefore, when We speak about the Fiery World one must be able to imagine how bodies are unified by a vortex of Fire. Thus the one Divine Fire appears as the unifier of all energies.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 249:
249. Penetration into spatial depths reveals new forms. It is possible to create with a condensed thought-form a great many affirmations admissible for our life. Each thought-form is in need of spiritualization by the human spirit. Contact with different concepts of the Subtle World bestows the possibility of spiritualizing these forms. Thus, each striving for refinement of feelings will produce fiery manifestations of beauty. One can accept the law of fiery striving for the refinement and the condensation of thought-forms. Construction on the earthly and the superearthly planes can be unified in these manifested aspirations. Broadening of the horizon and of the boundaries of creativeness will be the pledge of new forms and new steps. On the path to the Fiery World let us exert a fiery striving for the refinement of feelings and the condensation of thought-forms.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 274:
274. Therefore, the flaming heart can affirm each manifestation. For the revealed magnet of the heart attracts sparks of Fohat. Hence the heart, which creates in the name of Cosmic Right, has that powerful force, and gathers together sparks of Fohat and arrays with them those manifestations which are intensified for creativeness. This magnet of the fused heart creates on all planes. Therefore Our Heart creates so fierily. It is the heart which can contain each affirmed degree of Fire. Such a heart can be affirmed only by cosmic Right. The Heart which realizes Cosmic Right has all the Fires.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 297:
297. The bond between the physical and astral centers is saturated by intensified transmutation during life. Functions on both planes manifest unity, the distinction being merely in that independent activity which is manifested by the centers on each plane. The transmuted centers intensify the centers of the subtle body. But at the same time, while the centers are laboring in fiery tension on the earthly plane, the astral centers have an opportunity to propel the subtle body into the Fiery World. A sensation of pains is manifested on the astral plane and on the mental, but only at the beginning of the ascent. After that, each center, while preserving its connection with the physical body, can function by being intensified in other spheres. There follows a separation of the bodies, freeing the subtle body from pains. The physical pains then correspond to the creative tension of the astral centers. Thus do the Worlds act in mutual intensification. On the path to the Fiery World let us be affirmed in fiery transmutation.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 305:
305. The Subtle World has been so isolated from the human consciousness that only enhanced transmutation can disclose the path to refinement and to unification of the Worlds. There has actually occurred an ossification of consciousness, and man has become so dissociated from the Subtle World that the tension of subtle energies is inaccessible to him. Only the cooperation of the bodies on the different planes will bring the needed transmutation. It has been said, with reason, that only a miracle will save the World. Verily, the earthly aspiration is not in the direction of that transformation. The creativeness of the New Epoch requires a spiritual realization. The course of events on the Subtle Plane does not correspond to the course of events on the earthly. Verily, a striving will, emanating from the fiery heart, creates a karmic wave which produces a vortex drawing in the corresponding energies. These waves are disclosed in cosmic reconstruction as the basis of creativeness, and also as the energies which sustain the planet. Only on these energies is it possible for the World to build its future. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us be conscious of the power of great constructiveness.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 319:
319. Action depends upon the tension of that sphere in which the spirit abides. As intensity of striving affirms the power of action, so does resistance saturate action with the essence of the consciousness. The different planes require different measurements in the expenditure of energies. Where the dense World requires exertions, the Subtle World not only does not require them but allows easy locomotion. The dense World affirms that force which overcomes all resistance. But in the Subtle World the principal lever is the accumulation of spiritual aspiration. To overcome opposition in the Subtle World is possible only through spirituality. It is wrong to think that the Fiery World is merely a reflection of the Earthly World. For, while the strata of the Subtle World represent the reflections of the earthly strata, in the Fiery World there are strata which preserve earthly spheres in their evolutionary growth. In these strata are marked out all the currents of evolution. They are not only the Treasury of the records of space but are also the Cosmic Laboratory. Such strata occupy the loftiest spheres. The ascent of man depends upon his attraction to these spheres.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 324:
324. The transformation of the World always evokes tension of all the energies of the Cosmos; and spiritual possibilities appear as saturated impulses of the new paths. Regeneration of the planet inevitably evokes all creative aspirations on all planes. Contact with the currents of space is intensified and becomes very painful; for all strata are permeated by gasses from the dissolute actions of mankind. Be not astonished when you sense this spatial load. Regeneration of the World has roused all energies. And the transmutation produces its consequences. On the path to the Fiery World, understanding of the spatial conflict is indispensable; thus let us be affirmed in the victory of the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 327:
327. The World is atremble from the tension. Events are being compressed. On all planes the energies of Light consist of all strivings to create a better future and to preserve the World from destruction. The forces of darkness creep in under many masks of Light, trying to destroy that created by the Light, and, where possible, to destroy the foundation of constructiveness. In this grave epoch of Armageddon, it is especially necessary to be conscious of the forces which set in motion the actions of each day, of each event, of each manifestation; for the time of choosing has come and there is no middle course on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 328:
328. The condition of the supermundane planes moves events onward at an accelerated pace. The supermundane strata are being, as it were, shifted because striving toward the Earth rouses many dormant spirits. Before great events, the supermundane strata are always awakened. A testing is begun, as it were, for the spirits, which may choose their path. Consciousnesses which are ruled by low impulses can be impelled only to the lower levels. But there, in the same way as on the earthly plane, the servitors of Light stand on guard, and the final Call can summon the spirits to the choice. These Calls resound on all planes. On the path to the Fiery World let us remind about the Final Call.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 355:
355. Bodies are transmuted each according to its essential nature. Just as the physical body transmutes and refines blood to an evolutionary extent, so does the subtle body transmute its corresponding essence. The bond between these processes is especially important to observe, because in the process of transmutation of bodies there is attained a correlation which so fierily cooperates with space. While at the beginning of the process of transmutation the physical body strains the centers of the subtle body, after saturation of the centers by fire the subtle body holds power over the physical. This fiery process transfuses psychic energy from body to body. The power of the subtle body represents a panacea on the physical plane. Indeed, the feeling of transmutation differs on the physical and subtle planes, because the sensations depend upon the tension of the spheres. The purification of matter and spirit likewise takes place only through the fiery energies and centers, strained in spatial atonement. The Fiery World is thus accessible to the consciousness which knows the bond with spatial Fire.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 368:
368. When understanding of the Fundamentals of Being burns clearly in the spirit, then the abyss of life ceases to appear impassable. When the realization of achievement burns in the heart, then the day of the future appears near. The horizon, which takes in the World in all its structure, embraces all transitoriness and apparent Maya. Thus space is saturated with the creative power of Fire and with future construction. Knowledge of transitoriness results in a feeling of breaking away from the Earth and impels the spirit to those planes where man verily dwells in his fiery essence. On the path to the Fiery World let us manifest aspiration towards the spatial energies which aid the spirit in passing over the abyss of incomprehension.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 373:
373. Karma is creating its effects throughout the World. A conscious attitude toward world reconstruction can establish a basis for the New World. The present trend has so widely deviated from the manifest Cosmic Magnet, that, truly, all the Forces of Light are assembling to assist humanity. Constructiveness is being intensified on all planes. Amid Armageddon can one possibly imagine any sort of security in those regions of the World which are subjected to reconstruction? The array of Spiritual Forces will lead humanity out of its blind alley. The period of transmutation will bring higher energies to the World. On the path to the Fiery World let us apply all our forces for the new construction.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 401:
401. The crystal of psychic energy can, as it were, grow dim during great tensions. But this temporary condition does not mean extinguishment, for, while there is compression from without, there is fieriness of spirit, because the potential of the crystal is, as it were, manifested in the fire which flares up from the very seed of the spirit. Psychic energy also gives form to the subtle body. When psychic energy compresses an energy, then that energy correspondingly compresses the subtle body. Clairaudience through fieriness depends upon the state of psychic energy. True, it is necessary to pay attention to each expenditure of psychic energy, for it must be remembered that one and the same source of psychic energy creates at distances and on all the other planes. Thus should be affirmed this fiery source, for in it is contained the dynamics of Fire.

AUM (1936) - 21:
21. The perfecting of earthly labor will not harm the cognition of the distant worlds. The quality of labor develops also the ability of concentration on all planes. Let us not diminish but multiply our possibilities. He who selflessly desires to succeed can find the path to the higher worlds.

AUM (1936) - 224:
224. The thought that psychic treatment has already been satisfactorily established is futile. Attempts to cure by means of light and sound have been weak and not synchronized. No one is occupied with the study of the correspondence of aroma to color and sound. But the principal error lies in the fact that there are almost no physicians who would understand the correspondence of the worlds. Without realization of these fundamentals it is possible to sink into the narrowly material plane, yet the sphere of psychic energy embraces all planes. It can be recognized only in all subtlety. Thus, the physician cannot speak about obsession if he himself has no conception of the Subtle World! Thus, the physician cannot understand treatment with light if he cannot distinguish the scale of colors. He who likes the crudest music cannot discriminate a refined tonality. He cannot prescribe treatment through aromas if he himself cannot distinguish them. My purpose is not to belittle physicians, on the contrary, I would wish to equip them for the saving of humanity. Poisons have increased too greatly. Many resources have been directed only to the destruction of psychic energy, so that not only in cities but also in the midst of nature prana is already being violated by the intrusion of extraneous currents. Meanwhile it is necessary for humanity to understand that it has no right to poison Earth's atmosphere; mankind is responsible for the hygiene of the planet.

Brotherhood (1937) - 290:
290. If the psychic energy of even one individual is a prophylaxis for physical health, then how much more powerful will be the influence of unified energy. The meaning of Brotherhood is contained in the unification of the primary energy. Only broadening of consciousness helps to realize the significance of harmony of energy. On all the planes of life it manifests its beneficent force. No doubt you have been asked many times how to develop psychic energy and how to realize its usefulness. But it has been said enough that the heart that aspires to higher quality of all life will be the conductor of psychic energy. No forcible, conventionally accelerated movement toward a display of the heart's action will be useful. The heart is a most independent organ; it may be set free toward good, and it will hasten to be filled with energy. Likewise, only in friendly communion is it possible to secure the fruits of unified energy. However, for this it is indispensable to understand what harmonious agreement is.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 242:
The progress of karma can be observed in historic events. We advise the study of biographies and histories, wherein one can observe how karma develops and falls upon people in order to restore balance. People generally regard karma as punishment, but the great law should not be limited in that way. The law acts in the name of equilibrium, and the damage done by the violation of balance cannot be judged by earthly measures. Only from higher planes can it be seen how a crime expands in its effect, once committed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 249:
When We speak about unification, We have in mind an important achievement. It is correctly noted that the so-called "complex of immortality" is an equal tension of all energies. It is precisely this unity of energies that creates the highest state. But people do not want to discipline themselves to be freely unified. They consider unity an abstract idea and would prefer that the Teacher give them specific instructions, little understanding that preparation for the unification of energies is a vital necessity that must take place in one's everyday life. The Living Ethics consists of disciplines that enable you to become more conscious in any sphere, but alas, people avoid such daily disciplines. They will often invent an utterly impractical meditation in their attempt to conquer the higher planes, yet neglect their immediate obligations. The Greek philosopher said, "He who knows how to rule his household will also be able to rule his nation." Of course, household duties are not meant in the sense of cooking and cleaning, but rather in the sense of a conscious awareness of general perfectment, or unification.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 271:
Even without experiencing the grandeur of the Great Battle, one can clearly see that the world has gone quite mad. Even logic cannot explain the conflicts of nations, which can bring no good. For the average person the reasons are entirely obscure. The truth is that nations are subject to invisible promptings to ruin the planet. As above, so below. At Our Abode, it is terrible to see how all the spheres of the Subtle World are involved in this battle, and that, like great dark clouds, they press upon the earthly planes.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 331:
There are no words in the human language to express the correlation of events on the various planes. There are many currents in space that unite cosmic events.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 356:
Who can stop the growth of consciousness when it has reached a certain degree of development? One should not interfere with the actions of a hero who has dedicated his life to podvig, for the destruction of darkness is the dream of every spiritual warrior. The battle is the same on both the mundane and the supermundane planes. By the use of vibration We may lessen the tension, but the cosmic battle requires a universal defense.


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