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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PL > PLAGIARISM (2)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 571:
571. Here is another example of the influence of thought. True, in studying the scriptural records of all ages, one is struck by a seeming repetitious occurrence of identical thoughts. Not only do we find like expressions of the same thoughts but one may often find quite identical particular words. Yet it can be established that the writers not only did not know each other but could not possibly have read these writings. This manifestation can be observed in all domains of creativeness. Ignorance would suspect some form of concealed plagiarism, but anyone who has contacted true creative force knows that thought sent into space can impregnate the most varied receivers. Such manifestations should be studied, They can actually prove the possibility of the influence of psychic energy; besides, the same considerations may direct thought toward Hierarchy - in other words, to the shortest path.

Brotherhood (1937) - 370:
370. If there could be more confiding relationships between people, many scientific observations could be confirmed. Let us turn to the question of identical thoughts flashing out simultaneously in different corners of the world. So many accusations of plagiarism could be refuted! But right now we call this to mind in connection with the diffusion of thought. The springing up of identical thoughts, ideas, and images can convince one of the existence of thought-energy. This comparison may indicate atavism on the part of different peoples.


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