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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PI > PILED (4)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.1.10:
2.1.10. Events have so piled up that the organisms of sensitive people are in tremor. One must ascribe the tremor of nerves to Cosmic disturbances. Nothing should be exposed under a shower, but afterwards the sun is especially radiant.

New Era Community (1926) - 11:
11. Many falsehoods have been piled around the concept of labor. Only recently was labor scorned and considered harmful for health. What an outrage this is - this regarding of labor as harmful! Not labor is injurious but the ignorant conditions surrounding labor. Only conscious cooperation can render healthy the sacred labor. Not only must the quality of labor be high, but there must be strengthened the mutual desire to make the conditions of labor clearly understood. One must not curse labor, one should set forward the better worker.

Brotherhood (1937) - 7:
If the broad concept of Brotherhood has come down to blood relationship, this means that the consciousness has become greatly impoverished. Often the consciousness is so limited that people cannot understand at all what manner of brotherhood could exist outside of blood kinship. Degrees of kinship have been designated, such as "first cousin," "second cousin," and even "third cousin," but further the imagination hesitates to proceed. Many books could be compiled of conventionalities that have piled up around the concept of Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 499:
499. Let us talk about motion. Misunderstandings continue to be piled around this concept. Hearing about motion and mobility, people turn into restless runners. But can bustle be fitting for higher manifestations? Similarly, people do not distinguish outer from inner movement, yet such a distinction is quite essential; it saves one from bustle, which unavoidably leads to falsehood.


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