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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PH > PHARMACOPOEIA (2)

Hierarchy (1931) - 296:
296. Thus, humanity is an accumulator and transmuter of the high energy which We have agreed to call psychic energy. The significance of humanity consists in its transmutation of this energy through consciousness and propelling it by way of Hierarchy into the higher spheres. The loss of the understanding of one's own predestination has thrown people back from the understanding of responsibility. Therefore, We remind again of the foundation of Existence. One must prepare oneself for the next evolution. Once again, one must draw closer to the great current and realize the principles of the renewal of life. You notice how greatly opposed We are to spiritism, but We often speak about the subtle bodies. We smile at contemporary hypnotism, but speak about rays and magnets. We advise re-examination of your pharmacopoeia, but offer a few fundamental medicines.

Heart (1932) - 104:
104. People do not want to observe the manifestations of the Subtle World, which are scattered everywhere. So, also, they cannot imagine that ethics is a practical pharmacopoeia for attracting the spatial energies by the simplest method. You will not tire of repeating about the necessity of realizing the application of the heart for the attraction of the highest possibilities. People forget to apply the most simple method of disinfecting life. Much is spoken of the significance of fire; but it's entirely forgotten that the living fire is the best purifier. People were given electricity, but they had to isolate the substance of energy, leaving only a dead light. A bonfire, wood, oil lamp, candles will purify space and destroy many contagious diseases. One can see that those who know have, together with electricity, also a real fire, which very easily attracts the Spatial Fire. Ask a physician what part a lighted candle plays in disinfection. He will probably regard this question as senseless, because he never thought of a living fire. Whence, then, come the oil lamps in temples, if not for purification? Whence, then, come the ancient customs of surrounding a sick man with fire? Thus, fire is sometimes a physician and guardian. The living fire in the oven often wards off the sicknesses of workers. The bonfire as a purifying symbol, verily, is a medical concept.


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