Agni Yoga (1929) - 233: What is so inimical to evolution as the petrified formulas of magic? The astral world has been separated from the physical world most of all by the ways of magic. Of course, possession is often the result of magical invocations. Mediumism is the bedfellow of magic. Agni Yoga (1929) - 233: The magic formulas that have been given out to the public are intentional distortions. In them some things are missing that were reserved for oral transmission. Certainly a yogi is the very opposite of a magician. A magician stands on petrified formulas. A yogi constantly inhales the fresh new breath of Cosmos. The one is old at birth; the other is always young, throughout all changes in his life. The one attempts to strike with words not of his own making; the other smites with his free thought. The one defends himself with pitiful pinpricks; the other is shielded just by the armor of his glance. Yoga has nothing in common with magic. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 59: 59. Evolution needs the guidance of our consciousness. Intensified forces are needed. Readiness and fiery action are needed. The pushing on toward extinction is already a detachment from Infinity. Urusvati is correct in saying that the Teaching of the Blessed One is a fiery torrent. It is verily a torrent which carries all strivings into Infinity. Let us regard an extinct crater, choked with grey, petrified lava. What can the process of extinction convert into life, when to humanity there is manifested a rushing Fire! The force bestowed for creation must not be dissipated. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 271: 271. The subterranean spheres conform to what is bred by humanity. Every action, every thought has its seeds. To these seeds are attracted corresponding elements. Therefore, all human engenderments correspond very closely to earthly thoughts. Hence, the lower spheres bring to mind strongly the aspirations of the dark ones. You have seen the earthly breed; you have seen the petrified giants which symbolize the striving of humanity. The sphere of the human engenderments is divided into strata, and to visit them a fiery armor is needed. The subterranean spheres are the reproduction of human thoughts. The mighty fire of the spirit is the smiting hammer. The fire of the striving spirit can transform the Universe. Therefore, the symbol of the hammer means the development of new tensions. Earth's girders are crumbling and a new foundation is laid. Verily, the power of Fire can build the striving of humanity. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 408: 408. The Great Architect builds eternally. It is senseless to suppose that certain parts of the Universe are completed and remain static. A great deal is made of the term evolution , but people have absolutely no conception of this process in its actuality. There has been much argument about the social structure, but it always has been presumed that human society exists in something inflexible and finite. The stories of the Deluge and of the glacial period are regarded almost as merely symbolic. and it is not proper even to speak of Atlantis, despite the testimonies of the Greek writers. One can see how the human consciousness evades everything that threatens its established comfort. Likewise, the concept of evolution is turned into an abstraction, thus not disturbing the consciousness of the petrified heart in the least. But does not the heavenly vault evoke thoughts about eternal motion? Only through such evolutionary concepts can one absorb the beauty of the earthly pilgrimage as the sojourn for ascent. The very briefness of the path should not disturb one, on the contrary, it should give one joy, as does the rotation of the sun. It is urgently necessary to expound to what extent evolution is incessantly in the hands of the Great Architect of the Universe. One should feel that the planet is in space, just as seamen know that the vast ocean is beneath their ship. At first seamen were terrified by this suspension over an abyss, but reality and experience accustom them to this truth. Every inhabitant of the planet is on a similar ship - below him is the abyss. The seamen cannot depend entirely upon their ship and scientific calculations, if they could there would be no shipwrecks. Astronomy knows a few heavenly bodies, but it does not know the starting point of the comets, and it does not anticipate the gigantic meteors. Only upon their obvious appearance are people notified, The destruction of entire worlds is sometimes noticed, but more often it occurs without attracting any attention. Astronomy is a night watchman! But what about the events taking place by day? Thus, we observe only approximately half of that which is evident. How much that is unexpected is concealed from the sleeping heart! Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 502: 502. It is important to understand to what extent people's consciousness has become petrified. Therefore, do not give it food which it cannot assimilate. Side by side with the difficult give also the easy; otherwise people will not listen. The letters of the Teacher are inevitably diverse, because directed to different consciousnesses. This is not contradiction but simply the best way. Thus, accustom yourselves to deal carefully with consciousness, as with fire. AUM (1936) - 44: 44. There are so many dark consciousnesses to be met who fail to discern the need of a link with the Higher World. Trash abounds, nevertheless guard children from such ignorance. A petrified heart is not longer a heart, but a piece of rubbish. AUM (1936) - 235: 235. It is especially incomprehensible to see how people often fall from reverence into disparagement. They try to represent the Inexpressible; a false countenance results, which only debases the lofty concept. Many such false representations have been scattered throughout the ages. People repeat about the invisible, and immediately proceed to imprison Light in petrified forms. AUM (1936) - 341: It should not be thought that somewhere enough has been done for education. Knowledge is so much an expanding process that continual renovation of methods is required. It is frightful to see petrified brains which do not admit new attainments! No one inclined to negation can be called a scientist. Science is free, honest, and fearless. Science can instantly alter and elucidate the problems of the Universe. Science is beautiful and therefore infinite. Science cannot stand prohibitions, prejudices, and superstitions. Science can find the great even in quests of the small. Inquire of great scientists how many times the most stupendous discoveries have been made in the process of routine observations. The eye was open, and the brain not dust laden. Brotherhood (1937) - 68: 68. People who are expecting a message can also be divided into two categories. The minority know how to wait, but the majority not only do not understand what is taking place but even exert a harmful influence. They abandon their work. They fill space with complaints. They impede those around them. Without noticing it they consider themselves the elect, and they begin to make arrogant assertions about others. Much harm emanates from scant knowledge and still more from a petrified consciousness. Each such person becomes a hotbed of confusion and doubt. He loses the rhythm of work by manifesting confusion. Such people are very harmful for the spreading of knowledge. They wish to receive for their personal gratification the very latest tidings, but little usefulness results from such usurpers. One should not fail to take such weak people into account - they are as nests of treason. Nothing restrains their intrigues. There should be no act of destruction just for the sake of good tidings. Few there are who know how to await messages in complete magnanimity, while working, and amidst difficulties - such co-workers are the ones who become brothers.