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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PE > PEDANTS (2)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 282:
Smilingly listen to the contentions of the pedants, for they perceive naught. But the Eagle Eye is above you.

AUM (1936) - 598:
598. The individual expressions of psychic energy are innumerable. The energy itself is identical, its basic law is immutable, but at the same time there are no two living beings with an identical expression of it. From such diversity are born many errors. Pedants cannot tolerate multiformity, and therefore in place of a basic unity they substitute conventional divisions, giving them invented names. Through ages there have evolved the most harmful confusions, and few dare to turn again to the fundamentals. Amidst a mass of accumulations picayune thought feels itself even more secure, yet such scraps form nothing but piles of rubbish, and sometime they will have to be cleared away. Sometime the scattered members of Osiris will have to be gathered. Will not Isis collect them?


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