Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 171: 171. Yes, the heart of the Arhat is like the Heart of the Cosmos. But wherein is contained the sunlike quality of the heart of the Arhat? We say - in love, but not in that aspect of love to which humanity likes to limit it; nor yet in that benevolent love which people ascribe to a Patriarch. No, the sunlike heart of the Arhat propels into achievement and smites everything corrupting. The Heart of the Arhat contends with darkness and affirms fiery striving. AUM (1936) - 581: 581. An ancient Patriarch called psychic energy a blessing. The contemporary physician calls it health of spirit. With great attention one needs to scrutinize ancient definitions. It would be conceited and ignorant to reject the accumulations of many thousands of years. The investigator must first of all free himself from conceit.