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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PA > PARRY (3)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.7:
The spinal chord is also called the spear, because if we wish to parry the blows we must tense this channel. The centers of the shoulders are also called wings, because during a self-sacrificing achievement rays extend from them. The legend concerning wings is highly symbolic. Likewise, it was a favorite custom of the ancients to wear a round metal plate upon their breasts.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 287:
287. The spheres saturated with Fire are strained toward accumulation of the currents of most subtle energies. In the battle of the spheres the energies are attracted by the currents of fire. The bearer of harmonized centers suffuses the sphere with Fire. Only the creativeness of harmonized centers can parry the fiery attractions. Only the carrier of the subtle energies can assimilate the highest Truth. Therefore We, Brothers of Humanity, can impart the Truth to him who assimilates the essence of Be-ness. Therefore We, Brothers of Humanity, transmit a part of the Truth to Urusvati. When I say a part of the great Truth, I indeed mean that part which can be assimilated upon this planet. So greatly striving with Our own consciousness is the consciousness of the Tara that I attest it the most strained center of receptivity. The Brothers of Humanity have to suffuse diverse spheres.

AUM (1936) - 265:
265. Knowledge will always be positive and affirmative. There is no time to concern oneself with denials and forbiddances. Unbelief and error are results of ignorance. Knowledge searches, investigates and affirms. When it encounters oppositions, it first of all puts the question, "Is this not something merely illusory? Has not the spectre of contradiction appeared?" Knowledge cannot parry with a spectre, therefore, knowledge first of all investigates amiably the apparent contradictions. Knowledge does not permit dissensions before the face of the Higher World. An exchange of opinions is not a quarrel.


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