New Era Community (1926) - 157: 157. When We dispatch a messenger We wish him success in encountering the dragon. Indeed, this is no harmless, betailed, pre-glacial dragon, but the cruel human egoism, reaching the point of the dangerous paroxysms called terror or frenzy of egoism. Where do these dragons nest? It is affirmed that the most evil nests will be in luxurious palaces, or behind the counter of the money-changer, or in the merchant's shop. But I am likely rather to find a harmless money-changer and an honest merchant than to pierce the armor of negation and non-admittance. The denier is not only prepared to defend his own ignorance, he dreams of surrounding all humanity with a wall of terror. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 539: 539. Reflect upon the confusion which encompasses the spirit of traitors. That most frightful, gloomy sinking into darkness, that most perilous breaking of the fiery bond. It is as if for traitors the sun and the moon were the same, and in their madness they would overthrow the sun. Indeed, the madness of traitors should be studied by psychiatrists. One may observe the paroxysms which are followed by terror. From the one side they appear to be ordinary people, but from the other they no longer belong to the planet, and the spirit knows what such a path is like!