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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PA > PALPITATION (10)

New Era Community (1926) - 96:
Devotion carries over the abyss, but the palpitation of sensitiveness must give wings to this devotion.

New Era Community (1926) - 97:
97. On the path do not rest under a rotting tree. In life have no dealings with people with extinguished consciousness. An undeveloped consciousness is not as infectious as an extinguished one. The extinguished consciousness is an actual vampire. It is impossible to fill from without the abyss of the ignorant consciousness. Precisely these people absorb one's energy uselessly. As a result of being with them, enormous fatigue is felt. They must be avoided like a stench in order to bar the way to the fluids of decomposition. It is difficult to distinguish the boundary line between lack of development and extinction. But one quality will be unquestionably indicative Lack of development will or may be accompanied by the palpitation of devotion, but an extinct crater is full of cinders and brimstone. The Teaching does not refuse to expend energy on the undeveloped, but there is a degree of extinction at which the abyss is not to be flooded with a new substance. Only a cataclysm, with its terror of unexpectedness, can melt a congealed lava.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 155:
155. Of all the subtle energies the most receptive is the energy arising from the heart. The current which is united with the Fire of Space must have radiation from the heart. This concept is deeper and broader than is customarily thought. In speaking about the heart current, it is needful to think about its creative power, for indeed, when a thought has been felt deeply it can create. Actually, when the heart beats in unison with the Cosmos all currents can be united through Fire. Therefore, nothing compulsory can replace the fiery tremor of the heart. On the path to the Fiery World let us strive for this palpitation which opens the Gates to all attainments.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 156:
156. Palpitation of the heart accompanies both joy and pain. How can it not throb, when it knows past and future? How can the fiery heart not ache, when its striving is directed toward creativeness? How can the heart not palpitate, when it knows in its depths the destination of the Cosmos?

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 287:
287. The sunlike quality of the heart is manifested in courage; when the heart knows no terror; when the self-sacrifice of the Agni Yogi carries the spirit away into different spheres above the earth and below the earth; when the spirit untiringly creates with all the fires of the heart; when sensory perceptions manifest resonance to all cosmic manifestations. Verily the spirit knows the Heart of the World and it also knows how invulnerable is the Shield of Hierarchy. The sunlike heart of the Agni Yogi knows that full chalice of the World which is produced by the coming of the great Ray; for the unification of the Worlds is the highest creativeness for the Agni Yogi. Thus, each sphere of Fire is a creative power for the striving Agni Yogi. The Macrocosm, in palpitation, evokes in its microcosm identical vibrations. Hence equilibrium is established when fiery energies are united in space. Just as projectiles of destructive energies, emanating from one center, fly in different directions, so does the sunlike heart of the Agni Yogi absorb into itself all cosmic energies by concentrating them in space. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember the sunlike heart of the Agni Yogi.

AUM (1936) - 12:
Earthly thoughts readily settle into the consciousness, but evil thoughts can provoke a shock to the nerves of an unpleasant nature. Thoughts from the Subtle World will produce a certain heart palpitation and are not so easily assimilated; they may even cause a headache as if the brain were being pierced. Fiery thoughts flash like meteors, and when a flight of fiery messengers kindles the surrounding atmosphere there results a roaring sound. The manifestation of fiery thoughts is accompanied by fires, and it even intercepts the current of usual thinking. Fiery thoughts are very transitory and are easily forgotten. But the rarely attainable, luminous transmissions of the higher spheres are like lightning, in both their unexpectedness and their penetration of the heart. Only exceptional people can endure these lightnings. One may enumerate many signs of thought sendings but it is especially important to accept the fact of such transmissions.

AUM (1936) - 542:
542. And it is indispensable to remember another circumstance - the heart will inevitably register sendings. This is not a heart disease, but the palpitation of the current. It is impossible to define in words the heart's sensations. Only people accustomed to thought transmissions can understand wherein lies this palpitation.

Brotherhood (1937) - 38:
True, there may occur shocks during even the most ordinary manifestations. A palpitation may be not from unexpectedness alone, it may arise from an inequality of auras. Such a tension can be even disastrous; therefore the appearance of Messengers does not occur frequently. Surely they come not to kill, consequently one must accustom oneself gradually to experiencing different tensions. Investigators of psychic energy will understand what exercise We are speaking about.

Brotherhood (1937) - 109:
109. In Infinity there are many sensations that are inexpressible in earthly words. Some of them fill the heart with palpitation, yet such tension will be neither terror nor rapture. It is difficult to describe the feeling of the one who stands before the fathomless abyss. He is not frightened, yet he cannot act boldly. He does not see any support and he does not know what is to be done in such a situation. But it is his good fortune if behind him stands Brotherhood, completely realized. One should not understand Brotherhood as something abstract. It is here present for the happiness of humanity.


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