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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > OW > OWING (13)

Hierarchy (1931) - 374:
374. When the planet loses its equilibrium owing to the loss of spiritual understanding, the consequences to the planet are inevitable; for there is no karmic effect without cause and no cause without effect. The manifestation called forth by the loss of spiritual strivings will certainly induce those impulses which will bring regeneration to the planet. The appearance of physical changes will give to the planet the understanding of Agni Yoga. The financial crash will effect a revaluation of values. The distortion of religions will result in a search for a new spiritual achievement.

Heart (1932) - 5:
5. New circumstances will indicate the path to the future. Truth is the same, but combinations vary, according to consciousness. How much of the beautiful is destroyed, owing to the ignoring of the temple - the heart! But let us irresistibly strive to a realization of heartfelt warmth, and let us begin to feel ourselves as the bearers of the temple. Thus one can cross the threshold of the New World. How poor in spirit are those who believe that the New World is not for them! The bodies differ, but the spirit will not evade the New World.

Heart (1932) - 486:
486. There is also danger when the Indication is not executed immediately. Even in daily life if we ask someone to step aside, instead of doing so, he will invariably ask the reason, or at best he will look back and allow the stone to fall on his head. It is the same with unsuccessful disciples. Their hearts will be silent where one should act immediately. This is also harmful for the heart itself, for what could be more destructive than unexecuted commands of the heart? Though the heart be silent, it does not mean that in its depth the telegraphic code is not accepted. This is as dangerous as obscuring the heart by reason! How many hearts have stopped owing to the tension of unexecuted commands! The conflict between heart and reason is the saddest page of humanity.

AUM (1936) - 268:
268. The multiformity of psychic energy is evidence of its power; it cannot remain inert. As true Fire it vibrates and acts incessantly. People may think that their energy is quietly asleep, but in its essential nature it cannot remain inactive owing to its bond with the higher energy.

AUM (1936) - 373:
373. Amidst a variety of data, one should wisely distinguish the source of the communication. In fact, there may be extremely dark manifestations. There is no contradiction in the variety of intermediaries, because, owing to difference in strata, the naturally akin are mutually attracted. The manifestations may be most repellent, but the sole cure will be within ourselves. The consciousness that has reached a state of enlightenment in all purity is able to keep away from conditions such as those of a filthy inn. It is one thing to open a window into darkness, it is quite another to admit the radiance of Light.

AUM (1936) - 507:
507. In experimentation with psychic energy doubt is the greatest obstacle. Free, fearless admittance will provide wings for the experiment. You have observed how thought seeks liberation. You perhaps wish to rivet thought into a definite line, but the essence of psychic energy sends the consciousness into other spheres. Admit such flights also, for the labor of thought is multiform. The concept of divisibility of spirit suggests also divisibility of thought. But there occur circumstances when psychic energy is so tense and thought has been directed to so far a destination that such a condition may appear devoid of thought. Such a feeling arises owing to the change of direction of energy.

Brotherhood (1937) - 231:
231. Through the ages many erroneous interpretations have been made owing to the poverty of languages. People have turned to ciphers, to symbols and images, to inscriptions and to all sorts of hieroglyphics, but such expedients have only been of temporary help. Only the contemporaries could understand the meaning of such conventional accessories. In the course of ages they were obliterated, and new fallacies were built up. With difficulty does humanity retain informations for a single millennium. What, then, is to be said about periods of tens of thousands of years wherein languages themselves have been completely altered many times over! Isolated objects reaching down to our time cannot fully define the epochs which created them. Thus, it is needful to apply special circumspection to ancient epochs, which for us are only confused visions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 407:
407. And yet, how to deal with unbelievers who try everywhere to cause cleavages? There are very many of them, and owing to their ignorance they are very clamorous and meddlesome. One should muster a few scientific arguments against them. They cannot brook having the extreme irrelevancy of their opinions pointed out to them. Fortunately, science in different domains helps to illumine the paths of evolution. Of course, the ignorant will insist upon long outworn concepts. They do not like it when they are asked for proofs. Their attempts to screen themselves with scientific terms merely prove their narrowness of conception. Sometimes it is useful to come in touch with stagnation in order to perceive the entire extent of the obstacles to freedom of evolution. One need not be distressed at the existence of such branded consciousnesses. Each word which serves as a challenge to them will be a useful sowing. Let them even become abusive, nevertheless an agitation of matter will result.

Brotherhood (1937) - 521:
521. It is significant that physical exertion sometimes creates a particular clarity of thought. The same thing occurs through reaction to cold or heat. Does this not signify that thought is energy? The affirmation of thought, as well as the measurement of energy will yield many new discoveries. Many particular manifestations are concomitant with the unification of thought. You have read about manifestations which were magnified owing to the quantity of people present. It can hardly be claimed that all those present were thinking in unison. This means that the energy of thought acted as such. The current of energy assisted the participation of the forces of the Subtle World. At each gathering of people one may notice a special condensation of helpers from the Subtle World. Let us hope that the thoughts of people will attract good helpers. In its unified thinking Brotherhood creates a powerful current of Good.

Brotherhood (1937) - 535:
535. Doubtless, many will disparage an indication about the continuous evolutionary process of all that exists. Yet even from the point of view of all scientists this process of perfectment is undeniable. Only the ignorant can attempt to hold everything back in a motionless state. They will act thus owing to their ignorance of the past and from inability to think about the future. Thousands of hypotheses may be advanced, but let them be in motion, about motion, and because of motion.

Brotherhood (1937) - 558:
558. Verily, one should not wonder when psychic energy involuntarily wends its way to remote distances, owing to urgent need. One should recognize such a state as unavoidable and help one's energy to strive in accordance with its magnetic attraction; let it labor usefully.

Brotherhood (1937) - 566:
566. There are many causes of madness. Let us not exculpate ourselves merely by obsession, let us ponder on all the ugliness of excesses. Also, let us not forget that, owing to a desire to escape karma, breakdowns of consciousness may occur. Man, feeling the unavoidability of something, strains his will to such an extent that a darkening of consciousness takes place. Moreover, brain sicknesses can also occur. The reduction of insanity depends upon physicians. And too, the idea of cooperation will constitute a salutary aid.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 211:
211. Urusvati knows how difficult it is to achieve harmony of consciousness. We do not speak here about the leveling of all consciousnesses, because, owing to cosmic multiformity, equality does not exist. Because nothing is repeated, the harmony of all parts is essential. It is difficult to imagine what complicated methods would have to be applied to try to equalize consciousnesses. One person may already be approaching the summit, while another has not even reached the foot of the mountain! Truly, in their thinking they have nothing in common. If you give them equal knowledge, for one it will be insufficient, and for the other too much, confusing him and even causing him to betray.


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