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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > OU > OUTSTRETCHED (3)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 421:
Often the hand is outstretched, But the blind try to reject it. Therefore, to suppress the conception of children is worse than murder. It is not right to pile up an accumulation of personal desires. Before the coming of the guest it is better to ventilate the house, and in quiet, repeating a prayer, to direct one's eyes to beauty.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 390:
390. Verily, the builders of life create incessantly, in cooperation with the Cosmic Magnet. These builders subsist by the creative impulse. These builders strain their fires to nurture humanity. By their sparks these builders expand the consciousnesses. Verily, these builders aid the consciousness to encompass the cosmic laws. They battle under Our Shield. But where are those who are protected by Our Shield? From Our Towers threads are spread; from Our towers hands are outstretched and rays are flowing. But people prefer to tread the path of life in loneliness. Like naked branches in the wind, they sway aimlessly, preferring the darkness of self-punishment to the dawn of the Infinite.

Hierarchy (1931) - 19:
19. Upon this planet exists a manifestation closely approaching the constructiveness on the far-off worlds. For millenniums We have been cultivating this manifestation. And thus are We Brothers of Humanity striving to Our powers of Hierarchy. By the same Magnet We are striving to the very Power which exalts Our creativeness. Wondrous is the predestination of Our existence! Upholding the Chalice of manifestations, one can be manifested as a power; both hands are outstretched to the Chalice.


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