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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > OU > OUTBURST (6)

New Era Community (1926) - 256:
256. Roaring must be listened to without shuddering. It is necessary to understand where the source of the roaring is. The ear must distinguish the roar of the tiger from a cry of victory. It is necessary to appraise the outburst of cries by the intensified human consciousness, so as to pass over this noisy stream. The cost of the path amid hostile cries is much higher than that of the path of solitude.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 121:
The Teacher can point out the most necessary channel of action. The Teacher can protect to a certain degree, but the shadow-dance of the past will continue its round. One should concentrate one's thought on finding the right attitude toward these demons. When you see a doorkeeper you do not concern yourself greatly about his mentality. Also, when you meet a condemned criminal you do not discuss cosmogony with him. While on Earth, one must often polish one's treasures, and on this path many demons are encountered. We can recall many encounters with frightful entities during Our past lives. The elements are closely involved in one's earthly attainment. The elements stand guard on both sides. The battle of fire with earth will have its resultant phenomena, and untimely manifestations should be expected. Earth is the guardian of old ways of thinking, but fire is the rebellious outburst of evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 139:
The human word is ineffectual in expressing the nature of Brahmavidya. One may partially penetrate it with the spiritual sight by facing the outburst of rays with closed eyes. The growth of the fire of Brahmavidya will later permit perception with open eyes of those components of the rays that are imperceptible to any physical apparatus. This possibility is already akin to the domain of communion with the far-off worlds. It flashes up as unexpectedly as each illumination of consciousness. It does not respond to forced development, but comes when sufficient sensitivity of the organism has been developed. The Teacher does not force this possibility, but He rejoices when the sight is carried from darkness to light.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 424:
Truly, when one learns to discern the emanations of feeling in others, one will perceive that precisely love above all attracts the Fire of Space. He who said, "Love one another," was a true Yogi. Therefore We welcome each outburst of love and self-sacrifice. Just as a lever sets the wheels in motion, so does love inspire powerful responses. Compared with the radiance of love, hatred is only a hideous blot. For love is the true reality and treasure.

Heart (1932) - 182:
182. The red-golden light that fills the inner substance indicates the armor of the heart. As the outer rims of the aura from purple become ruby, so the silvery Lotus of the heart flashes with an outburst of red-gold when the spirit clothes itself in the ultimate armor. Thus is attained the inner condition that permits participation in the hardest battles without harm or danger of severe wounding of the subtle body. The consequence of such an armor of the heart was already evident when the warrioress confronted the dark forces and despite their preponderant numbers made them tremble, and they were left with their threats. Yet an impotent threat of the enemy is already a victory. But, of course, the red-golden light is not reached easily and demands a lengthy achievement.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 359:
359. Verily, Hiero-inspiration says - the somnolence of a conqueror is an aspect of most frightful destruction. To resound in rhythm and not to affirm it will be a violation of the law. Victory must bring a harmonious, lawful structure. Victory is not an outburst but construction in all lawfulness. Observe the equilibrium bestowed by true victory. Danger is the friend of victory. If you do not understand it today, you will not apprehend it tomorrow. The fiery heart is reinforced by dangers. Thus let us understand the victory of good in all its magnitude.


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