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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > OP > OPINIONS (17)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 424:
Thus, do not impose the Teaching. Each word falls on appropriate ground. The destined word will be received. Likewise, do not reject nor deny. Each opinion is already a manifest action. What is the sense of denying a fire that is already ablaze? Yet cover the fire and its force will disappear. Likewise, nothing is gained by contradicting opinions; But cover the negative judgment with Our Teaching, And the entire city of the enemy will be covered by the vault of Our Brotherhood, for this dome accommodates all.

New Era Community (1926) - 234:
234. The world has been split into two parts. Knowing the imperfection of half the manifestations of the new, foreseeing the cunning tricks of the old, We always remain in a world which is imperfect and new. We know all, We appraise all. You have a personal influence, people come to you with the question, "How to think?" Reply briefly, "With the New World; cast out all limited opinions." Reflect how it is possible to depart from old habits. Exert yourselves to accept the full chalice.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 261:
Only a great consciousness can discern inner motives. Only a great consciousness can ignore the intrusiveness of external opinions.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 378:
When a man sees and feels a fire, self-igniting and unconsuming, he decides it is electricity. When he hears the vibration of a string in the air, or the ringing of a bell where none exists, he thinks vaguely about sound waves. When he sees colored stars near him, of course, he rushes to an oculist. When he sees formations in space, he thinks of meteoric dust. When he receives objects from space, he only suspects his neighbor - his imagination can work no further. Almost never does he pay attention to manifestations within his own organism. Yet it is from just these small observations that a great experience is built. Opinions must not be imposed by command, but should pass through one's own channels of psychic energy. Let us watch closely.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 248:
248. Reading without the heart's functioning, even memorizing, helps but little. One can even compile a table showing how much the participation of the heart evokes true understanding. Let this not be understood as an abstraction. By its quality the pulse indicates how much heart participation assists the manifestation of perception. Such a concept draws one near to the Fiery World. It is tedious to listen to babblings which lack the heart quality, particularly since the number of printed books is reaching frightening proportions. Rarely has the quantity been so at variance with the quality! In this is also revealed a sign of heartlessness. We encourage each burning of the spirit. The flaming heart is a torch of the Fiery World. One should become accustomed to delving into the meaning of what has been said; and for this, translations into different languages are useful. Thereby is developed a precision of understanding. The Teacher must always rotate a concept so that it contacts the consciousness of the disciple in its full scope. Though urgent, it is impossible to accept many concepts at the first reading. One must return to them, as has been said, under all the shades of color of morning and evening. Even the night will bring a ray of understanding. You yourselves have seen how strangely people form opinions about what they have read. When they hear about the Messiah, they merely think - isn't he a demon? When they read about the heart, they are afraid - isn't it sorcery? This means that demons and sorcery are very familiar to them. The man who is pure in heart will not think first of all about darkness.

AUM (1936) - 265:
265. Knowledge will always be positive and affirmative. There is no time to concern oneself with denials and forbiddances. Unbelief and error are results of ignorance. Knowledge searches, investigates and affirms. When it encounters oppositions, it first of all puts the question, "Is this not something merely illusory? Has not the spectre of contradiction appeared?" Knowledge cannot parry with a spectre, therefore, knowledge first of all investigates amiably the apparent contradictions. Knowledge does not permit dissensions before the face of the Higher World. An exchange of opinions is not a quarrel.

AUM (1936) - 398:
398. There are people ignorant enough to deny the utility of the higher energies. They attain such a degree of blasphemy that they affirm recognition of energy to be an insidious evil. Certainly you will encounter absurd opinions about the evil origin of science. Even nowadays there are ignoramuses who rebel against the good of mankind. But pay no attention to these voices of darkness - they will always exist. Blasphemy, mockery, and slander are the sole weapons of darkness. Yet you already observe the beautiful energy, and no slander will distress you.

AUM (1936) - 551:
Deep study of the various epochs of cognition of psychic energy shows the most contradictory opinions. Do not go astray in such labyrinths of human thinking! These manifested errors resulted merely from insufficient scientific experiments. No tales about psychic energy are needed, but humanity will receive a forward impulse from strict experiments verified at different ends of the world. For such authentic verification unity is needed.

AUM (1936) - 573:
573. It is shocking to see the relativeness of people's judgments. Take as an example the definitions of the state of one who has passed into the Subtle World. Of the same person it will be said: he perished, he is annihilated, he suffers, he sleeps, he is resting, he is learning, he ascends, he rejoices - thus each one judges the Subtle World according to his own understanding. But inasmuch as no one has told people about the Subtle World, they have begun to form opinions in accordance with their own imagination; however the imagination is often uncultivated. In this way, the closest sphere still remain within the limits of a phantom world.

Brotherhood (1937) - 301:
301. In view of the expanding growth of the domains of labor, quality has become especially essential. Cooperation of different fields requires an identical lofty quality - this refers both to mental and to physical work. In the province of mental labor a divergence of strivings is noticeable. Opinions may be diverse, but their quality ought not to be ugly. There can be great knowledge and small knowledge, but both can fraternally follow along in perceptive striving. This will not be murdering knowledge. Indeed, such killing is equivalent to taking away life. So many embryos of attainments can be strangled by killers of knowledge.

Brotherhood (1937) - 407:
407. And yet, how to deal with unbelievers who try everywhere to cause cleavages? There are very many of them, and owing to their ignorance they are very clamorous and meddlesome. One should muster a few scientific arguments against them. They cannot brook having the extreme irrelevancy of their opinions pointed out to them. Fortunately, science in different domains helps to illumine the paths of evolution. Of course, the ignorant will insist upon long outworn concepts. They do not like it when they are asked for proofs. Their attempts to screen themselves with scientific terms merely prove their narrowness of conception. Sometimes it is useful to come in touch with stagnation in order to perceive the entire extent of the obstacles to freedom of evolution. One need not be distressed at the existence of such branded consciousnesses. Each word which serves as a challenge to them will be a useful sowing. Let them even become abusive, nevertheless an agitation of matter will result.

Brotherhood (1937) - 476:
476. Not only are opinions and ideas about it not admitted but people even consider it harmful for the health to think about the primary energy. Even such absurd arguments exist. Such objectors do not admit that thoughts can be other than harmful for the health, implying that everything concerning thought can be but harmful. I affirm that thought is the natural principle of life. Nothing around this principle can be injurious; thoughtlessness is far more frightful.

Brotherhood (1937) - 547:
547. You are becoming clearly convinced of the preconceived opinions formed by people who presume to be scholars. It is deplorable when a disciplined thought chooses a prejudicial path. It is dishonest to read a book with a premeditated condemnation. If such a reader has not yet experienced personally many indicative manifestations, the more cautious should he be in his judgments.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 193:
193. Urusvati knows how deplorable is the rubbish-heap of hurt feelings. The Thinker told His disciples, "Be not offended by the malicious and ignorant who oppose your righteous path. Hurt feelings will only weaken your forces, devouring the will and crushing life. When you resist evil, do so not out of offense, but for the reestablishment of good. You cannot be hurt by the opinions of the ignorant. Be sorry for their ignorance, but do not accept them as fellow seekers or their judgments as the truth. It is wise not to answer them at all. Schools should teach that he who follows the right path is immunized against such offenses, and that only the unwise poison themselves by allowing their feelings to be hurt."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 307:
He who wants to improve himself must know how to overcome his moods. If people were always aware of this task, they would avoid many errors. They would refrain from uttering unjust opinions and would realize that their inner feelings must also be just. Do not think that this is a superhuman task. On the contrary, it is a task of everyday life. For cooperation with Us, one must learn to see with the eyes of the heart.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 351:
I mention this episode to remind you about the caution that must be exercised in dealing with the filling of space. Even in earthly life people seek the opinions of experts in order to learn the meaning of events. It is the same when certain entities try to intercept Our communications in order to use the information for their own purposes.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 432:
We are greatly saddened when Our advice has been rejected or its application delayed. However, even Our material help is not always accepted. The usual excuse is that Our methods are too unfamiliar. But people cannot see that the conditions of Our help may be quite beyond their earthly understanding and judgment, and their unwillingness to accept it is due to a lack of imagination. They cling fast to the only way they see out of a difficulty, and unfamiliar suggestions are unacceptable to them. That is why it is so helpful to listen to the traditions of different peoples. Only by comparing the most varied opinions can one imagine the diversity of existing conditions. One should learn to listen to the slightest appeals. The heart will tell when they are true.


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