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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > OP > OPENING (39)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.19:
And the Teacher not only nodded but bowed to the ground, and, opening his garment at the breast, revealed upon his bosom the image of the Blessed One bestowing with both hands.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.15:
The ancients knew that the "treasures" are unrepeatable, and took measures against accidents. During the opening of the treasures the Elder of the Temple observed which of a gamut of sounds had the greatest effect. Each sound was accompanied by a definite color - thus were the conditions for each case determined.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.6:
One should point out that millions of people await the opening of the Gates. The shackles of hardships should not be replaced by the fetters of fear. Fear can be compared to leprosy; both cover the man with a rime of repulsiveness.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.7:
Prophetic ecstasy avoids exactness of time and place, but the knowledge of the spirit foresees the quality of an event. And the way of this straight-knowledge comes into bloom without visible signs, but is based upon the opening of the nerve centers.

New Era Community (1926) - 57:
It is better if an abscess be cut open, and it should be possible afterward to close the opening. But first it is needful to draw out the pus; therefore, We do not take half-way measures. We expect broad actions, and at the time of a tocsin it is impossible to think about a piece of yarn.

New Era Community (1926) - 124:
124. It is asked how to approach the Teaching. Indeed, for this it is necessary to regenerate the consciousness, and the consciousness is reborn after having the Teaching. At the start it is necessary to discover and cleanse the consciousness. Opening of the consciousness is accomplished instantly - by one stroke of the will. Have the desire to open up your consciousness!

New Era Community (1926) - 139:
139. One should expel all words of negation. He who denies is poor; he who affirms is rich. He who denies is immobile; he who affirms is propelled. He who denies is constantly wrong; he who affirms is always right. He who affirms can be relatively right in place and time; he who denies is absolute in deadliness. Ignorance is the mother of negation. Expelling negation, the Teaching enslaves no one. The denier is already a slaveholder, for he does not wish to let his interlocutor go free from his circle. The Teaching of the Community must be active in the opening of all paths.

New Era Community (1926) - 259:
259. One may inquire how to name the method of the Teaching. It may be called the method of opening of the ways. Consider next the opening of the centers. Inner feeling must be prompt as to how carefully one should safeguard the individuality. Least suitable of all is the system of the usual lectures.

New Era Community (1926) - 259:
Opening the right door will give the right direction.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 465:
465. Urusvati experienced the opening of the third eye. It is not easy to attain the ability to perceive the radiance of psychic energy. We make use of the tension in the atmosphere to help make manifest the development of the consciousness. That which exists in the depths of the consciousness must be called forth. There is no step of spiritual growth that is easy. One should not force progress in the mastery of psychic energy. The circle of the third eye is difficult. Its union with the Fire of Space takes place near those glands that are filled with the conduits from the centers.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 581:
581. Usually people think that these days are absurd with complexity; but if, without prejudice, we compare these times with others, we shall see that during the last ten years much has been simplified, opening the way to evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 610:
610. Many think about worldwide peace. But if you dare to utter these words, you will be subjected to the most rude and hypocritical attacks. People are even afraid of peace, for their consciousness cannot accommodate this benevolence. But those who have broadened their consciousness, on the other hand, must untiringly speak about the opening of the gates of peace.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 19:
19. Why do people accept the images of Maya to such a great extent? Life is filled with these phantoms and deceptive manifestations. This satiety fills existence with unnecessary images. The spirit cognizant of Eternity is impelled to the great Origin, and in him is contained the seed of the understanding of Cosmos. That spirit which is receptive only to the customary is directed to the petty reality of Maya. He is attracted only by the manifestations of the ordinary life. The absence of containment does not aid him in opening the book of life.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 31:
31. The utilization of all manifestations of the primary formulae of the Lotus of Cosmos should guide humanity in its evolutionary development. When the spirit will make use of the manifestation of Spatial Fire, and when the breath of Truth will touch the Source of Life, then will it be possible to vouch for the shifting of consciousness. The top, revolving around its own axis, symbolizes the destiny of the man who has dissociated himself from the eternal motion. He who carries the Lotus, who is open to meet the Cosmos, and who displays the best differentiation of the lights of the centers, typifies the builder of life, co-measuring his constriction of the centers with their opening. Let us find a correct definition of the vital principle. The open Lotus embraces everything; the differentiated lights of its flaming petals rotate to cover all directions. When the sacred Fire, representing the spirit, is in touch with the All-existing, then the cosmic ring and the wheel of life move in conjunction.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 105:
105. Correct is your judgment about the forcible opening of the centers. We guard assiduously the predestined treasure. When the magnet of the spirit absorbs all fires into the Chalice, then We affirm the Arhat. The treasure of the Chalice consists of woven threads of pure fire. The Arhat, bearer of the fire of the Lotus, manifests spirit-realization, spirit-knowledge and spirit-manifestation. Thus close is the contemplation of the worlds to the spirit who has filled the Chalice of Amrita.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 241:
241. Indeed, in the activity of the Agni Yogi, the result inrooted in each action is affirmed most fierily when the fire begins to radiate his own color. With especial intensity glows the synthesized force. The energy of the Agni Yogi is directed into varied channels of creativeness as a transmuting force, as an integrating force, as a piercing force opening the path where all locks are bolted. Thus is the creativeness of the Tara affirmed.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 300:
300. The centers are strained into opening under the creativeness of the solar rays. In this stage of the experiment the solar plexus corresponds in rotation with the sun; therefore, each rotation of the solar plexus establishes a link with the Cosmic Magnet. This is one of the important confirmations of the experiment of Agni Yogi; therefore, it is most essential to protect the solar plexus from tension after sunset.

Hierarchy (1931) - 354:
354. Some people cannot tolerate Our frequent reminders about battle. For them let it be not a battle, but the opening of the Gates. The process of opening also requires energy; but for you, without need of hypocritical palliation, it may be said that the battle of Light against darkness proceeds incessantly. Many warriors help in this battle, otherwise we again would be engulfed in Chaos. Often the participants in the battle ask why, in their physical shells, they do not remember the achievements of their subtle bodies. But it would be criminal on Our part to permit such consciousness. The heart could not bear the realization of so gigantic a battle. Only an especially flaming heart retains the black missiles in its consciousness. The heart is stopped, either because of realization or through sclerosis. But the cosmic battle can strike at the strongest heart.

Heart (1932) - 43:
43. Magic is like a massage. A massage artificially limits and restores the forms of the body and circulation of the blood. Magic also artificially connects and restores the communion with the Invisible World. Massage is not necessary for a normal organism. Magic is not necessary for a developed spirit. Massage is concerned with unhealthy organs. Magic propounds the teaching of conditions, of palliatives, without opening the simplest approach to the Higher World. When beginning massage, it is necessary to increase it, otherwise the tissue will be threatened with abnormal growth and destruction. Turning to magic, it is necessary to increase its conquest, otherwise the elements will begin to press the retreating one. Thus, comparing the bodily and spiritual worlds, we see the same vital laws. The same laws indicate how much closer to a developed consciousness are the simplest paths. During moderation the stomach will not grow. The heart will not become silent during the refinement of the spirit.

Heart (1932) - 212:
212. Patience is the gift of heaven - thus spoke the ancients. Why should patience belong to heaven when in reality it should belong exclusively to the Heart? Yet how shall we exert patience without knowing the Higher World? Only when the silver thread shall be drawn from the heart to the Higher World, will the understanding of patience come. We revere that quality; it is close to tolerance and containment, in other words, to the opening of the Gates. If something is not close to us, but it opens the heart of a neighbor, would we not tolerate it only to kindle someone's heart? Would we prefer to satisfy our own pleasure and embitter the heart of a neighbor? Moreover, would it not be a beautiful test to keenly observe exactly what will open the heart to Good? In the diversity of achievements one cannot fail to acknowledge the general harmony of the spheres. Though it be expressed only in one tone, yet each correct note sounds like a cosmic consonance and must be accepted with care. Therefore people rebel so greatly in heart if this note is rejected. The trial by patience is one of the highest tests.

Heart (1932) - 345:
345. The opening of the heart is also significant because it distinguishes cosmic periods. Hence, without the heart, dim presentiments will never become formulated events. Thus, without the participation of the heart, distant events cannot be sensed. For instance, just now the annihilation of complete structures of the Subtle World must greatly reflect upon the heart. These annihilations are not without their use, because accumulations should not obstruct perfectment. One should not be astonished that subtle forms can also be destroyed in order to be replaced by succeeding ones. But the application of fire is needed for such shocks; such a fiery oblution establishes a new step, but in the physical world it is exceedingly difficult. One should gradually broaden this concept, otherwise even experienced warriors may become confused. But let us be aware of the unprecedented tension. Let us be sensitive to each other. Not casually do We give warning of the unique time.

Heart (1932) - 350:
350. Parallel with pressure one can feel apparent void. This sensation should be observed very carefully. Often this is a certain defensive area which guards the heart from destructive blows, a type of defensive armor. One should be aware of this condition. Some regard this sensation as a severing and are unnecessarily distressed; others regard this sensation as the cessation of danger and abandon their vigilance. Either one impedes the flow of energy. But the already experienced warrior values this shield which so greatly guards his strength. You already know that the blows upon the aura are especially painful for the eyes and ears, but there may be some sensations of a cut or pierced wound. These sensations are especially painful upon the shoulders, the neck, and the lower abdomen. Thus, these sensations may also be felt at the opening of the wounds - stigmata; then the energy of the heart draws a condensed fohatic particle toward this definite spot and injures the cellular tissue of the skin texture. Thus the fusion of the heart with the energy of Bliss offers the strongest combination.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 174:
174. That transitional state which links us with Hierarchy is called the "spark of wisdom." This is not emptiness, nor apathy, nor coercion, but a completely conscious opening of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 226:
226. During the transmission of thoughts, the difficulty arises not so much from the sender, but in the reception. The sending takes place through tension of the heart and will, hence it depends entirely upon the sender himself. But the recipient is usually in other conditions. Not only may he be mentally overburdened but his thought and consciousness may be absent. Moreover, the most unexpected currents can intersect space and thus distort some portion of the sendings. In order to even partially avoid this impediment, We teach alertness and vigilance. When the consciousness becomes used to these conditions, the receiver remains tensed and open. This method of continuous vigil is not Ours alone, it was already employed in remote antiquity. Each initiation into the Mysteries contained the question, "Is thy ear open?" Such opening signified primarily the ability to maintain keen vigilance. The condition of intersecting currents was avoided by striving toward the Hierarch, with whom a contact was established. True, harmful attempts can be made with intent to break off or to fasten upon the currents. Besides the already indicated aerial conduits, it is possible to avoid eavesdropping by means of mutual striving - this is like galvanizing the conduit. Thus, it is possible by degrees to achieve many useful things. Moreover, let us not forget that these achievements are ineradicable.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 372:
372. The epidemic of tetanus belongs to the fiery illnesses. It can be asserted that such an epidemic can spread as widely as cancer. The condition may be alleviated by mountain air, but the chief requirement will be the assimilation of the fiery energy. Any shock can cause either cancer or tetanus; this indicates that the organism may be fundamentally unbalanced, so that even the slightest shock induces disease by opening all entrances. He who spoke of the treasure of consciousness was a great physician. One should urgently introduce fiery prophylaxis. Today you have heard of cancer, tomorrow perhaps of tetanus, the day after, cramps of the larynx, then bubonic plague, after that a new brain disease; thus a veritable chorus of terrors will thunder out, while people ponder about the cause. Of course, they would rather ascribe it to gasoline than to the action of Fire, which is neither understood nor accepted by them.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 407:
407. The Arhat possesses the ability to prevent his feelings from becoming blunted. This rare ability is acquired by Him only through fiery tension. This may be termed an adamant asceticism. It attracts the hearts of the people. He about whom you recently read knew these intense poignancies of feeling. Everyone who approached Him felt his unfailing freshness of heart. This continuous acuteness is attained not by a special technique, but by a simple opening of the heart. He never pitied himself, and this trait was not an intellectual one, but had become his second nature. Yet, because of the deadening influence of daily routine, how many priests have lost that which they had accumulated! Daily routine is the great testing stone. It opens the Gates of Eternity and affirms Fire.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 659:
659. Samadhi is only a partial fiery state. It is difficult on Earth to understand the potentiality of the fiery existence, when even Samadhi does not correspond to it entirely. If Samadhi even endangers life, then what tension of energy must be required for the assimilation of Fire! But the transmutation of consciousness creates such an intensely ecstatic state that the action of fiery tension merely corresponds to the power of the new being. Somnambulism sets up this fiery resistance even on Earth. In a certain state the somnambulist acquires a phosphorescence that completely safeguards him from burning, even in a strong fire; such cases are well known both in the East and in the West. But of course somnambulism is a transmutation of consciousness, which kindles, as it were, the entire nerve substance, and thus the fire is absorbed by the fire of the aura. Hence it gives some idea of the transformation of the fiery body. One can recall instances from the most ordinary lives when mothers saved their children and in so doing have withstood the most furious assaults of the elements. A certain substance transformed their strength. Not without reason is it said that metaphysics does not exist - only physics. Also, physics teaches that success is created in joy. But, what can establish the undaunted joy of the spirit if not the realization of the Fiery World? One must cultivate this realization like a precious flower. The Silvery Lotus glows as a sign of the opening of the gates of the future.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 63:
63. Every unification can take place only on a cooperative basis. To admit but an element of conquest, suppression and humiliation, means that sooner or later these horrible shadows will turn into destructive monsters. Therefore no act of violence can enter into the construction of the Stronghold. One may find the power of joy in cooperation, but such cooperation requires the art of thinking. Who will distribute the forces for productive labor? Only he who is able to visualize a useful cooperation. He must know how to imagine such labor in common, but, as you know, imagination must be cultivated. The task of every school is the opening of a well-founded imagination.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 86:
86. Fiery Baptism impels the spirit into the spheres which conform to the spirit's requirements. The passing of a man through a fiery transmutation gives him all possibilities for attaining the higher spheres. There where all is intensified by a fiery element, one must be saturated for the assimilation of the higher fire. Thus, one should solemnly accept all steps of the Fiery Baptism. Each step will reveal an opening of the new, supermundane sphere. The Karma of a people may also lead it through a fiery transmutation, manifesting its destined advance. All who follow the Lords are strained in this great Passage. Of course, when the hour of the earthly and supermundane battle draw near, the Forces of both sides will become joined in flaming tension. The earthly energies and those of beyond are sparks of the One Fire. Thus, each action directed toward Good finds its fiery application in the Subtle World. It is often possible to explain the equilibrium precisely as a unification of the two Worlds. Amidst earthly destructions one may accept the power of the Subtle World as an anchor of salvation sent by the Hierarchy of Good. Let us manifest the understanding of the Fiery Baptism on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 308:
308. Fiery energies, being drawn into tension by some center, can often cause enhanced actions of the energies of this center. Partial action of energies gives a center the power to manifest partially. These tensions lead to those partial manifestations which bring into error consciousnesses of small discrimination. With reason has Ur. pointed out those manifestations, evoked by the tension of one center, which lead to psychism. Truly, each opening, saturation or irritation of the centers gives a sharp direction to the fiery energy; but only conformity between the state of the organism and the spiritual awakening produces, as an inevitable effect, the opening of the centers in highest tension. A partial pressure will produce a partial attainment which may prove to be a very dangerous manifestation. On the path to the Fiery World let us strive to realize the higher tension of fiery energy.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 457:
457. Betrayal is first of all a violation of Hierarchy. It is inadmissible, as it means opening the gates to darkness. When betrayal is mentioned in each book, it means that this monstrous thing must be apprehended from all sides. It can reveal itself during the Call and Illumination, and on the New Path, and amid Fire and Infinity; it can strike at Hierarchy, and injure the Heart, and even contend with the Fiery World. The viper of betrayal can creep into all paths, and everywhere can be put to rout.

AUM (1936) - 267:
267. Each prayer is a beginning and not a conclusion. Ordinarily prayer is understood as something final, whereas there can be no communion with the Higher World without consequences. Each slight opening of the sacred Gates already renews the chords of the consciousness. This renewal does not bespeak the past but is directed into the future. Thus, prayer is the gateway to the future. This creative force should be kept in mind. It is inadmissible to limit oneself to the gesture of outward prayer; such hypocrisy is the most dangerous blasphemy. Yet it is impossible to affirm the power of communion with the Higher World so long as the basic energy remains unrealized. Therefore, knowledge of the Subtle World helps to construct the step to the Higher World. The Subtle World has already become almost a laboratory concept. Though the names be diverse, the goal of the quest is one. Let us not disturb the scholars who draw close to the Great Unknown. We are indifferent as to how they name the sparks of the One Light. In approaching, they will suspect that there are a great number of subdivisions. They will be right from their point of view, because psychic energy reveals its face according to the quality of energy of the investigator.

Brotherhood (1937) - 77:
77. Courage is increased by proper development of psychic energy. Proper development must be understood as natural growth. Let each one augment his store of courage; it is like opening a window.

Brotherhood (1937) - 292:
292. Treatment by means of music is already being applied, but the effects are not always perceptible. The reason is that it is not customary to develop perception of music. From childhood one should be accustomed to assimilating the beauty of sound. Musical faculties are in need of education. It is true that in each man has been implanted an inclination for sound but without cultivation it remains asleep. Man ought to hear beautiful music and song. Sometimes a single harmony will awaken forever a sense of the beautiful. Yet great is ignorance when the best panaceas are forgotten in the family. Especially , when the world is quaking from hatred, it is indispensable to make haste in opening the ears of the young generation. Without realization of the significance of music it is also impossible to understand the sounding of nature; and, of course, it is impossible to think about the music of the spheres - only noise will be accessible to the spirit of the ignorant. The song of waterfall or river or ocean will be only a roar; the wind will not bring melody and will not resound in the trees as a solemn hymn. The best harmonies vanish for the unopened ear. Can people accomplish their ascent without song? Can Brotherhood stand without song?

Brotherhood (1937) - 306:
306. There are different kinds of expectation: there is revealing expectancy, and there is also obstructive expectancy. In the first the heart awaits, but in the second the I-self awaits. A thought, even the loftiest, flies with difficulty through a wall of egoism. It droops at the sharpened stakes of egoism. Jagged is egoism, broken up with envy and savage malice. Such an encounter cannot admit a beautiful thought. Much takes place perceptibly in the process of receiving a thought. There occurs an instant of calm before the arrival of the higher Messenger. But can puffed-up egoism sense this most blissful moment? The heart alone knows how to be filled with expectation. Only the heart does not cry out, I am waiting! Very much egoism sounds in such an I . But to await with the heart, this means to already have a premonition. There is much joy in such a feeling. The ancients called it the guide. I affirm that a premonition is already the opening of the gates. The heart is a cordial hostess; it foresees how to meet the guest from afar. It is needful to exert one's best feelings in encountering thought.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 172:
172. Urusvati understands the receptivity of children. Particularly during early childhood, and up to the age of seven, recollections of the Subtle World can be awakened. Children sense that they have experienced some kind of unusual life, and it can be helpful to ask them to recall any memory they may have that is of an extraordinary nature. Such prompting is called "the opening of the memory," and even if the memories should diminish with the passing years, some sparks of an earlier beautiful existence will always be felt.


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