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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > OC > OCCURRED (24)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.5:
2.5.5. The Star of Allahabad pointed out the way. And so We visited Sarnath and Gaya. Everywhere We found the desecration of religion. On the way back, under the full moon, occurred the memorable saying of Christ.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.8:
Then the first customer returned and, looking at the parchment, said, "Where is the parchment I gave you?" On hearing what had occurred, he said, "The parchment for the prayers bore the blessing of fulfillment, whereas the parchment of threats was devoid of effectiveness. Unfaithful man, in violating the law of dates you have bereft of its power a prayer which could have aided the sick. But besides this you have brought into fulfillment threats which are full of unparalleled consequences. The labor of the Arhat in blessing my parchment is wasted. Wasted is the labor of the Arhat who stripped evil of its power. You have loosed upon the world a malicious curse which will inevitably react upon you yourself. You have pushed from the path the Wheel of the Law so that it will not lead you onward but will break your way."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 254:
Under circumstances that admit of no delay, the separated energy acts. Of course, any new structure attracts the consciousnesses most akin to it. The dispatches are sped as help, bringing courage, alertness, and resourcefulness. And often neither the one who receives nor the one who has sent suspects what has occurred. The divisibility of the spirit makes possible the dispatch of energy. The energy acts through the accomplished transmission, and the one who has sent it becomes inactive, as though fatigued and resting. How many such sendings are speeding through space! Will not some of them lay the foundations of new worlds?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 392:
392. Mastering one's inner fires is an effort fraught with danger. It is not easy to awaken one's inner fires; but, even after one has accomplished this, it is even more difficult to gain mastery of the multifaceted, all-pervading fiery element. One who has realized the fires becomes responsive, resonating to the call of the flame. The earthquake that occurred yesterday provided an example of this. The heart of Sister Urusvati suffered a dangerous tremor, for earthquakes are a result of Fire. Precisely, the entire being is shaken by its encounter with fires of a quality different from one's own. But so important is the realization of Fire as a step in evolution, that I advise you to be especially careful when striving to master this element. This mastery is necessary, however, for the experience of cosmic communication.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 39:
39. When the differentiation of the elements occurred, the cosmic force did not disunite itself. The manifestation of heterogeneous cosmic fires is but one rotation on the wheel of Fohat. Fohat is in everything, and various manifestations carry its expression. Urusvati knows the myriads of sparks of Fohat when the sparks of Materia Matrix fill the space. Each spark is the essence of Be-ness. Each particle is the essence of various forms. Each atom breathes through Fohat. Fohat and its sparks are one; likewise one is the Universe in all its forms.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 162:
The migrations of peoples occurred in accordance with the action of the Cosmic Magnet, and at present all shiftings proceed in accordance with the same law. The great law has so many active magnets! And there, where the needle turns to indicate the direction, the striving spirit directs itself. It is precisely the perpetual motion and the shifting which determine the active magnetic force. One can determine exactly in what direction and for what purpose the shiftings occurred. The currents which determine the direction correlate with the destined future. The currents which determine the shifting itself are in conformity with present conditions.

Hierarchy (1931) - 94:
94. As he embarked upon a ship, a purse of gold was stolen from a traveler. Everyone became excited, but the loser smiled and repeatedly said, "Who knows?" A storm occurred, and the ship was wrecked. And only our traveler was cast ashore. When the islanders called his salvation a miracle, he smiled again, saying, "It is simply that I paid more than the others for my passage."

Hierarchy (1931) - 145:
145. Unfortunately, the present time fully corresponds to the last period of Atlantis. The very same pseudo-prophets and a pseudo-savior; the same wars, the same treasons and spiritual barbarism. We take pride in the crumbs of civilization; the Atlanteans likewise knew how to fly across the planet in order to speedily cheat each other. The temples likewise became defiled, and science became a subject of speculation and dissension. The same occurred in construction, as if they did not dare to build solidly! Likewise, they rebelled against Hierarchy and were stifled with their own egoism. Likewise, they disturbed the equilibrium of the subterranean forces, and by mutual efforts a cataclysm was created.

Hierarchy (1931) - 355:
355. The life-activity is intensified by different vibrations of the subtle energies. Thus the essence of life-activity and that upon which the life of each spirit is based are so inadequately realized. People think that the life process is contained only in the tissues, forgetting that the creativeness of Cosmos is intensified by the subtle energies and by that invisible process which permits perpetual interchange and contact with the Spatial Fire. The maintenance of psychic energy is based upon the spiritual process. Verily, humanity must realize where is the source of life-activity and in what is contained the interchange for the growth of the forces. The moment humanity severed itself from the Source of Power, the shifting of the forces occurred; thus it is in the entire cosmic constructiveness.

Hierarchy (1931) - 366:
366. How greatly people distort the concept of psychic powers, forgetting that a physical manifestation can always be explained by a psychic factor, but a psychic manifestation cannot be confirmed by physical means. When all psychic factors were eliminated from science then, certainly, a sharp demarcation between organic and inorganic occurred. Thus, one may point out to scholars that books bereft of spirit, psychic energy, and Cosmic Fire cannot produce the science that should be given to humanity. The separation of that which has existed for millenniums from that which was created through centuries has disclosed those errors which have precipitated so greatly the Karma of our planet.

Heart (1932) - 181:
181. Shrinking and fossilization of consciousness are the main causes of the disunion of the worlds. The Great Battle often is impeded due to a complete disharmony of the consciousness of Earth and the Subtle World. Those who reach the Subtle World with a monarchistic consciousness cannot condone the present condition of their countries if a change of government has occurred. Thus, even where there is unity in many things, differing in one confuses and divides the forces. And if we remember what a number of spirits crossed into the Subtle World during the war and how many changes have taken place during the last years, one can realize the entire absence of coordination of worlds. Likewise, it can be imagined how significant now is the labor of the expanded hearts who are working self-sacrificingly in both worlds broadening consciousnesses.

Heart (1932) - 246:
246. Many errors have occurred because of a false understanding of the evolution of laws. When humanity approached the fundamental laws based upon ancient findings, it usually forgot to take into consideration all the stratifications of the ages, which are so important. Thus, if you describe a circle in the air with a stick, it will return to its primary position already altered and full of new sediments. The philosopher who maintains that the planet is regenerated with each rotation is correct. In any case, it alters with each rotation; so, too, does the law, which, remaining impregnable at the core, is constantly encircled with the spirals of evolution. These coats are very significant, hence it would be erroneous to adopt the law of millenniums ago in its complete scope. Hence, we insist upon constant study. One cannot be satisfied with a law that governed the planet during the glacial epoch. Similarly, one cannot compare the spiritual balance of a millennium ago with the present hour. Even chemically the strata around Earth have altered. Unapplied energies have been evoked, and thus chaos obtains new approaches.

Heart (1932) - 431:
431. One may notice in people an absence of attention. Like a curious absent-mindedness. During this process they are unaware of their surroundings. In addition to absent-mindedness and fattiness of the heart one should not reject many other higher causes for this. The spirit can conduct its work at various times. It is not in need of temporary intermissions or special preparations; it either senses the need or is invoked. It conducts its distant communications in diverse ways. The stories of saints who seemed to fall into an instantaneous trance and who during this time created great spiritual help have reason. Often such so-called trance is unnoticed either by those present or by the people themselves. Only the unawareness of surrounding conditions has proved that there was a complete absence. It is impossible to judge the duration of these absences, because time does not exist in the measures of the spirit. But each one who is aware of having had similar absences can say that something beyond earthly dimensions has occurred. These absences should be noticed, One can gradually ascertain even quite casually familiar details. Like a fiery arrow, the details of the spiritual work will flash by, then droop like a flower dipped in poison. The great labor of the spirit is so remote from the lower, poisoned spheres!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 424:
424. A man ought not to think that nothing has occurred anywhere during the day just because nothing has happened to him. On the contrary, when the constellations are adverse, scorpions may emerge from unsuspected holes. A tiger may roar, but scorpions can sting silently. Let us gather in thought around the Teacher.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 633:
633. Ancient alliances were sealed by leaping through fire. In oaths the hand was held over fire. As a consecration one walked through fire. Such testimonies to fire have occurred through all ages. This must be taken as a recognition of the fiery element of purification. Even in thinking, one should form the habit of straining thought, so to speak, through the fire of the heart. This advice must be applied in action. One can feel in this action a moment of bliss, as it were, evoking the warmth of the heart. The feeling in the heart of warmth or heaviness or tremor will confirm the participation of the heart's energy. One should not consider these indications as merely preliminary to the Fiery World. Intensity of many of the aforementioned qualities will be needed for the Fiery World itself.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 219:
219. Very often misunderstandings have occurred as a result of relativity of definitions, which have undergone changes through passing centuries. The most ancient writings have undergone many alterations, passing through the hands of foreign translators. It is a well known fact, but for all that it is not taken enough into consideration. To obtain the full meaning one must turn to the same source, Hierarchy. If the translator and interpreter is in communion with Hierarchy, then his relative understanding will be set right in due time. It is unfitting to touch the Sacred Covenants with dirty hands. All forms of blasphemy are condemned, but it is especially abominable when a servant of religion blasphemes. Unfortunately such cases have become frequent. There are not a few actual atheists among the servants of religion. Is it possible for them to speak about the Living Ethics? The madmen do not wish even to think about the future life. One can imagine all the horrors of an assembly where blasphemers are gathered! The Fiery World is just a farce for them.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 223:
223. Above all else I am concerned with the imbalance of the world. Obsession is developing, and it threatens to become insanity. Many countries are governed by madmen in the fullest meaning of the word. Never before has this manifestation of mass obsession occurred. Why scientists do not pay attention to such a calamity is incomprehensible! People commit millions of murders. Is it possible that no one realizes that this is a hotbed of obsession!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 452:
452. Will it be superstition if a man observes all that takes place around him? May he not be justified when gradually he learns to appraise all that is invisibly occurring? If all digits are fluctuating and there is not constant magnitude, then how attentively should one refer to the multiformity of manifestations of the Cosmos! Precisely this incalculable diversity helps the individual experiences of the spirit. What seems impossible today is apprehended tomorrow, thanks to a new chemism of the luminaries. India has just experienced an unprecedented upheaval. It may be expected that the earth will not quickly settle down in certain places. Amid the shocks there occurred several visions of the Subtle World. The disturbance of the atmosphere created waves useful for the manifestation of subtle bodies. Though these manifestations be of brief duration, still such observation is useful. Likewise, one can observe amidst the most ordinary conditions special vibrations and resoundings. One should distinguish all such subtle manifestations.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 305:
305. The Subtle World has been so isolated from the human consciousness that only enhanced transmutation can disclose the path to refinement and to unification of the Worlds. There has actually occurred an ossification of consciousness, and man has become so dissociated from the Subtle World that the tension of subtle energies is inaccessible to him. Only the cooperation of the bodies on the different planes will bring the needed transmutation. It has been said, with reason, that only a miracle will save the World. Verily, the earthly aspiration is not in the direction of that transformation. The creativeness of the New Epoch requires a spiritual realization. The course of events on the Subtle Plane does not correspond to the course of events on the earthly. Verily, a striving will, emanating from the fiery heart, creates a karmic wave which produces a vortex drawing in the corresponding energies. These waves are disclosed in cosmic reconstruction as the basis of creativeness, and also as the energies which sustain the planet. Only on these energies is it possible for the World to build its future. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us be conscious of the power of great constructiveness.

AUM (1936) - 165:
165. It has been correctly observed that great Influences come by special paths. Often people will be outwardly rebellious, and yet will accept what is sent. It is important to Us that that which has occurred be useful. One should not insist that that which takes place be judged according to present day standard - what is important is the result. We must be tolerant and pay no attention to lack of knowledge and to crudity. Therefore, one should pay attention to the essential nature of that which occurs.

Brotherhood (1937) - 583:
583. Understanding of Brotherhood may come unexpectedly. People themselves turn possibilities into obstacles. Someone calls Earth a cemetery because death occurred upon each spot, but another considers this same Earth to be a place of birth because upon each spot life has been conceived. Both are right, but the first has imprisoned himself, whereas the second has been liberated for further advance.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 212:
The Thinker often warned of the possibility of cosmic catastrophes. People laughed at Him, but how could they be sure that there had not occurred a catastrophe in far-off space which would reach Earth a thousand years later? Yet the harbingers of such an event can reach people and disturb their consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 408:
Failed experiments in materialization have also shown that earthly criteria are not applicable in the Subtle World. During such experiments there is always the possibility of disruptive discord among those present. Also, one should consider and test the atmospheric currents, and record what has occurred in that same location prior to an experiment.


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