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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > OC > OCCASION (14)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.9:
One may have had occasion to see examples of the labor of saturated rhythm in separate individuals, or in very small communities, but a large crowd or assembly of people does not know how to utilize this principle.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.17:
Such a case gives occasion to say, "Your consciousness desired death to the poor; therefore the riches directed to you have departed." Along with this primitive law one can launch a spark about the evolution of distant worlds. The comparison of the evolution of worlds with a small everyday matter can produce an enlightening stroke.

New Era Community (1926) - 30:
30. Broadening of consciousness is occasion for congratulation. No laboratory can give this perception of continuity of endless possibilities. Only personally, consciously and freely is it possible to adapt out of space uninterrupted steps. The Teaching may open the door, but one can enter only by oneself. Not reward, nor justice, but the incontestable law carries the incarnate spirit upward, in an ascending spiral, provided that it has realized the necessity of motion. The Teacher can in no wise advance this consciousness for any suggestion would violate the personal attainment.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 105:
105. Disciples are of four types. Some follow the Indications of the Teacher and ascend in proper order. Others, behind the Teacher's back, follow the Indications to excess and thereby often harm themselves. Others, in the Teacher's absence, take occasion to prattle and thereby destroy their path. Others, behind His back, criticize the Teacher and betray Him. Dreadful is the destiny of these last two kinds!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 519:
519. It is truly amazing when a mechanical giant attempts to strike the fiery heart, but instead carries the stones for his own tomb. This example is often repeated, but on each occasion one should rejoice over the victory of Agni. People plead for a miracle, but numberless miracles are all around them. They have merely to cleanse their eyes of irritation.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 552:
552. When I advise continual striving toward Hierarchy, the full weight of such a Decree must be understood. Each one will readily accept it, but will forget it at the first occasion. He will remember the most minute details, but neglect the most important. The Guiding Image will be submerged in small fragments. But every Yogi knows the silver thread as the sole guiding star. When the heart forgets the most important, at least let the brain recall the words about the necessary salvation.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 646:
646. Churning is a symbol of cosmogony. He who has accepted so simple a process as the symbol of a great action, has verily understood the correlation between microcosm and Macrocosm. On the physical plane spiral rotation is the basis of the accumulation of substance, and thought also acts in an identical way. From the Summits down to chaos, Space is intensified by the spirals of consciousness. Thought spirally transforms itself into substance, permeating all Cosmos. One must understand and accept the transformation of thought into substance. This welding preserves the supply of substance, for thought is inexhaustible. On Earth much benefit may be reaped from the realization of the substantiality of thought. People are especially fearful of overtiring the brain, but this is absurd because thought cannot cause excessive fatigue. Mental disease is caused by numerous other excesses. Smoking, drinking, sexual overindulgence, lack of sleep, overeating, irritation, a wearying depression, envy, treason, and many horrors of darkness cause the overstrain which is ascribed to mental labors. As a prophylactic force, thought not only does not occasion fatigue but contributes to the interchange of higher substances. To blame thought for overfatigue is equivalent to expulsion of Agni from the heart. Both conductors connect humanity with the Higher Worlds; one must value these threads without which one can sink into chaos. In the West, religion signifies the link with God, with the Highest Principle; this means that every tie must be cherished, and the most important intercourse will be through the fiery thought process. Therefore, one must free oneself from the fear that thought can cause fatigue. But if you notice fatigue during the process of thinking, seek other causes; usually they are nearby. Perhaps the cause is not in you. Perhaps poisoned air has entered through the window or the firewood is not pure. Petty causes often produce grave consequences, and it is especially deplorable that a light-bearing thought should be regarded as the source of fatigue. Thought is health, renewal, interchange of substance - thus let us understand the salutary quality of thought.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 344:
344. How then shall the heart endure if it be aware of all the terrors performed? How shall the heart beat when it hears the wailing of a multitude of hearts? Neither the past nor the present will enable it to sustain all the oppressive burden of the World. Only the future in all its fieriness will carry one over to the new shores. Only by casting forward the saving anchor can we make our landing. The farther we cast the anchor the more easily and vigorously do we transfer our consciousness into the Fiery World. For the sake of that World we can improve the consciousness, enlighten the heart, and think about the Good. Nothing else can provide safe conduct for man through all the fields of horror. People do not comprehend the quantity of created misfortunes. The deadening of psychic energy makes people insensitive to reality. Insensitiveness to reality is one of the most frightful epidemics. People turn away from current happenings, and think thus to prolong an existence agreeable to the body. They do not even know how to think about the future. But without the future heroes and regeneration are inconceivable. Therefore, on every occasion let us point to the Fiery World as the goal of existence.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 501:
501. You already know that objects can be made to change place by thought or psychic energy. The ignorant ask - why is not the fiery energy of thought subject to everyone and at all times? Ignorance can even reach the extent of such nonsense. A child asks help of an adult where his own strength is inadequate, but ignoramuses are not ashamed to ask such silly questions. In the Subtle World everything is moved by thought, but the dense World only rarely admits subtle qualities. The laws of such admissions are complex and not always are such invasions into the Subtle World admitted. Apparatus which can confirm the physical reaction to thought can be only very primitive, because the nature of employment of fiery energy lies not in the domain of the will but in that of the heart. The heart does not admit evil, but the will can occasion calamities. When the World will come to realize the value of the heart life, then will the flesh be transformed and draw near to the laws of the Subtle World.

AUM (1936) - 390:
390. We give out indications about the investigation of psychic energy with extreme caution. In the first place, certain people may utilize such information for evil purposes; in the second, certain persons may carry experiments in relation to their own health too far; in the third, certain ones who lack abilities for such experiments may start calumnies about the impracticality of what has been given out. Let only those devoted to knowledge engage in serious study. Everyone has had occasion to encounter many people who have made a laughingstock of what is most important. Mockery is not only ignorance, it demonstrates baseness of consciousness.

AUM (1936) - 573:
When someone weeps at a funeral, there may be found one who deplores such ignorance. Likewise, if someone rejoices at such an occasion, people are indignant at a seeming madman. Thus, people cannot assimilate the relationship of earthly existence to the superearthly state of being. Many cases can be cited when people have seen their near ones of the Subtle World, but even such evidences merely remain listed as phenomena. It is impossible to convince people of the naturalness of the change of existence. They are forbidden to think about reincarnation, and they are agreed that they dwell on the edge of an unknown abyss. Yet each year brings the worlds closer together, and it is possible to increase the number of cases of evidence of memory of former lives. Already each one can cite many examples; all that is needed is an attitude of good will.

Brotherhood (1937) - 418:
418. The non-duplication of experiments with the subtlest energies often diverts the attention of scholars. But they forget that it is not the energy which is unrepeatable, but they themselves. Moreover, they do not know how to create duplicate conditions surrounding the experiments. Many times you have had occasion to note how different were the attendant circumstances. But even a eminently experienced scholar does not attach significance to very diverse conditions. First of all, he does not pay attention to his own mood; yet the condition of the nerve centers will be decisive for many experiments. Likewise overlooked is the quality of the co-workers taking part in the experiments. But even in antiquity, and later by the alchemists, the value of cooperation was well understood. They knew also about the significance of sex. They did not deny lunar reaction and the force of the planets. But at present, such elementary conditions are considered almost witchcraft. It is impossible to persuade people that they are the bearers of the answers to many things.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 37:
37. Urusvati carries fearlessness in her heart. We affirm that this quality is accumulated through faith and lengthy experience. Upasika was an example of complete fearlessness in life. She was courageous in all circumstances, and no fear could intrude. The life of Upasika was filled with occasions for fear. It was sad to see how many persecutions came together, how her name was slandered. She had no means, and accusers threatened her from all sides. Verily, she was a touchstone of fearlessness! One can cite many such examples throughout the ages. Every one of Us has frequently had occasion to show such fearlessness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 133:
133. Urusvati knows how extremely difficult it is on occasion for Us to visit meetings of earthly people; visiting the Subtle World is easier. We all realize that to achieve results on the earthly plane more energy is needed than in dealing with the Subtle World. Where the energy of thought can be applied directly it is easier to establish contact, but thought in earthly conditions is so confused that the sending requires an increased tension.


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