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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > OB > OBSERVANCE (2)

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 330:
330. It has been said - the science of luminaries is precise, as the luminaries do exist. But in this let us not forget relativity. Besides the chemism of the rays of the luminary itself, it must be understood to what an extent the atmosphere vibrates at the passage of the heavenly bodies and waves of cosmic dust. Therefore the astrologer must be also an astro-physicist and an astronomer. In addition, he must perceive the earthly conditions which are working against the rays of the luminaries. Only through observance of these conditions will his deductions be free from errors.

AUM (1936) - 427:
427. A careful attitude toward all manifestations is a difficult step. One needs to repeat about the observance of keenness in order not to make wrong use of the sacred energy. Many counsels may be found toward such a path. Love, benevolence, pity, and many other qualities are indicated, but it is necessary to affirm them by a realization of the great energy. It is not easy to remember about this in the waves of life.


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