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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > OB > OBEDIENCE (8)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 319:
Let us recall the known saints of various lands. By what marks are they distinguished? By showing humility or obedience to their rulers, by taking vows of silence, or by obeisance? If so, they would be unworthy of the name. When We regard saints, We see among them warriors, highwaymen, condemners of kings, builders, and leaders of people. By the fire of the spirit is their level of ascent recognized. Laws inscribed by people cannot extinguish this fire. Therefore, let us be careful about judging the approaching ones. Like fragments of heavenly bodies, diamond-bearing, those approaching from afar may carry within themselves signs incomprehensible to others.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 653:
653. The thought of obedience to a Teacher is foreign to humanity. But how can a spirit not succeed when the Teacher is the Leading Beacon? How can the disciple lose his fire when the Teacher is the kindler of all fires? How can the Shield of the Teacher be an obstacle to the disciple when it is the Teacher who impels his fiery striving? In the consciousness of humanity lives a germinal desire to strive for a common work that leads all forward, in unity. But humanity must learn independent action, and must implement the affirmed thoughts of the Teacher. Thus does human evolution achieve harmony with Cosmic Reason. Humanity must learn to create by the higher way.

Hierarchy (1931) - 28:
28. Wondrous is the thought of a Brotherhood on Earth. Each discipline of the spirit produces striving. Only the will can give discipline to the spirit, but when thought roams about in obvious egoism, then, verily, there is no channel for a correct and vital action. Thus, each applied thought will afford growth to the spirit. Thus, each applied thought of the Tara and the Guru will afford an expansion of consciousness. Thus, only the Chain of Hierarchy will afford the possibility of ascent. Complete obedience leads to true creativeness, for when obedience guides the action, power increases, and the pledge strains all forces.

Hierarchy (1931) - 30:
30. The thought of obedience to a Teacher is alien to people. How can a spirit be the loser when the Teacher is the leading Beacon? How can the disciple lose his fire when the Teacher kindles all fires? How can the Shield of the Teacher hold back the disciple if he is already inspired by the Teacher? Thus, in the consciousness of humanity dwells only a faint desire to strive for mutual cooperation. But humanity must learn to act independently and to embody all the thoughts affirmed by the Teacher. Thus Cosmic Mind achieves evolution. Thus humanity must learn to construct by a higher way. Verily, by emulating the Teacher you assimilate his Image.

Hierarchy (1931) - 53:
53. During the construction of the designated undertakings it should be remembered that construction always progresses onward. During a construction in the name of the Lord there is only one way that brings us the Creative Source - the way of the mighty Hierarchy, the path of the powerful guidance of the Great Service. Therefore, adhering to the creative principle impels the spirit to the affirmed law of Hierarchy. Each construction requires the realization of upward striving. Hence, only the law of obedience to Hierarchy can give a legitimate tensity. Only thus can one realize the path leading to the mighty Infinity.

Hierarchy (1931) - 82:
82. The Sons of Reason - We proclaim them as Hierarchs upon Earth. The Daughters of Reason - thus, also. We proclaim them upon Earth. Those who strive to the evolution of the spirit must follow in the steps of Hierarchy in order to progress. Who, then, will nurture the spirit of striving disciples? Who, then, will affirm the path of ascent? Only the Daughters and Sons of Reason. In whom are contained the fires of attainment? In the Daughters and Sons of Reason. Thus We proclaim Our Carriers of Fire. Each realization of Our Will proceeds, revealing the fiery law of Hierarchy. Only the conscious adoption in life of the law of Hierarchy affirms the right path. Verily, space resounds with the affirmation of Hierarchy. Thus the wondrous life is being built. Thus the predestined enters into life. The Sons of Reason, the Daughters of Light can make manifest the power of the higher laws only by obedience to the Hierarchy. Thus Our Hierarchs manifest Our Power of Reason and Heart - thus unto Infinity.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 126:
126. Let us ponder to what extent obedience is merely a cooperation. The collaboration which is extended into the Highest Abodes is not a burden. To be sure, fanatics will suspect pride in such infinite striving, but the fanatic's head, in any position, touches the same great Infinity. Thus one may advise fanatics to beware of superstition. Therefore let us not be confused by such voices, and let us be strengthened upon the concept of Hierarchy as the most vital Principle.


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