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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > OA > OATHS (6)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 452:
Useless are false oaths and wrestlings of the spirit; Sacredly canst thou utter the vow of Truth.

New Era Community (1926) - 89:
89. Our Community does not need affirmations and oaths. Genuine are the expenditures of labor, and unforgettable are the manifestations of obligation. Can there possibly be prolixity where lives have been taken into custody - where an hour may become the longest measure? Could one betray the possibilities of a time when spirit and movement are being denied? It is necessary to overcome timidity, to sense the vortex of the spiral, and in the heart of the vortex to have the tranquility of courage.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 52:
52. The word repentance does not exist in the Senzar vocabulary. What does exist is an expression familiar to you - wise cooperation. Consider the essential hypocrisy in the notion of repentance. It is simplest to demonstrate this to people through an example in medicine. By distortion of thought a man wounds his brother; but no words or thoughts of repentance can heal the wound, whose torn tissues can be mended only by persistent effort. For the restoration of goal-fitness it is necessary to demonstrate wise cooperation. The consequence of action can be cured only by action. No verbal avowals, no oaths, are of importance.

Heart (1932) - 73:
73. Even in the most ancient times people understood the significance of the heart. They regarded the heart as the Abode of God. They pledged their oaths by placing their hands upon the heart. Even the most savage tribes drank the blood of the heart and ate the hearts of their enemies, in order to strengthen themselves. Thus the significance of the heart was shown. But now, in our enlightened days, the heart is reduced to the state of a physiological organ. The ancients drank from the skulls of their enemies; the chalices of the sacred rituals were made out of the sincipital bone. Those who knew about the Brahmarandhra center understood that the magnetic pressure transmutes the substance of the bone. But now people only laugh at these powerful curative substances. The most mediocre invention attracts a multitude of consumers, but the most powerful chemical laboratories are forgotten; whereas a natural coordination of the three kingdoms of nature provides the strongest compounds. One should remind people primarily about the significance of the heart as the unifier of the worlds. Is not the fire of the heart the very Fire of Space? One can clearly understand the constant communion with the far-off worlds which was attributed to the ancients; the magnetism of the far-off worlds affords imponderable power. But does not the heart feel the most subtle vibrations?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 633:
633. Ancient alliances were sealed by leaping through fire. In oaths the hand was held over fire. As a consecration one walked through fire. Such testimonies to fire have occurred through all ages. This must be taken as a recognition of the fiery element of purification. Even in thinking, one should form the habit of straining thought, so to speak, through the fire of the heart. This advice must be applied in action. One can feel in this action a moment of bliss, as it were, evoking the warmth of the heart. The feeling in the heart of warmth or heaviness or tremor will confirm the participation of the heart's energy. One should not consider these indications as merely preliminary to the Fiery World. Intensity of many of the aforementioned qualities will be needed for the Fiery World itself.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 196:
People do not like to listen to those ideas that they have decided beforehand not to accept. In the cruel hour of fratricidal strife people invoke the name of Christ, and false witnesses take oaths on the most sacred objects. Such irreverence is all the more blasphemous. People are not afraid to utter a false oath or to ridicule the faith of others. They always find time for criticism and slander, but they have no time for labor. They may at times think about community, but do not know how to cooperate, even in their daily life.


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