Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.9: Let Me recall: Once We succeeded in saving a man from a fire, but he did not harken to the signs and broke his leg. At another time, to save someone from penning a disastrous signature, there had to be applied, besides spiritual influence, such a muscular force that his hand became numb for a long time. In order that a man be saved from a dangerous beast he had to be pushed off a footpath. Hence, one should not compel the use of extraordinary measures, and one must sensibly harken to the saving signs. Hierarchy (1931) - 304: 304. The word Mahatma is translated as Great Soul. Some imagine the Mahatmas as a completely distinct race. One should not conceive a Great Soul to be entirely distinct. Each Mahatma began his ascent from the very midst of the people, having only dared to choose the difficult path of the Great Soul. And, besides daring, he found in his heart indignation of spirit, for how else can the fires be kindled? Upon these fires the precious substance of the secretions is transmuted into a healing substance. One can see how the saliva of a fiery being can remove an inflammation and restore the vital energy to numb centers. Alongside the sacred property of secretions stands the healing power of the laying on of hands. It is instructive to compare the secretions of men having dormant centers with the ejection of the fiery substance. If I advise medicines made from plants for common organisms, then for the more knowing ones there is a powerful laboratory of sacred fiery secretions. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 267: 267. If we recall various evidences of perspicacity in children, we can hardly insist upon a mechanistic cell theory. Only later do people lose the perception both of the past and of their destination. How often adults have been saved by children! How often children have not dared to express their feelings! A false timidity is created by the surrounding ugliness. A refined and exalted spirit grows numb before the festering sores of prejudices. How often do adults forbid all improvisation, forgetting that this is the song of the spirit! Even if the technique be imperfect, how many beautiful seeds can be implanted through such utterances of the heart! Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 517: 517. Does not a fiery gaze compel people to turn around and even to tremble? Any tremor is already near to Fire. But there can be fire of a hot body and of a cold one. During high temperature the extremities can become numb; Brotherhood (1937) - 392: 392. The man who feels himself unlucky has been called an obscurer of the heavens. He has collected gloom around himself and has infected the distant space. He has harmed himself, but still more all that exists. He has proved himself to be an egoist, forgetting about his surroundings. Depriving himself of good fortune, he has become a breeding ground of afflictions. As the self-satisfied one loses the thread of advance, so does he who is filled with self-pity cut away his own success. It is not fitting for man to doom himself to calamities. Long-sown wails and groans turn into a ruinous vortex. The itch of envy changes into leprosy; from malice the tongue grows numb. A whole hotbed of disasters is built by the man who gives himself over to the illusion of bad luck. Such poisoners are intolerable in the Brotherhood. Yet many dream about Brotherhood without thinking what a burden They bear! How strong is the man who realizes the good fortune of being a man! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 300: Unfortunately, these hearts exist in great numbers, but are not easily recognized. They show no evident symptoms, though they are in a state almost identical to the recognizable condition known as coma, in which the organism is neither alive nor dead, nothing is remembered, and the subtle body is immobile and as numb as the rest of the organism. In this condition man ceases to be really human. Stone-like hearts are similar, and so numerous that they are a great burden to the world, and impede evolution. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 339: 339. Urusvati knows that man's true nature is revealed at times of calamity - such is the way on Earth. We do not call this a law, because the conditions for each misfortune are different. It would seem that exaltation and happiness should have more effect than misery, but even the illusion of well-being renders people numb. How lamentable it is that most people can refine their feelings only through suffering!