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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > NO > NOURISHMENT (29)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 452:
My daughter, thou who canst see, to thee I give - Add a drop of My Task in the draught, And dip into the wine of knowledge the bread of achievement, Giving nourishment to those who approach.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.18:
There is little vitality in the villages, because prana helps only when absorbed consciously. Nourishment of the spirit can proceed only consciously.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.6:
Small as well as important events strike upon the aura, as upon musical strings. The growing aura has its advantages, and these Aeolian wings multifariously resound. The burden of the world plays its symphonies upon them. One cannot say that a man illumined by the aura is motionless. The outer shell of the aura is like a surging sea. What a talk for the scientist - to trace the nourishment of the aura from within and the reflection from without! Verily a world battle!

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.16:
What teaching leads more swiftly to the broadening of consciousness? It is necessary to admit people completely individually to this meadow. To each one his own herbage, provided the inner fire conforms to human merit and dignity. The sluggish, the conceited, and those raging with suspicion and doubt will not find any nourishment.

New Era Community (1926) - 218:
218. A certain state of matter composes the human individual calling up into life a conscious individualization, and from this moment is begun the conflict against the community. When, as is said, the beast in man awakens, precisely then individualization, without any nourishment by the consciousness, turns into a cruel egoism. Then begins a campaign against enlightenment and cooperation. Such egoism does not become a noble realization of personality, but returns to the animal state, at the same time losing the group values of animals. Such a man is worse than a beast. Is it possible to build a community out of these beastlike people who have no common language? Then the builders must re-examine the bases of human individuality. Each framework, each conventional program must be verified, but only courageous people who depart from the fetters of conventionalities can make the examination. Thus, it is necessary to safeguard the achievement of human personality.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 42:
Metalization in the cultivation of plants will yield useful secretions of the roots. Therefore it is necessary once again to direct attention to the vegetable kingdom. Besides, examine the nourishing properties of vegetables and grains and you will have many surprises. The lack of discrimination in the choice of man's nourishment is astonishing. I speak of the quality.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 357:
Find a way to make the Teaching a part of your everyday life. The busiest people can devote an hour each day to their approach to the Teaching. We cannot believe that there is not a moment available for the most essential, for that for which we live. Daily we partake of food, and without it regard the day as miserable. But our spirit also requires nourishment of thought, and it is a crime to pass one's day without it.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 501:
Do not complicate the path of psychic energy. It will itself whisper to the sensitive ear when less sleep is needed, when less food is needed, and when less drink is needed. Indeed each kind of energy provides nourishment, psychic energy especially.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 582:
This emulsion when rubbed into the body, provides the energy needed to sustain nourishment for a long time. This is similar to the taking of musk, which, as you already know, reduces one's need for food. Give the formula for this emulsion only to those who have proved their devotion to the Teaching. There is little reason to feed the body of one who tries to deny psychic energy.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 6:
Has it been ordained by the Lords that the concept of cosmos should be diminished into your human understanding of a short cycle? The span of understanding will define the outline of possibilities. Everything gains substantial nourishment from the same source, Prana, the manifested power of Cosmos. You accept the affirmation of this need quite simply; with equal simplicity accept the fact of psychic influence of the rays. When you will accept the wisdom of the ages according to Our Indications with your entire being, then the whirlwind of calamities will break against a wall of light. The scope of your possibilities depends on your acceptance or rejection of the Shield.

Hierarchy (1931) - 238:
238. How powerfully is cosmic energy reflected in the human organism! Each cosmic fire meets consonance in the human organism. How much can be learned through a spiritual approach to the investigation of all manifestations of the centers! If one were to consider the human organism as the reflection of the manifestations of Cosmos, many consonances could be perceived; and the centers would become a fiery manifestation for science. Only a spiritual approach will reveal the significance of all cosmic correspondences and their human reflections. The centers may be regarded as accumulators of cosmic energies. It is correct to think about direct nourishment for the highest centers. The solar plexus absorbs each energy that is sent and consciously feeds the centers. Thus, comprehension of the fiery centers is the most essential task. Medical science will be able to diagnose a disease only when it knows its correspondence with cosmic energies.

Heart (1932) - 9:
9. Heartlessness is nothing save an uncultured condition of the heart. Faint-heartedness is a limitation of thinking. Intolerance belongs to the same family of abominations which impoverish the sacred vessel of the heart. You know already that the subtle, intensified heart creates an impetus like a dynamo, thus proving that it is a vessel of universal energy. But the culture of the heart is not accumulated if it does not receive proportionate nourishment; likewise the best accumulator is inactive without protection and correct connection. The heart demands constant nourishment, otherwise, deprived of the highest link, it decays. Thus let us not forget how at the bottom of the chalice an infant was represented as the symbol of ascent.

Heart (1932) - 154:
154. Let us not forget to sound the call to battle; let us not become tired of sounding the call to the sword which shall give peace to the world. Thus, We do not affirm intimidation, yet the evidence of achievement is needed as nourishment of the spirit.

Heart (1932) - 327:
327. Exercising attention is a condition of observation of the signs of the Subtle World. Attention can be developed by various means. In a symphony one can choose and follow one voice, or one can identify several melodies simultaneously. It is also useful to establish the sonance of silence. Silence has many delicate voices, and to observe their rhythm means to come closer to the Subtle World. But, in studying silence it is instructive to recognize the dissonance of each physical intrusion. One cannot find a better example than the comparison of a physical sound with the Subtle World. And such an antithesis is also observed in the sphere of the sense of smell. Yet this quality is developed much more rarely! If smell appears as a form of nourishment in the Subtle World, it is understood that in the physical world it is not so highly developed. Of course, as you have noticed, the Subtle World is full of odors. The higher, the more perfect they are. But the lower strata are full of decomposition. If disincarnated beings are delayed in the lower strata, they carry around themselves the shell of decomposition; therefore, during life it is very useful to get accustomed to the flight into the higher strata.

Heart (1932) - 462:
462. Unutterable are many concepts and conditions. Only disrespect for the sonority of words permits people often to twitter like birds; but if they studied the language of the birds they would be amazed at its solemnity. There is more exaltation in the words of birds than in the contorted judgments of the people, the bipeds. It is not without reason that I reiterate about solemnity, because it is the nourishment of the heart! Not by condemnation or irritation, but insolemnity do we prepare for the great march onward. This onward march must be understood as a service to the Teaching of Life.

Heart (1932) - 568:
568. Dreams and visions of former lives always have significance. A page of the astral archive seemingly flares up, recalling the identical mood of the current time. I take as an example the last vision. During an hour of fatigue because of people the first need that was observed was to give help at once. Such is the path of the Bodhisattva, when we forget fatigue and ourselves in order to help. Verily, great is the energy thus created; everywhere it is mentioned as love for one's neighbor. Such love does not calculate, but acts without delay; thus, out of the depths of the Subtle World come the pictures of the past. The detail of this vision is significant - when the servant of pleasure set obstacles on the path of achievement, but nothing stopped the striving. Likewise, again was revealed the need of tolerance toward many persons whom one has encountered more than once. Tolerance and patience are also the path of the Bodhisattva. This path is not in the clouds but on Earth. The effluvium of life is great; hence the path of the Bodhisattva is also needed. Precisely, though these fumes are humanly insignificant, they smart the heart like salt water. Utilize the mountain air; do not tire yourselves, even a diver must not dive if fatigued. One can compare the descent into human refuse precisely with a diver's work. He is ready to help the drowning person, but he himself is in need of air. I do not exaggerate, you are in need of air during Armageddon. Prana is like nourishment for the heart. One cannot help you through ignoble ways; the remedies must be in accordance with the task. But often people do not accept the language of the heart; then the tension of the heart energy is needed - in other words, the expenditure of spiritual treasures. Already, not a few are projected into the world. In accordance with the law of Existence they increase, but this does not ease the burden of the heart. Hence, let us be cautious and remember about the diver.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 404:
404. Perhaps the seventh vitamin is Fire. It has often be clearly stated that pure air provides far more essential nourishment than city air. But by purity one should understand a particular fiery saturation. People in the mountains can live longer without food and without needing sleep. The nourishment of spirit, or Agni, can satisfy them without the need of heavy foods. Studies should be made of the nourishment by prana on heights.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 155:
155. Does a man know when he performs his best action? What person can tell which of his words has had the most influence? What person can tell which of his thoughts has reached the highest spheres? No one knows this about himself. Perhaps such knowledge would cut short the striving for development, for it might stir up pride. Thought sometimes actually reaches the Higher Spheres, and, as a dewdrop, remains near the Altar. But one's own evaluation of such thought by earthly measure is impossible. People too often dismiss in disdain those thoughts which bring joy to the Highest Hearts. Thus, let us send out the best thoughts into the space. We need not adorn ourselves by the consciousness of our flights. Let them, as everyday nourishment, strengthen the heart for the perception of the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 223:
223. Rotation of the solar plexus can have many other causes besides all the cosmic ones. It is necessary to examine the functions of the center of the solar plexus in connection with the sendings of energy at great distances. Rotation of the center of the solar plexus occurs under compression of psychic energy. The radiations of the solar plexus pass through all the centers, and by this rotation these rays penetrate all the centers, bringing to them nourishment and unification through fiery energy. Rotation of the center of the solar plexus can also coordinate different energies by compressing, as it were, any one center which is in special need of saturation or of strengthening. The radiations of the solar plexus then reach, as it were, the outer circumference of the protective net. During the sendings of energy into a determined place, all radiations are gathered into a seeming conical spiral, and all the projectiles go into space spirally. Thus the functions of the solar plexus are as numerous as are its radiations, since it is also a powerful regulator of the energies emanating from all the centers. Absorbing cosmic fiery energies, the center of the solar plexus distributes the latter according to the respective tensions which are inherent in the centers.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 359:
359. A strengthening of the subtle body accompanies each exalted transport. The subtle body contains all the spiritual centers; conscious nurturing of it can produce great possibilities. The essential nature of the subtle body depends upon these spiritual saturations. The usefulness of these nurtures can be great for the physical body. Each transport of the spirit strengthens the centers of the subtle body; contrariwise, each center of the physical body, which is saturated with lower energies, acts destructively on the fiery centers. The subtle body is in need of spiritual nourishment. The constant bond between bodies can thus affirm a conscious exchange of energies. On the path to the Fiery World let us cognize the reality of the bond between the bodies.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 376:
376. The strata which humanity creates, surrounding the planet with them, become more and more congested, because that life which has been instituted on the Earth hinders not only spiritual discharge but also the physical. The conformity between the Worlds in Space thus dependsupon the saturation of these strata. In cosmic space each manifestation calls up an entire chain of effects. And the atmosphere of the Earth forms, as it were, a crust, spotted with dark stains. Knowing how much the Worlds are in need of nourishment by the higher energies, one can imagine the effects of such isolation! Those who stand on Eternal Watch direct the rays of Light, straining all their forces. On the path to the Fiery World let us manifest understanding of this tension in which the Forces of Light are saving the planet.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 26:
26. Urusvati has often forewarned her friends about attacks of the dark forces. Such forewarning is needed everywhere. It should not be thought that the dark ones will cease their destructive attacks. Decay is their nourishment, murder their profession. Encroachment upon the spirit and body is their joy. One should not assume that they will not try to penetrate behind even the most protected boundaries. They would rather perish than abandon their demoralizing work of corruption.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 181:
"Fellow citizens, you are not wise. You pay gold for rotten food, but are too stingy to pay even a copper coin for the nourishment of your soul. Every injustice destroys space.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 325:
The Dragon of the Threshold symbolizes the sentinel of human consciousness. These dragons are not mere abstract symbols, for they touch closely the daily life of every human being. Man's desires can never be satisfied, and his discontent is nourishment for the dragons. I certainly do not speak about man's thirst for knowledge, which is a worthy quest, but about his ordinary dissatisfactions. These are rooted in the base passions, where the accumulated discontent becomes food for the dragon, who wins the battle and rejoices in the feast.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 425:
425. Urusvati knows the importance of education. It is the nourishment of everything lofty and refined. People can understand that a careful upbringing provides many opportunities for a proper education, but education alone will not complete one's upbringing. Every child comes into earthly life with an already formed character. It is possible to ennoble and elevate this essential character, but its basic nature cannot be changed. Educators must recognize this truth. They first must discern the unchangeable essence of a child, and educate accordingly.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 435:
No one can say when an inflamed tissue will become further damaged, with all the attendant consequences. On the other hand, the inflammation may abate, and this must be watched with equal care. Nourishment is needed for the organism to regain its vitality, and a simple, non-acidic diet should be recommended,


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