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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > NO > NOTWITHSTANDING (13)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.2:
I see a young scientist who has collected covenants from all the Teachings of the East and who says to himself, "From all sides I shall select the precepts of life; I shall discard all hymns and ritualistic worship; I shall disregard the difference in time and the errors of slanderers and translators, as the very simplest appears to be the most fundamental. From these fragments I shall compose here a single life - this is the life of the East. Notwithstanding its fragmentariness, this life will be wise and full of evolutionary actions."

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 604:
604. Can human language express that which is beyond earthly expression? Notwithstanding, people must think about the Fiery World. They should picture it as the most vital and most guiding; otherwise, in confused dreams, they will be unable to approach it as has been ordained. Reverence for the One Light is as natural as the idea of the One Father. People are alike in their fiery seed, but physical atavism places them at varying distances from Truth. But the higher fires stand above all divisions. Read about the most diverse visions of Fiery Beings in all countries of the world, and you will find in them the same signs and results. Verily, all distinctions between peoples fall away before the Higher World. People sense equally the breath of the Higher World. They are set equally atremor in heart and body. They understand the Voice of the Envoy of Light. With difficulty they return to the common earthly state. Such manifestations, and the ecstasy of the spirit at contact with a Higher Being, are unforgettable to all alike. One should not forget that the most diverse peoples have beheld the Higher Beings in identical Images. Is this not a sign of the oneness of Light and of the Hierarchy of Good? Thus, one should accept the Fiery World with heart and mind. One must feel that all inspirations emanate therefrom. Honest creators and workers can bear witness that the best solutions come from without. Like a powerful dynamo the Fiery World emits a shower of the best formulas. One should not only make use of them but also testify about them in the highest terms. Thus one can be united by the fires of the heart with the Supreme Light. This is not conceit, for Light knows no obstacles.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 624:
624. Even among contemporary forms numerous animal-like men can be found. Such monstrosities are usually ascribed to a fright or shock experienced by the mother. But, notwithstanding many explanations, the principal cause is usually lost sight of. It may be understood that in the Subtle World certain entities are subject to fits of carnal desire. During these obscurations they sink to the level of the animal kingdom. Moreover, Agni declines to such an extent that the animal principles take possession of the fallen ones. Of course, with time, they can again ascend, but the animal contact is so powerful that it may be transformed at reincarnation into animal form. Sometimes heredity contributes to such animal-like rebirths, for base spirits prefer corresponding forms for themselves. And sometimes it is neither atavism nor heredity, but a deplorable lunge into the animal world, which imprints the seal of madness. Again it is instructive to note how the decrease of Agni permits the manifestation of animal propensities.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 26:
26. One may observe different types of people, who can be distinguished according to their natures. Some do not think about the future, fulfilling, as it were, their entire purpose in this earthly life. Others strive forward with their whole spirit, for them earthly life does not present any finality. Even if not highly refined, these people sense with the heart that everything is ahead of them. Have dealings with the latter, for notwithstanding their errors they will be still striving into the future, and thus will already belong to the Truth. You know that Agni lives in the hearts of those who love the future. Even if their Agni is not yet manifested, its potentiality is inexhaustible. Likewise look with compassion upon people who do not know the future, as upon the sick. And truly their aura will not be luminous, for it will be deprived of the radiation of Materia Lucida. Many people have formed such privation for themselves, that they cannot even manifest through the opaque substance of the nerves. As imperil obstructs the movement of the fiery substance, so a limited thinking makes the precious substance turbid. One may heal these diseases through hypnotic suggestion.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 156:
156. What is hypochondria? Many confuse it with autosuggestion, but the latter is only an effect of the former. Hypochondria in its essence is very infectious and destructive. It can be defined physiologically as the dissolution of heart energy. Such a process interrupts the protective work of the nerve centers. The enemy's entrance into the stronghold is not a matter of autosuggestion, but far worse; the defenders of the stronghold, instead of resisting, open the gates to the enemy. It is difficult to cure, for hypochondria is not always subject to suggestion. The process of dissolution cannot be replaced by suggestion. It is necessary to heal the wounded nerve tissue. Here strength can be built up only by nerve exercise. Consequently, hypochondriac people must be confronted with the most unexpected, in order to produce the most acute reactions and to create an indirect tension of the nerve tissue. Such tension is like gymnastics for the nerve centers. Rest and disuse of the nerve centers is not always beneficial, notwithstanding the usual counsel of ordinary physicians. On the contrary, the ancient wisdom says, "You are afraid, therefore you will be doubly frightened." "You have ceased being afraid, consequently you can behold the Fiery Gates." Hypochondria must not be confused with doubt. True, these two are sisters, whose mother is ignorance. Hypochondria is a certain established mode of thinking, whereas doubt is a dark obstacle. It is difficult to say which of the vipers is the more harmful. One should free oneself from hypochondria as from an obstruction before the Fiery World. Many things are erroneously thought to be synonymous. Ponder over them, over different facets of definition. Who knows which of these will open the broadest vista in realization of cause and effect?

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 180:
180. Do not confuse fatigue with intensity. These two states, notwithstanding their complete difference, can produce similar symptoms. But fatigue must be overcome by a change of work, whereas tension must be actually increased. It would be a mistake to allow oneself to dissipate tension. One must nourish this manifest fiery power as a precious gift. Each tension is a sharpening of consciousness. Each weariness is a dulling, but in either case let us not forget to take musk. Ur. has wisely established the combination of musk with soda and valerian. Certainly the very speedy accumulation of musk by means of soda is useful, as it is also the continuation of the reaction to valerian. All three ingredients are of a fiery nature. Not without reason was soda called, in antiquity, ashes of divine Fire, and fields of soda deposits were called sites of Devas' encampments. Likewise valerian is especially effective in combination with musk. While musk kindles Fire, valerian sustains it as a static condition. In fatigue this fiery remedy is absorbed in order to renew the nerve centers; but in the striving of intensity there is need of prolonged combustion, in order to avoid explosions and shocks. But above all other life-giving agents is the communion with Hierarchy. Musk may dry up, but in communion with Hierarchy its strength will be promptly renewed and an inexhaustible supply of energy extended.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 212:
212. Courage is required when in the atmosphere itself there is observed an unprecedented tension. One can sense, as it were, the presence of a certain heat, notwithstanding an outward freshness of weather. Even the influence of cool currents does not free one from an immediate sensation of inner heat. One must notice how this internal heat is characteristic of atmospheric fiery tensions. Thus, not the shoulders, not the throat, not kundalini, but the heart absorbs the currents of external fire.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 365:
365. Notwithstanding all the attainments of science, people grasp with special difficulty the fact that space is completely filled. They talk about microbes, about entities which elude detection, but, for all that, it is almost impossible for them to think about a filled space. They regard it as a fairy-tale if they are reminded that so-called air is filled with creatures of different evolutions. Likewise it is difficult for man to conceive that each breath of his, each thought of his, alters his surroundings. Some elements of the latter are strengthened and draw near, others burn out or are carried away by a vortex of currents. Man is unwilling to understand that he has been endowed with powerful energies. He is truly the King of Nature and the Master of immeasurable legions of entities. It is sometimes possible through powerful microscopes to demonstrate to children in schools the fullness of space. They must become accustomed to the influence of psychic energy. The gaze of an intelligent man reacts upon entities; even under the lense of a microscope small creatures begin to feel uneasy and to sense the currents of the eyes. Is this not an indicator of the living eye, as distinguished from a dead one? On the fiery path one needs to understand the filling of space.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 356:
356. The earthly and supermundane centers display corresponding tensions when events are being propelled toward reconstruction. There is no affirmation on the planet which is not intensified by the fire of construction or by the force of destruction. Soldiers of good manifest the preponderance in the Cosmic Construction, and each manifestation of the Light has inherent supremacy. For, even notwithstanding the apparent triumph of darkness, cosmic creative power is being saturated with fiery Justice. Therefore, the spiral of creativeness of spatial Fire leads events to its fiery triumph. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us remember that the Subtle World manifests a conformity with the earthly.

AUM (1936) - 108:
108. Someone may say that already he has often heard such calls to the higher worlds. So much the worse for him to remain deaf afterwards, for such deafness is impermissible. Nevertheless many regard such calls as out of place in business life; thus, people are far from the true understanding of Be-ness, notwithstanding the millions of years of the planet's existence. The more resonantly let us send forth our call to the Higher World.

Brotherhood (1937) - 24:
24. Hypocrisy, bigotry, and superstition are three of the dark qualities which must be rejected on the path to Brotherhood. Let each one reflect whence have been born these minions of ignorance. Whole books can be written about such paths of darkness. One should ponder upon how these pernicious corrupters have grown up. They grow imperceptibly. But there has never been a time when they were more numerous than at present. Notwithstanding the spiritualization of science, and in spite of conditions of rational investigation of the manifestations of the Subtle World, still the growth of crimes due to ignorance is unprecedented. People cannot understand that spatial thought can free them from their shackles.

Brotherhood (1937) - 144:
144. The farmer prepares and improves the field, sows it in good time, and patiently awaits the sprouting and the harvest. He puts a fence around the field, so that animals may not trample down the young growth. Every farmer knows causes and effects. But it is not thus in human interrelations; people wish to know neither causes nor effects. They are not concerned about sprouts, and they want everything to be accomplished in their own arbitrarily prescribed way. Notwithstanding all the examples, people do doubt the cosmic law. They quite readily sow the causes, but they will not reflect that weeds may be the sole harvest.

Brotherhood (1937) - 150:
150. People do not know how to find that which is most beautiful. They forget the best moments of enlightenment. But these hours are given to all, notwithstanding different conditions. A moment of enlightenment flashes out like a diamond. It is extremely brief, yet this brevity embraces a contact with the Supermundane World. Such touches are unforgettable! They are as torches on Earth and surpass the reason. One should preserve the supermundane sparks with solicitude.


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