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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > NO > NOTICING (13)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.15:
During work, when fatigue already possessed the disciples, Buddha would ask the most unexpected question and await the promptest reply. Or, placing the simplest object before them, He would suggest that they describe it in not more than three words or not less than one hundred pages. Or, placing a pupil before a locked door, He would ask: "How will you open it?" Or, summoning musicians beneath the window, He would have them sing hymns of entirely dissimilar contents. Or, noting the presence of an annoying fly, He would ask the pupil to repeat some words unexpectedly pronounced. Or, passing in front of the pupils, He would ask them how many times He had done so. Or noticing a fear of animals or of natural phenomena, He would give them the task of mastering it.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.18:
Who then are My people? Those who do not feel any place to be their home; those who do not attach any value to objects; who love to ascend mountains; who love the singing of birds; who value the air of the morning hour; who value action more than time; who understand flowers; who display fearlessness without noticing it; who abhor gossip; who esteem the manifestation of the joy of beauty; who understand the life beyond the limits of the visible; who feel when one can partake of Amrita; who hasten to fulfill the prophecy. These, My people, can use My Power.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 346:
346. I already told you about the divisibility of spirit. There is no need to be astonished if a developed spirit generously manifests itself, even at far distances, where it is attracted by the spiritual quality of those present. One should not think that the effects of such projection of the spirit are always invisible. One gives out coins almost without noticing, or even knowing, to whom they are given. How much more generous is our spirit when, as the finest energy, it hurries toward the best application.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 590:
590. You have noticed that sometimes physical tension activates one's psychic energy. This purely mechanistic and physical condition should direct one to thinking about the material nature of psychic energy. This materiality of psychic energy can easily be demonstrated by physical means. It is not difficult to observe the reflexive reactions to physical tension. Should one not search along these obvious directions? It means that spiritual manifestations are not at all abstract and can be measured. They may not be evident to all, yet the coarser actions can be seen by even an ordinary person. Unfortunately people often pass by without noticing even the loudest colors. Red may sometimes be remembered as green; this kind of distortion can be met everywhere.

Hierarchy (1931) - 91:
91. If the clarity of the Image of the Teacher brings us into closest cooperation with him, then each clear and vivid conception of an object in our third eye makes it near and attainable. One of the conditions of ancient magic was to teach the vividness of objects evoked by our inner conception. If the object is called forth with all completeness of line and color, one can apply it for the most immediate reaction; one may, as it were, possess it. Without limitations of space, one can regulate and bring closer its possibilities; from the most customary objects to the far-off planets one can utilize this force. There is nothing of the supernatural in this; but the duplicate becomes seemingly the identical, and a vital unifying thread is drawn to it. One can gradually develop in oneself these abilities, upon habitual objects, noticing thereby that when a clear image is created, a peculiar tremulous vibration occurs, similar to a magnetic reaction. Thus, in studying the Infinite one can approach it by beginning with the most customary objects.

Heart (1932) - 141:
The co-workers of the Subtle World often hurry to cooperate, without noticing their absentations. Only by vertigo does one sometimes become aware of this phenomenon, because cooperation with the Subtle World is considered unusual. But soon this situation will change.

Heart (1932) - 316:
316. Even a giant can be arrested by a small thought if it acts as a dissonance. So many people start to turn around, shudder, change their direction, and in every way give attention to passing thoughts without even noticing their source. The law of attraction and repulsion by thought will be accepted most readily by musicians, who understand consonance and the significance of dissonance, with one established key for the whole composition. Whoever understands what it means to conduct an entire multivoiced symphony in one given key, will more readily understand the manifestations of the basic thought, even considering the multiformity of the task. Such a thought of construction does not impede the manifestation of many ramifications if in the very same key. And an alien dissonant intrusion will not penetrate deeply if the fundamental task is solid.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 278:
278. The physician should not be surprised to observe that symptoms of obsession are assuming the proportions of an epidemic. They are far more numerous that the human mind imagines. Moreover, the varieties are highly diverse - from almost imperceptible eccentricity up to violence. I commend the physician for noticing a connection with venereal diseases. Truly, this is one of the channels of obsession. It can be said that the majority of those suffering from venereal disease are not strangers to obsession. However, in one way the physician has proved too optimistic - although venereal disease facilitates the entry of obsession, its cure does not lie in an eviction of the obsessor. Thus, also, irritation in extreme forms may invite an obsessor, but one must not expect that the first smile will eject him. A complete science is contained in such observation. The physician is correct in wishing to visit not only insane asylums but also prisons. It would not be out of place to visit the stock exchange also, or the deck of a ship in time of danger. One can observe chronic, protracted or temporary symptoms. Likewise, the perspiration can be observed. Many characteristics will gradually become evident to the observer. Among them, details of the Subtle World will be traced. One thing, however, remains incontestable - the ejection of the obsessor does not depend on physical methods. Only Agni, only the pure energy, can oppose this human calamity. I repeat the word calamity, because it is commensurate with the extent of the epidemic. A great number of physicians will regard Agni as a superstition and belief in obsession as ignorance. People so often endow others with their own qualities. But, at the same time, obsessors of all degrees will be troubled by these investigations.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 534:
534. Long ago I mentioned that a garden of offenses is unfit. One must show an understanding of the complete unworthiness of offenses. An offense is the most impeding state. It is like a hidden abscess. Buddha himself when noticing some kind of offense immediately sent away the disciple, saying, "go and bathe in cold water."

Brotherhood (1937) - 68:
68. People who are expecting a message can also be divided into two categories. The minority know how to wait, but the majority not only do not understand what is taking place but even exert a harmful influence. They abandon their work. They fill space with complaints. They impede those around them. Without noticing it they consider themselves the elect, and they begin to make arrogant assertions about others. Much harm emanates from scant knowledge and still more from a petrified consciousness. Each such person becomes a hotbed of confusion and doubt. He loses the rhythm of work by manifesting confusion. Such people are very harmful for the spreading of knowledge. They wish to receive for their personal gratification the very latest tidings, but little usefulness results from such usurpers. One should not fail to take such weak people into account - they are as nests of treason. Nothing restrains their intrigues. There should be no act of destruction just for the sake of good tidings. Few there are who know how to await messages in complete magnanimity, while working, and amidst difficulties - such co-workers are the ones who become brothers.

Brotherhood (1937) - 100:
100. The collapse of home and family will be, not in words and actions, but in thoughts. Silently are the foundations undermined. Without noticing it, people themselves foment dissolution. There are not many hearths around which mutual labor is performed in full understanding. But each such home is a step toward Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 310:
310. Do not consider absurd the testimony of the three aviators who saw horses at a great altitude. Such a vision is possible for several reasons. Motion itself can call forth forms connected with it; then, too, speed can concur with manifestations from the Subtle World. As before, it is needful to advise noticing such signs. One should not inevitably consider them as omens, but one should accept them as facts from the spheres of the Subtle World. There are not a few such manifestations, but extremes of attitude toward them are not permissible. People refer to them either with contempt or with absurd exaggeration; rational observation is rarely encountered.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 429:
The teacher should continue to remind the pupil about the vast numbers of natural phenomena that have remained unknown due to ignorance. In Our observations We are particularly saddened by the fact that people often pass by the special, precious proofs of the subtle nature of man without even noticing them.


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