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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > NO > NONSENSE (10)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.12:
And when I whispered, "Thy joy will depart," I had in mind the transformation of human joy into the cosmically manifested conception as if by entering into a vacuum. The rays of the new life enwrap one better than mosquito netting, and one need not strain oneself toward the Earth. In this, when we are working for the Earth, there is harmony. For outsiders, this seems sheer nonsense, but you understand how one can grasp and develop each pure earthly thought beyond its contemporary import. And when one has traced the thread from Christ to the blade of grass, then only has the scope of work been covered.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.17:
The most extreme ascetic, who curses the beauty of the world, closes the Gates before himself. Likewise, the scientist who forgets about the Source deprives himself of flights into the domain of higher conquests. Children will grasp this simple condition, but many adults reject it as nonsense.

New Era Community (1926) - 144:
144. We shall say to him who fears all changes "Dissolution is evident in you." This process begins much earlier than the physical illness. How can one observe the first signs of disintegration? Only in an immobility of admissions. How is it possible to determine when the disintegration becomes dangerous for the social order? When the indolent consciousness considers the community a harmful nonsense. It is best to by-pass such living corpses. Some kinds of people cannot comprise the community, but all those in the category of attacking ones must be indignantly excluded from social intercourse. It must be understood that even the smallest contact with these organisms is harmful. Here there can be no question of kinship. Honored is old age in a body with a clear consciousness; for in the essential nature there is then no old age. But premature decay surrounds one with an intolerable stench.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 451:
451. Once a French nobleman said to St. Germain, "I cannot even begin to understand the nonsense that surrounds you!"

Agni Yoga (1929) - 451:
St. Germain answered, "It is not difficult to understand my nonsense if you will give it the same attention you give to your own, if you will read my reports with the same attention you give to the list of dancers at the court. But the problem is that the order of a minuet is of greater importance to you than the safety of the planet."

Heart (1932) - 267:
267. You are familiar with the music of the spheres, the spatial bells, and the reverberating strings. It will be asked why, then, do not a multitude of people know these manifestations. But, then, why is a multitude of people satisfied with false intonation, absolutely refusing to realize the nuances of sound? Whereas even the rustle of tearing paper rends space, but the majority of persons do not even notice it. So it is with odor. The aromas of the Subtle World often penetrate to the physical world, but people primarily do not wish to notice them. Even the smoke of a conflagration is noticed by people only when it already chokes their throats. Not only insensibility but immobility as well makes the people blind and deaf. They do not possess even basic imagination; hence they distort the entire meaning of existence. Thus, for these shallow-minded ones the magnet of the heart is pure nonsense.

Heart (1932) - 314:
For many the rhythm of currents appears to be complete nonsense, but you know these salutary reactions. Be assured of My closeness.

Heart (1932) - 394:
394. "And at evening he laid the thought upon his heart, and at morning he pronounced his decision" - has been said of the Sage of the Mountain in Persian annals. For many people this is simply a quaint saying. Yet an entire Teaching is contained precisely in the saying, "Laid the thought upon his heart." Nowhere can the thought be transmuted except upon the altar of the heart. Many readers of the book Heart will wonder whether they have learned something new and applicable. Such people demand a pharmacist's prescription to exalt their hearts with patent pills. For them the command of placing a thought upon one's heart is nonsense. It is difficult for them to dissect thought in their disturbed consciousness. And it is impossible for them to discover the heart in the convolutions of their minds. But he who has already sensed the altar of the heart will also comprehend the discipline of spirit. We send calls of the heart to those friends who meet upon the crossroads of the East. We send calls of unity to those whose hearts have already sensed the music of the spheres. For him to whom the spheres are void the heart is only a sack of blood.

Heart (1932) - 428:
428. Cor bovinum, in other words, ox heart, is the familiar condition of an enlarged heart. There are many causes for this, but only the chief cause concerns us. The enlarged heart may be caused by an overflow of unutilized heart energy. It can be said that people who suffer from an enlarged heart did not begin the education of the heart in time. The potentiality of their organ was good but the heart energy was not applied. Of course, an enlarged heart is preferable to a fatty one. Thus, the heart may be called the most individual organ. Hence, the methods for the education of the heart must be very flexible. From the earliest years one must pay attention to aversions and predilections. It is stupid to regard as ignorant nonsense aversions which are merely not understood. Often the entire structure of the heart is reflected in this. And very useful conclusions can be arrived at. But above all, one must beware of the heart that knows neither attraction nor aversion. It means that the heart is asleep. There are multitudes of such dormant hearts, and this leads to decay of the spirit. Thus, once again the most inconceivably spiritual is connected with the physical manifestation.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 501:
501. You already know that objects can be made to change place by thought or psychic energy. The ignorant ask - why is not the fiery energy of thought subject to everyone and at all times? Ignorance can even reach the extent of such nonsense. A child asks help of an adult where his own strength is inadequate, but ignoramuses are not ashamed to ask such silly questions. In the Subtle World everything is moved by thought, but the dense World only rarely admits subtle qualities. The laws of such admissions are complex and not always are such invasions into the Subtle World admitted. Apparatus which can confirm the physical reaction to thought can be only very primitive, because the nature of employment of fiery energy lies not in the domain of the will but in that of the heart. The heart does not admit evil, but the will can occasion calamities. When the World will come to realize the value of the heart life, then will the flesh be transformed and draw near to the laws of the Subtle World.


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