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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > NO > NON-STRIVING (1)

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 214:
214. The saturation of space is most serious, and major importance must be given to the quality of saturation. When the space is encumbered by manifestations of non-striving energies, dark clouds of failure are suspended. Each thought impressed on the space generates its own coloring. Therefore, the area around each action is saturated by the quality of thought. Each thought generates its stamp and responds to the immutability of the impulse. Faith in the immutability of the Cosmic Magnet must imbue the space. Cosmic shifting will be a direct result of the Spatial Fire, and the spirit who understands the responsibility for thought will strain the spheres with pure fire. The more tense, the more pure. Thus is the creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet built.


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