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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > NO > NON-REALIZATION (4)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.8.6:
1.8.6. Occultly, the circle appears as an impersonation of the human organism broadened by possibilities. The central figures carry the honorary functions of the heart. The growth of the organism and its injuries are reflected upon the heart. The waving of the arms calls forth fatigue and, furthermore, the non-realization of strivings. You already know the parable about the ring-dance and about the shields. You already know that the best number for the circle is seven. Five represents the extremities of the body. Supplements can carry only special functions or else the acquittal of a karmic condition.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 43:
The non-realization of currents, and the reluctance to accept them, greatly complicates the evolution.

Hierarchy (1931) - 418:
418. Diseases are divided as sacred, karmic, and those that are admitted. The first two concepts are easily understood, but precisely in the book Hierarchy one should mention the admitted ones. Who or what permits these diseases? Certainly ignorance and the horror of non-realization. It is not enough not to think about them. Children likewise do not think of them, yet become infected. One should protect oneself in consciousness and create an invulnerable armor of nerve emanations. Even severe epidemics cannot develop if people master their consciousness. An experiment with the substance of psychic energy would indicate what powerful antiseptics people carry within themselves. For this, two conditions are necessary the first - realization of psychic energy; the second - realization of Hierarchy as the sole path for the increase of psychic energy. One should not look upon Hierarchy as something abstract. One should realize firmly that it is the most powerful life-giver. We call it the primary remedy. But even a pill must be swallowed and an ointment applied. There is no effect from a remedy that is in a trunk. Likewise, the Benefaction of Hierarchy must be taken by striving. Thus, an irrevocable striving will afford a healing result.

Brotherhood (1937) - 534:
534. Non-realization of Infinity leads to many errors. Thus, people begin to imagine that Earth is the center of creation, or they attempt to measure and define the dimensions of the manifested Universe. In this they forget that the manifested is continually evolving. There cannot be even a single static moment. But people are so imbued with earthly measures that they attempt to subject to them even the immeasurable. Let us not obstruct any quests. We have rejoiced even at small stratospheric flights, however one should guard against improper conclusions such as those that represent Earth as the center of the Universe. Such conceit is not befitting an enlightened scientist. It may be that he considers each point of Infinity a conditional center, but more probably he simply does not realize Infinity.


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