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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > NO > NON-CORRELATION (3)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.14:
I have spoken from the very beginning about the ineffectualness of rays when there is non-correlation of emanations. Fatigue and irritation can deprive one of an urgent message. One must know how to reach Us over and above one's sensations.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 340:
340. There are currents which fill the space with discordant emanations. These currents fill the lower layers, and space is often the battleground of discordant emanations. The sensitive organism of the Agni Yogi, aspiring toward pure Fire, definitely responds to the tension. The "chalice of affirmation," as a vessel containing the threads of all the subtle energies, certainly reverberates to all discharges, and the heart is in tremor. Hence, in the lower layers the high Agni Yogi is confirmed as the self-sacrificing bearer of pure fire. Thus, the non-correlation of the spheres evinces such tensions.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 274:
274. Excessive emaciation and corpulence are equally harmful for ascent. They equally nullify psychic energy. The middle path foresees the best conditions. Also, instead of a natural striving people prefer unsuitable extremes. The creativeness of the cosmos does not tolerate lack of balance. It is known that chaos yields before the assault of the forces of equilibrium, but the same law must be introduced into all life. We are microcosms and must be subject to all the conditions of the Macrocosm. But few people will even speak about such a condition of existence. Therefore such non-correlation agitates the Earth.


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