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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > NO > NOMENCLATURE (4)

New Era Community (1926) - 230:
230. It would seem that an end has been put forever to the two Western inventions, mysticism and metaphysics. Any laboratory, moderately fitted out, tells enough about the properties of the one matter. But as soon as people go beyond the limits of yesterday's experiment, they begin to cover up their helpfulness with indefinite dusty nomenclature. They rise in opposition, covering with the bugbears "metaphysics" and "mysticism" all the scientific possibilities of the coming day. The metaphysics of yesterday has turned into the scientific knowledge of an average literate man. Mysticism has proved to be a historic fact, and the walls of the tomb have convinced many more, those of broadest consciousness.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 53:
53. An invulnerable armor may be of metal or of silk, but the best armor is the fiery one. Can the Leader proceed by the ordained path without the fiery armor? With what other means may one deflect all arrows of malice and swords of hatred? But many Leaders even in their earthly consciousness have felt that they were protected by the fiery armor. Whole books can be written about the magnetism of the destined Leader. It may be observed that neither the outer appearance, nor the voice, nor riches, but something else convinces people. More than once have I spoken about the Fire of the heart. Precisely this armor is a magnet which attracts and protects. As it has been said, "I will receive all arrows in my shield." But this shield must be forged. This shield can be manifested only from Above. But how many thoughts and discourses must be sent in advance, in order that this Communion be established and the fiery armor forged! One should lose not a day nor an hour, to make the Communion living and ever-present. In error people think that science precludes the Higher World; it can alter earthly nomenclature, but the triune essence remains the basis. The more so does the Leader know wherein is the substance. Perhaps he will not express the Unutterable Word, but he will feel it in his heart. That Word will help the Leader not to lose the universal concept, only this will bring readily the wondrous armor.

Brotherhood (1937) - 36:
36. Psychic energy is called the organ of the fourth dimension. Indeed, the fact of this dimension is relative; it only expresses the refined state of all feelings. Great refinement bestows the possibility of understanding supermundane conditions. But if the fourth dimension has been established in the nomenclature, let it be thus - so long as we do not revert to two dimensions. Likewise, let us not object if psychic energy be called an organ. It exists, it produces powerful reactions. It assimilates cosmic currents, it is bound up with life. Let it be called even an organ, for in such designation there already is acknowledgment of it.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 120:
There are those who define all the worlds as material, but in the final analysis one comes to understand that all is spirit-matter. Hence, the worlds are material, after all. Indeed, the Tower of Chun is built of matter. But let us not complicate our thinking with nomenclature; the signs of all the three worlds are being manifested, and earthly man can even see the sparks of the Fiery World.


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