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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > NO > NOISE (19)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 275:
275. What was a fragrance will become a stench. The former song will become the noise of the wheel. The former shield will turn into an oven door. So grows the spirit, when it turns to face the universe.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 283:
283. Be alert for the opportunity to listen. The Great Silence envelops the hearkening ear - Amidst noise it is invulnerable. And amidst the battle its presence is ever more astounding. The open ear turns away from the earthly plane.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.13:
A man who had withheld the confession of a crime sat in prison. At home he had left riches which had come to him unexpectedly. The noise of every step outside suggested to him a pardon. He sent couriers to deliver the riches to the judge. But a simple confession would have freed him and preserved his wealth.

New Era Community (1926) - 260:
Count the hours, for now it is impossible to reckon by days. Can it be that you hear not the noise of the wave!

Hierarchy (1931) - 68:
68. One more significant experiment Accustom yourselves to see without looking and to hear without listening. That is, you must be able to aim your vision into the spiritual realms to a degree that, in spite of open eyes, you will not see that which is before you, and in spite of open ears, you will not hear evident noise. Through such physical tests one can greatly progress in psychic vision and hearing. For this, it is useful to hold constantly in imagination before oneself the Image of the Teacher as that which is the most precious to bind you with the Supreme.

Heart (1932) - 87:
87. Vengeance is justly condemned by all Teachings. The original wrong itself may be but little realized and even unintentional, yet vengeance is always thought out and consciously intensified in the heart. Vengeance is like a megaphone for the wrong; therefore its harm, in the spatial sense, is very great. Vengeance only slightly resembles indignation. Indignation, like an impulse to threaten may pass quickly, but premeditated acts of vengeance widely poison the atmosphere. It is said that intention is equal to action, but one must have in mind the action of thought. It is most difficult for humanity to get accustomed to these considerations. To contemporary humanity thought has been transformed into an inconsequential cerebral contraction. Since the eye does not perceive the consequence of the thought, this means that it does not exist; but then we will arrive at denying the process of thought completely! The heart is in a better position; it makes motion and noise - thus, the heart can knock.

Heart (1932) - 188:
188. The immediate duty of everyone who knows of the Subtle World is to affirm this invisible but real world at each opportunity that presents itself. Even though some become angered, let them think about reality. If human physiology were supplemented by a study of the Subtle World, which links the essence of all the conditions of existence, our earthly world would then at once change into a distinctly new era. I affirm that the noise of the turmoil has reached unprecedented limits, because the bond between the worlds is completely neglected. Let no one say that he has not been duly warned. Let the traveler not forget that he cannot return to the home he abandoned, that only by himself can he reach the Luminous Citadel to which he is summoned. Let the traveler remind everyone at the crossroads about the irreversible paths.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 11:
11. Some blind people can sense the presence of fire by sound instead of light. Some even prefer to cognize by sound rather than by heat. One may conduct instructive experiments not only upon blind people but also upon heavily blindfolded people. But of course the blindfold may interfere with the general sensitiveness, therefore the testimonies of blind people will be more convincing. The more so since their hearing is usually more acute. They may even testify that the flame of the candle resounds. We have refined our senses in many respects, but the physical deprivation of one sense sharpens the other. The sighted people perceive the song of the fire in a stove, in a bonfire, and in a conflagration, in other words in the crudest manifestation. And besides, people but seldom distinguish the sounding of the fire from the noise of the burning material. Nevertheless it is possible to know the resounding of fire.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 580:
580. You know that the concussion from a shell or other explosion may be worse than a visible wound, because from concussion a man may lose his balance forever. The same thing results from shock by invisible forces. Each physician can observe identical symptoms resulting from concussion and from invisible shocks. They even speak about the noise of thought or about gusts of warm or cold wind. It is correct that thought can make noise or create a wind. And such an action will be a fiery one, but rarely do people notice such manifestations.

AUM (1936) - 79:
79. Aum resounds not as a name but as a concept. The cognizing one will realize the sounding which is consonant with the music of the spheres. Rarely is it possible to hear this resonance of the spheres with the earthly ear, but the ignoramus takes it only for a noise in the ear. Thus let us walk there where sounds Infinity itself.

AUM (1936) - 219:
219. Lethargy is a peculiar, undefined state between sleep and death. The heart almost stops, the body is motionless, and an unearthly expression of the face is maintained. Yet the man is not only alive but returns to wakefulness for a reason of his own, which no one understands. The falling of one into lethargy is unexpected, and the circumstances of such a transitory state can never be known to those around him., In Our language this is a protracted extrusion of the subtle body. Such a state is not a sickness, and should be looked upon as an unnatural tension of the organism in relation to the Subtle World. It may be the result of overfatigue, fright, shock by grief, or unexpected joy. Especially noteworthy is the instant of awakening. Usually those present create great harm by their untimely exclamations and questions. Each question of this kind is already a suggestion. One should take the greatest care not to dissipate the retained impressions. Most often, people emerging from lethargy begin to assure us that they remember nothing. Rather, such remembrances have been stricken from their consciousness by some inopportune questions or noise. In such a manner an opportunity of acquaintanceship with the Subtle World is lost. During the awakening, the aroma of attar of roses is very useful.

Brotherhood (1937) - 292:
292. Treatment by means of music is already being applied, but the effects are not always perceptible. The reason is that it is not customary to develop perception of music. From childhood one should be accustomed to assimilating the beauty of sound. Musical faculties are in need of education. It is true that in each man has been implanted an inclination for sound but without cultivation it remains asleep. Man ought to hear beautiful music and song. Sometimes a single harmony will awaken forever a sense of the beautiful. Yet great is ignorance when the best panaceas are forgotten in the family. Especially , when the world is quaking from hatred, it is indispensable to make haste in opening the ears of the young generation. Without realization of the significance of music it is also impossible to understand the sounding of nature; and, of course, it is impossible to think about the music of the spheres - only noise will be accessible to the spirit of the ignorant. The song of waterfall or river or ocean will be only a roar; the wind will not bring melody and will not resound in the trees as a solemn hymn. The best harmonies vanish for the unopened ear. Can people accomplish their ascent without song? Can Brotherhood stand without song?

Brotherhood (1937) - 382:
382. A hermit dwelling by a mountain stream was asked, "Does not the noise of the waterfall disturb you?" He replied, "On the contrary, it helps my hearing. Moreover, the stream reminds me of two concepts - consonance and continuity. I recall how people transgress their own paths. This variation in thoughts has the stream given me."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 254:
People should strive for inner peace while participating in life. In the best teachings it is clearly indicated that one can be at peace even on the battlefield. There is much beautiful imagery that teaches us how one can transmit truth and be spiritually uplifted even in the noise of battle! We must remind those who are lost to inaction that by their way of life they may create an illusion of peace, but their spirit will not be strengthened, nor will it succeed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 280:
280. Urusvati has heard the many sounds of Nature. Truly, Nature is never silent. Our Ashram has a reputation for stillness, but this should be understood relatively. It is quiet in comparison with earthly, human noise, but Nature continues to send forth Her sounds. The whispers of the mountains and the noises of the waterfalls and streams near the Ashram, merge into one intensified choir. But all these voices of Nature cannot prevent one from hearing the calls of the Supermundane.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 354:
One should be concerned about harmony, which is essential for both worlds. If an important task is being performed near us, we should not quarrel or make noise. Even in daily life people celebrate in the name of an absent one, and try, for example, to take care of the dear one's possessions. We act wisely if we behave toward the deceased as we would toward an absent friend.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 360:
360. Urusvati knows how often people attempt to attribute subtle phenomena to gross physical causes. For instance, noises in the ear that are experienced by many are physical manifestations that provoke varying interpretations. Doctors often attribute them to abnormal blood pressure, but this is simply another external symptom. The true cause of such pressures is the touch of subtle influences. Actually, there are three kinds of noise - one is a peculiarly dull, continuous noise, another is like a reflection of the pulse, and the third you have described as like the sound of cicadas. This third type, a curious, very rapid pulsation, is especially characteristic, and is the sign of a particularly subtle energy.


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