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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > NE > NETWORKS (3)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 91:
91. Let us mentally collect all the fiery approaches, let us examine the signs of inspiration or illumination. We will find identical signs indicating the common foundation, which actually lies beyond. And so it must be, the fire of the heart comes into contact with the Fire of Space. Only thus can be effected the conception, or more correctly, the impregnation of thought-creativeness. Moreover, one must manifest the highest respect for the complexity of the apparatus that forms the contact with Fire. The most delicate golden networks of nerves are almost imperceptible to the eye. One must peer into them with the third eye in order to remember them forever and be imbued with respect for them.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 121:
121. The principle of transference of sensitiveness is very clearly indicated in the swelling of the lips. An accumulation of fiery energies in the throat is discharged in another center. Likewise, nasal hemorrhage is a result of a strong transference of fire of a center, outwardly manifested through the third eye. If subtle energies are saturated by Fire, then transmutation of the centers is so strong that a discharge is inevitable. Fires are raging; that is why it is very necessary to guard the health. Tension of the currents of space is strongly reflected on subtle organisms. Spatial currents are very strongly intensified. The vision of the black networks revealed all the blackness of the web which surrounds the planet. A whirlwind is being borne through space. Thus We discharge spatial pressures.

Brotherhood (1937) - 169:
169. Is it possible to understand how much the mental sendings are being intercepted? It is difficult to imagine into what lateral canals energy can be directed. There may be accidental receivers, but evil entities may also draw near. Such interceptors may receive partial thoughts, and one may imagine the resulting frightful confusion of the networks. One should be armed for many eventualities.


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