Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.19: In the Egyptian Mysteries there was a fixed moment when the neophyte, having been placed before a threshold in absolute darkness, had to enter into the Unknown without slackening his steps. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.13: The despair of spiritual emptiness before the anointing was well known to the initiates into the mysteries of Isis. On the night of the anointment the neophyte was locked in a special chamber where he emptied the full chalice of despair and rent his garments, enduring a mortal anguish in spirit. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.13: Before dawn he sank into a stupor, and at daybreak, when the sun illumined the pylons of the temple and the priests intoned the morning prayer, the High Priest unlocked the door, awakened the neophyte, and led him into a dazzling hall, where he received his new name and was reborn in exaltation of the spirit. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.10.1: Ritual ablutions must be understood both literally and symbolically. The highest and final act of all mysteries was distinguished by the absence of ritual. Often the Initiator said to the neophyte: "Here thou com'st to Me, armed with the Secret; but what can I give thee, when the crown of fulfillment is preserved within thyself. Sit down, open the last gates, and I in prayer will alleviate thy last ascension." Hierarchy (1931) - 351: 351. Hierarchy must be adopted as an evolutionary system. To those spirits who have not yet outlived slavery it should be repeated that Hierarchy differs completely from despotism. Even a chimney-sweep must climb to the roof in order to clean the flues. This cannot be done from below. One cannot compose a symphony without one key for all instruments. Many analogies may be quoted, beginning with a jest and finishing with the touching examples of bees, ants, and swans. But the best example for contemporary humanity is the comparison with impersonal chemistry. It is easy to understand that a reaction can take place only under precise conditions. Hierarchy likewise corresponds completely to the astrochemical principles, which even a neophyte of science will not deny. We justly agreed already upon the importance of the discovery of psychic energy; for the coordination of its realization Hierarchy is as indispensable as a helpful chemical process. Heart (1932) - 191: 191. I want to accustom you to the scale of Infinity. This accumulation is effected slowly, as is the comparison of events. The neophyte cannot grasp events in their world dimensions. To him it is even difficult and unusual to change his room. How, then, to think of world wings! Heis also held back by considerations of the pettiest property, and he does not see the step when any condition is admissible because it is weighed on the scales of Infinity. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 513: 513. A neophyte asked a Rishi who spoke to him about Agni, "If I constantly repeat the word Agni, will I have any benefit from it?" The Rishi answered, "Of course, You have been so far removed from this concept that even through sound your nature will cling to the great foundation of Existence." In the same way We repeat about the various qualities and analogies of the great Agni. May the people accept this sound in the Chalice! Let them be so saturated with its reverberations that they accept it as inalienable to them. If, during the transition between existences, they even pronounce "Agni," it will be of help to them, because they will not be hostile toward Fire. The Subtle World will help to sensitize the understanding of the higher principles, but they cannot be approached with hostility and denial. The aim of the first book about the Fiery World is to affirm and accustom people to an understanding of Agni. Let them see how diversely Fire has been understood, from ancient times up to the present contemporary understanding. May the sparks of these fires of the heart recall to mind many mysterious manifestations and the recounting of legends by the old people. One must absorb into one's consciousness an attractive constructive image. One should admit it as one's own possession which will lead to the heights. Therefore, even the repetition of sound, Agni, is useful.