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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > NE > NEGLIGENT (4)

Hierarchy (1931) - 129:
129. Let us write down questions for a disciple "Dost thou not serve darkness? Art thou not a servitor of doubt? Art thou not a traitor? Art thou not a liar? Art thou not ribald? Art thou not a sluggard? Art thou not irritable? Hast thou a tendency to inconstancy? Art thou not negligent? Dost thou understand devotion? Art thou ready to labor? Wilt thou not be afraid of Light?" Thus ask disciples when preparing them for probation.

Hierarchy (1931) - 218:
218. Hence, one must remember that disparagement of Hierarchy is treason; that indifference toward Hierarchy is treason; that a negligent attitude toward all that pertains to Hierarchy is treason. Thus, We affirm that responsibility must be realized for each spoken word, for each deed and each action.

Heart (1932) - 170:
170. When one wishes to make a speech in an unknown language, it is unwise to prepare oneself only on the preceding eve. If one desires to come out with a new instrument, it is unwise to prepare oneself on the eve of one's appearance. If one wants to cross into the Subtle World, it is unwise to begin preparations on the preceding eve. It is terrible when a man who during his entire life has turned away from thought about the Subtle World begins like a negligent pupil dimly to repeat the unrealized words only on the eve of crossing. The fact of the inevitable crossing is announced by all Teachings. It is said, "We shall not die, but change." It is impossible to speak more briefly, it is impossible to speak more affirmatively. It means that one must know the language of the Subtle World; it means that one has to acquire the right of entrance in complete consciousness, but this is impossible to attain on the eve before. One may begin to instill horror instead of joy, and thus violate the law of life. But, as you know, the best conductor is the flaming heart. With such an inextinguishable lamp it is not terrifying to cross the skies and meet the Guiding Ones.

Heart (1932) - 319:
319. A miracle is a manifestation of the most subtle energies, which are not accounted for in schools of chemistry and physics. A miracle is not evidenced only in levitation and loss of weight, to which you were witnesses; the very same subtlest energies are utilized in life oftener than people think, and these manifestations, incomprehensible to the majority, must be studied. This is not necromancy, not spiritualism, but simply the science of the most refined energies. Before us is the human heart, the most sacred treasure-chest, but it is necessary to harken to it and to approach this highest throne, cleansing our hands. You have witnessed examples of negligent physicians who did not profit by the beautiful evidence of a flaming heart. Now they are paying for their blindness. A miracle may take place, but it is necessary to unite the most refined threads of the heart. Therefore We point out the necessity of unification of consciousness.


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