New Era Community (1926) - 164: 164. The physician foresees the trend of the disease and you take the prescribed measures. The astronomer foresees the solar eclipse and you provide yourselves with the necessary dark glass. The social psychologist foresees the trend of events and you, crying "Prophet!" in terror hide yourselves in the darkest corners. You do this ostensibly in preservation of scientific methods, but in reality hypocrisy and fear prevent you from deliberating as to where is the greater actual knowledge - in the short-sighted opinion of the physician who judges only by external touching or in the far-sighted marksmanship of the social prophet in whom experience is coupled with immutability. Remember your social prophets who hundreds of years in advance indicated coming events to humanity. You call them neither mystics nor hypocrites. Together with Us you call them far-sighted psychologists. In this definition We shall agree with you, and pause. Besides, remember that the censured "Prophet" means "one who prognosticates." Social prophets have foretold the trend of events, which means that this concept is not less real than medicine and astronomy. New Era Community (1926) - 248: The denier of evolution can withdraw into hermit life and dream about the delights of regress. But life itself, reality itself, will indicate new, incontestable manifestations. Only the judicious mind of a realist places these manifestations into a scientifically conceived, orderly scheme. All the near-sighted mystics and the petty conventional literati will be in the place of the ignorant. The banner of the newly realized energy is being raised. Each new acquisition must fill every heart with joy. The thinking of the community member must throb at the possibilities of new, useful studies of reality.