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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > MU > MULTIFORM (27)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.2:
Upon the walls are My signs, and in the whisper is My breath. Let the bushes grow wild, it is easier to remove than to plant. Fear nothing, for, though Our flowers are multiform, by the Voice of the Lords you shall bring them into order.

New Era Community (1926) - 90:
How then to prevent the dealing of a blow to the strata? Indeed, it is necessary to provide for firm pillars, which will break up a current. I have mentioned the spindle of the spirit as the center of a spiral. Keep this structure in mind, because inflexibility, surrounded by centrifugal motion, can resist all agitations. The structure of Our Community calls to mind the same spindles surrounded by powerful spirals. It is the best structure for the battle, the end of which is a foregone conclusion. Thus, it is necessary to understand Our structures materially. And why is an unintelligible abstraction necessary, when the principle of the Cosmos is one? The system of the growth of crystals also demonstrates how multiform is the world of gravitation. Seekers can understand that one has to proceed along material lines in pursuing higher knowledge. Whoever does not love the clarity of crystals will not reach Us. Unrepeatable purity means perfection of form. One may show a crystal to a child, and the child will grasp the perfection of it. Indeed the structure of the crystals of the community will yield perfection of form.

New Era Community (1926) - 189:
189. The fisherman returns joyfully with his prise catch. Mankind was not made for misfortunes. Man is this same joyous fisherman with a multiform catch. True, the catch is different, but the joy is the same and inalienable - the joy of thought about the future. Neither fish nor birds nor animals know of the future. But man definitely knows the unavoidableness of a future. In this call of space is contained immense joy. He who is afraid of the future is still in an animal state, and the world feast is not yet for him.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 128:
128. The very essence of the Cosmic Magnet is potentially so multiform that every principle enters into each of its manifested chains. All principles are based on attraction and are impelled by the power of the Cosmic Magnet. Throughout Cosmos there is being built a life of resistance to the principles which do not lead to manifestations of evolution. Cosmic magnetism combats the diverting force. And if we follow the historical course of the development of races, we become convinced that those traces which have strayed from the path of evolution were thus drawn into dissipation. True, it may be said that races are born and die, but so utterly different are the steps of each succeeding race that it may be said that the departing races include both those who have been wasters and those who have been accumulators. In speaking of races, one must consider also their adjoining sub-races. The course taken by a race is determined by the correlation with the Cosmic Magnet - the acceptance or resistance to the destined.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 389:
389. Creativeness is so multiform that it may be asserted that forms are created by as many energies as constitute their potentiality. But creation is divided into the visible and invisible. The transformation of cosmic forms is certainly visible in its effects, but the highest and most intense process is an invisible one. Upon realizing the levers of creative power, we can summon the invisible fires; then, indeed, is the highest law affirmed. Therefore, in ordaining Agni Yoga We envisage the affirmation of the invisible Might.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 319:
319. Wars of arms, wars of trade, wars of unemployment, wars of knowledge, wars of religion - multiform are the wars, and earthly boundaries have already lost their significance! Planetary life is divided by innumerable boundaries.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 411:
411. The language of the spirit is essential for the Subtle World. Its essence lies in the subtle nature, but it is possible to become accustomed to it even while in the earthly state. Such orientation is a useful fiery test. The school must discover the resourcefulness of pupils by test of giving one word, and later on comes the task of understanding at one glance. The later experiment will be closest to the Subtle World. In addition one can develop a sense of relativity by addressing one's interlocutor according to his nature. Thus, in an earthly conversation each one adopts the best language for his companion, taking into consideration his state of consciousness. Every schoolteacher knows how multiform must be his language in order to make friends of his pupils. But besides the school, in any home one learns to discern the thoughts of the mistress of the house. Thus, in the midst of daily life, characteristics of a subtle order are manifested. One has only to take note of them, to penetrate into them, and to expand these observations. But for this, one should be imbued with reverence for the future and learn to love the principal factor of the Subtle World - Agni. I insist on the expression, "to love fierily," only thus can one assimilate this element which is so difficult for Earth. Our discourses should first of all lead to an understanding of the Subtle World and, as its apotheosis, bring one fearlessly to the radiance of the Fiery World. We rejoice when, amidst the earthly sojourn, the dimensions of the Subtle World are established. Through this, we bring Earth to a closer cooperation with the far-off worlds, in other words, we participate in the process of evolution.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 183:
183. Much has been said about life in the Subtle World. The accounts often appear to be contradictory, but again let us take earthly examples. The diversity of earthly situations is astonishing, only undeveloped eyes are unable to distinguish great numbers of subtlest manifestations. When We speak about earthly situations, We usually have in mind only uniform groups, but We cannot enumerate the entire complex of volitional creativeness. Therefore Our definitions will depend upon the theme of the discourse, or upon the quality of the consciousness of Our listener. Likewise among the truest descriptions of the Subtle World there will always be found groups, corresponding most closely to Our designs. Thus, let us not criticize the diversified aspects of information about the Subtle World. If the earthly world is stately, then the Higher Worlds are progressively majestic and multiform.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 197:
197. Who said that musk is merely a stimulant? It can have an equilibrating importance, bringing into motion basic energies. It is regrettable when such multiform, powerful reactions are reduced to a single manifestation. The poorer the idea of it, the cruder the hypothesis. This refers also to many indicated remedies. No one thinks about the significance in synthesis of valerian. No one is willing to understand mint as a friend of life, ready to exercise a calming effect upon rebellious centers. No one wishes to observe the action of milk combined with soda. Thus broad is the field of observation for eyes which have been opened.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 44:
44. If people would ponder deeply about the steps of evolution, they would come to the conclusion that the laws are infinitely multiform. It is so simple, it would seem, to investigate the process of all growths and refinements, but humanity notices only that which can be traced within a frame of everyday understanding.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 332:
332. Man represents in himself a magnet, the qualities of which are quite multiform. Best of all, it is possible to reveal that influence which either the Higher Forces or the dark enslavers exert on man. When the centers and consciousness are correspondingly developed the force of the magnet becomes invulnerable, because this magnetism becomes a conformer to the Higher Force. But the spirit which is saturated with low currents cannot attract. Magnetic currents are directed only by forces which attract them. By losing attraction, it becomes impossible to respond to a vibration. Man is the magnet - thus let us remember on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 400:
400. The store of psychic energy is inexhaustible, and during spiritual strivings its strength is multiplied. At the time of spiritual aspiration this energy becomes a constructive impulse for new supplies. The properties of this fiery energy are thus multiform, and its potential surpasses every other energy, because the life contained in it can transmute all other energies. Psychic energy in its activity can overcome each opposition if it be consciously directed. The manifest source becomes exhausted only when it is not supported by conscious striving. Through attainment of the spirit, through fiery saturation, this sacred fiery source of life intensifies all vital functions.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 402:
402. The means for compressing psychic energy are highly multiform. Exalted thought or joy of aspiration, transports of the spirit and each inner saturation with power, can multiply the manifestations of psychic energy. Precisely, it is from within that this sacred source can be replenished. During great agitations or grave illnesses the crystal of psychic energy may be filled with new power through those energies which are nourished by the higher centers and by exalted feelings. Therefore faith, directed toward the Source of Light, verily works miracles.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 566:
566. Often disputes take place about the length of stay in the Subtle World. Long periods have been mentioned, but also there can be noted some very brief ones. How to reconcile this difference? Yet in the great multiform Universe all is possible. The inhabitants of the Subtle World can be divided into several kinds some try to prolong their sojourn from a desire to develop the utmost usefulness - they are the hardest workers. Others try to remain longer in order not to take on the earthly trial. A third group stay on because of their love for the Subtle World. A fourth exert every effort to return more quickly to the earthly experience. It is true, children often incarnate quickly, but they can be observed to be striving toward many different tasks. It is touching to see children who wish to do better and who are afraid of former conditions; they should be particularly helped. Of course such strivings do not resemble those of a pauper who, because of the loss of his earthly treasures in a former life, wishes to become a rich man. But the chief happiness in the Subtle World is to preserve the purity and clarity of one's thinking. One must know precisely what one desires.

AUM (1936) - 86:
86. Throughout the history of humanity can be traced a recognition of the Higher Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, and a great number of such concepts leading to the Higher World. Such testimony of all ages and peoples must compel even the ignorant to reflect. All mankind cannot be mistaken! Under varying conditions people have sensed the same supreme, ineffable Origin. People have regarded the manifestation of the spirit as the philosophers' stone. One can find the most multiform signs of great Reality preserved by peoples. This is not self-interested suggestion, but a discernment of truth. Let people search in ancient Egypt, in Babylon, amid the undiscovered cultures of the Mayans; and everywhere, beyond the subtle symbols, can be found the same exalted concepts.

AUM (1936) - 280:
280. One can observe the extent to which there simultaneously dwell on Earth living beings of the most diverse status - from primitive savage to subtlest thinker. One person will assert that Earth is in the Paleolithic period, whereas another will demonstrate that Earth has already entered the Golden Age, each will be guided by what is evident to him. So, too, in the cosmogonic discussions one should not be astonished at the contiguity of quite different periods. The Universe is so multiform in its great Infinity.

AUM (1936) - 293:
293. If the precipitates of space upon cities were to be investigated, something similar to imperil would be found among the poisonous substances. Carefully observing this poison, one comes to the conviction that it is imperil exhaled by the breath of evil. Undoubtedly, breathing permeated with evil is a carrier of injurious effects. If poison can be deposited in the organism, due to irritation, if the saliva can be made poisonous, then the breath can also be made a poison-carrier. It is necessary to judge how much evil is being exhaled and how multiform are the aspects of evil compressed into the new combinations of poisons present in enormous crowds of people. This is increased by the varied effluvia of decomposing foods and all manner of refuse which litter the streets even in metropolises. It is time to look after the cleanliness of backyards. Cleanliness is necessary out of doors and in the human breathing. The imperil exhaled by irritated people is identical with filth, or shameful refuse. It is imperative to impress people's consciousness with the fact that each bit of filth infects those around. The filth of moral dissolution is worse than any excretions.

AUM (1936) - 376:
376. To each one something has been given. It is cause for rejoicing that no one's path intersects the path of his neighbor. The broadened consciousness indicates how multiform are the manifestations of psychic energy, therefore each one who writes about it should tell what he has experienced and observed. One should not generalize sensations, because the manifestations of energy depend upon a great number of conditions.

AUM (1936) - 423:
Each legislation should allot a large place to the cooperative principle. Let each outgrowth of it be protected by sound laws. Life is multiform, and cooperation cannot be conditioned by a single interpretation. Subtle energies play a part in each work, and they must be very carefully shielded by laws. The manifestation of subtle energies enters into diverse human consciousnesses. It is impossible to define the subtle combinations with the crude word.

AUM (1936) - 496:
496. Those born blind undoubtedly see internally but they do not know how to transmit their impressions in words. Their colors are multiform and more subtle, because therein they border upon the Subtle World. One has to observe the expressions on their faces in order to notice the inner emotions.

AUM (1936) - 507:
507. In experimentation with psychic energy doubt is the greatest obstacle. Free, fearless admittance will provide wings for the experiment. You have observed how thought seeks liberation. You perhaps wish to rivet thought into a definite line, but the essence of psychic energy sends the consciousness into other spheres. Admit such flights also, for the labor of thought is multiform. The concept of divisibility of spirit suggests also divisibility of thought. But there occur circumstances when psychic energy is so tense and thought has been directed to so far a destination that such a condition may appear devoid of thought. Such a feeling arises owing to the change of direction of energy.

AUM (1936) - 561:
Highly multiform is psychic energy! One may find different vibrations of it that have special names. Let us turn our attention to one lofty aspect of the energy called "protectiveness." It should not be thought that this quality shields only the bearer of such energy. On the contrary, he protects others, liberally sharing his energy. Just as with the divisibility of spirit, psychic energy is apportioned where it can be useful. Such a physician does not know the sufferers who are being cured by him. It is a difficult, but a beneficent task!

Brotherhood (1937) - 95:
95. Each manifestation is multiform. It is especially erroneous to think of a manifestation as having one single source and one single effect. Around each action there can be observed many different realms which exert an influence and on which an influence is exerted. One must assimilate the fact that the sphere of each action is far broader than can be defined according to earthly reasoning. Thus, by each action and each thought people contact several spheres. It should not be forgotten that thoughts infallibly impinge upon the Subtle World. They do not always arrive in a state of clarity, but in any case they will produce a certain disturbance of energy. So many currents are refracted in space that it is impossible to call human action a mere muscular reflex. Hence, one must accustom oneself to the complexity of effects.

Brotherhood (1937) - 541:
541. Some will call Brotherhood an exalted cooperative. Let us not stand in the way of such a definition. It is essential that the concept of Brotherhood enter life, and cooperation is already near to the understanding of the broad masses. Each heightening of cooperation will thereby be an approach to Brotherhood. Let people ponder carefully upon those traits of their characters which contribute to the strengthening of cooperation. Precisely these qualities will be of need to them on the path to Brotherhood. Let us not renounce the feature of communal life if individuality will be preserved in it. Each cooperative must also safeguard the individuality; only on this condition can cooperation be multiform and fruitful.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 26:
The cunning ways of the dark ones are multiform. In addition to their crudest attempts, there may be subtle approaches that influence one's weaker side. Creating doubt is one of the favorite methods used by the dark ones, and he who doubts is already defenseless. One would think that this axiom is sufficiently known, yet how many perish from this poison! I consider that a great many enemies of Truth are created by whisperers of doubt. Obvious fools are not as dangerous as petty hypocrites. If new kinds of poisons are invented, why should not new kinds of hypocrisy appear? These descriptions of the attacks of the dark ones must be remembered when you picture the Inner Life of the Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 53:
53. Urusvati is deeply aware of the significance of the creativity in people. We direct Our thought along the lines of cooperation and nationwide creativeness. It is time to realize that people's creativity is an inspired affirmation of their value. In all Our labor We allow time to inspire multiform creativity. Not only those who have dedicated themselves to art, but the entire nation should direct its thoughts to creativeness. Let daily life be created by the hands of the family. Let leisure time be filled with creativeness and let people sing, for the great power of harmony is contained in choirs.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 435:
435. Urusvati knows that, as the increasingly poisonous atmosphere attacks the tissues, inflammation of the mucous membranes has become the scourge of humanity. It is impossible to imagine how multiform are the symptoms of this sickness of our times. People attempt to relate these symptoms to previously-known types of disease; they do not understand the unique characteristics of this epidemic. Often the symptoms seem to be harmless, and physicians cannot determine the cause or the course of the illness. It is therefore important for physicians to study the human organism by all available scientific methods.


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