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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > MO > MOVER (6)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 212:
In the consciousness of men, a precise distinction must be made between an instrument manifested for diverse purposes and an affirmed Mover of evolution. When We speak of the transmutation of the fires, it must be understood as the assertion of the most intense Fire of the Cosmic Magnet. And when humanity will understand all the creative power of the spirit of an Agni Yogi, it will be possible to reveal how all centers vibrate in response to cosmic events. The instrument used for simple photography cannot possibly be compared to an apparatus reflecting each breath of the Cosmos. Therefore, let all who strive to Agni Yoga search for the higher understanding of the open centers. Many advanced spirits were consumed by their incapacity to contain all fires in an earthly shell. Not easy is the path of an Arhat!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 395:
395. When a thought saturates the space, its power is in conformity with Cosmos. Every rational energy reflects upon the thought. Verily, thought and consciousness bring forth all cosmic principles and creativeness. Hence, humanity must broaden its understanding and strive to the realization that each energy can receive life and form only through the impulse of thought. Thought is the mover of evolution. Each one who has dedicated himself to Service saturates everything with his fire. When a thought is straining forth with an inner fire, the centers are aflame.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 407:
407. Construction awaits. Construction summons. Humanity must be affirmed in the understanding of this great call. The one who is a responsible recipient of Fire is a mover of humanity toward evolution. Hence, the subtle thinker is a mover of evolution. Thus is the cosmic striving being built. Thus thought moves humanity.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 367:
367. The condition of the planet is becoming worse because of the consciousness of humanity. The forces of the spirit are expended on the affirmation of destruction. A faint-hearted cowardice toward all concepts which do not correspond to the present consciousness, is leading humanity to the borderland of destruction. The forces of the spirit can bring mankind out of the rut if mankind will purify its thinking. Each great principle is that prime mover which uplifts the spirit. A search for the higher principles is the primary task. The Existence of the World is affirmed by fiery principles. Therefore, aspiring to the Highest should be a most essential task. Humanity must ponder upon a reformation in its actions. The Karma of atonement draws near. Each striving must be directed toward the Source of Light. On the path to the Fiery World let us manifest in action the achievement of great realization.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 22:
After thought-transmission to a distance has been accepted by people, the conditions that guide these subtle activities will be understood. It will be said that harmony is needed, but harmony does not determine which center will be involved. In thought-transference the heart is the prime mover.


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