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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > MO > MOTHERLAND (4)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 31:
31. I grant you joy of love for the Motherland of the World. You will know love for mankind. Behold, I lead you towards the heavenly joy of spirit. Stray not from the path of ascent.

New Era Community (1926) - 107:
107. The school must not only instill a love for the book but teach how to read - and the latter is not easier than the former. It is necessary to know how to concentrate thought in order to penetrate into a book. Not the eye but the brain and the heart do the reading. The book does not occupy a place of honor in many homes. It is the duty of the community to affirm the book as a friend of the home. The cooperative, first of all, has a book-shelf whose contents are very extensive. There will be accounts of the treasures of the motherland and of her links with the world. The heroes, the creators and the toilers will be revealed; and the concepts of honor, duty, and obligation to one's neighbor, as well as mercy will be affirmed. There will be many examples prompting learning and discoveries.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 62:
62. The evolutionary world processes must be very attractively presented in schools. A motherland is the result of world processes and must occupy a fully defined place and significance. Everyone must know the true value of his country, but it must not be a tree growing in the wilderness. It has to cooperate with many nations. Also, a belief in the Higher Justice will come from the knowledge of reality. Let the processes of the World find vivid interpreters. Care must be taken that these great paths of nations be not distorted for the sake of ignorance.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 50:
Let us consider how much opposition is met by everyone who sends useful thoughts. Today Urusvati experienced many of Our intensified currents. Such a change of current indicates the concentration that must be manifested, for each current struggles with its countercurrent. Thus, the most urgent decisions require defense against clever destroyers. Urusvati helped Us through the entire night, and even found time to be in her motherland.


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