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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > MO > MONK (2)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.12.1:
People do not realize the foundation of the Teaching of the Blessed One. The foundation is discipline. Spiritually and bodily the monk of the community was striving to hold on to the path. In the first years he endured a heavy probation. He was forbidden to kill himself with ascetic practices, but he was enjoined to conduct the battle under sole command of the spirit. Thus austerely did Buddha instruct His disciples. Verily, they knew joy only in spiritual battle; that is why the thorns of the path are spoken of.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 93:
The different incarnations of the Founder can be observed in their amazing outward variety: at times the Master, or the suffering Spiritual Teacher, or the Hero; at times the Hermit, or the Leader of nations, or the wise Ruler; then the Monk, the Philosopher, and finally, in the Subtle World, the Healer of the people on Earth. It would be too much to enumerate all the former lives, but in all there was the same Service and the same persecution. In the Subtle World, Service was more peaceful, because it was possible to remain in a circle in which the energy was not aimlessly consumed. But on Earth more energy must be used for defense than for productive activity, and this is burdensome. It takes centuries to grow accustomed to directing energy where it will be useful. But you must remember that every transmission of energy with a benevolent purpose brings its good result.


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