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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > MO > MODIFICATIONS (2)

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 307:
307. If there is neither transmutation nor continuity in the process of any being, then how can one explain the life of the Universe? The law of extension is one and the same in the entire Cosmos, and all principles adhere to the same law. Therefore, each vital energy must exist in continuity. These extensions exist in all sorts of modifications, and every spirit who has attained a conscious striving to the law of continuity realizes complete duration and vastness.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 313:
313. Intensity in the expansion of consciousness provides the foundation for all thoughts. But do the ignorant understand it thus? Do denying materialists understand it thus? Everything is contained in space, and each form lives through multifold modifications. Therefore, the expansion of consciousness must give man a remolded understanding of space. Thus, each thought carries along the progress of all spatial energies. The creativeness of spirit links its seed with the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, the spirit is a most powerful expression of the Cosmic Magnet. Striving toward Infinity will afford the understanding of Our creativeness.


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