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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > MI > MISSILES (2)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.1.7:
One can compare the essence of the Teaching with the exigency of certain moments of battle. I will not conceal from you that after a success dark rumors always leak through, and one should allow time for the dark missiles to fly by, especially when the fortress has been marked upon the enemy's map. But when the shells furrow the surrounding ground, it will be only the more fitting for future foundations. Therefore, he who has patience will be able to lay the future foundations. When we sit in silence the bond becomes stronger.

Hierarchy (1931) - 354:
354. Some people cannot tolerate Our frequent reminders about battle. For them let it be not a battle, but the opening of the Gates. The process of opening also requires energy; but for you, without need of hypocritical palliation, it may be said that the battle of Light against darkness proceeds incessantly. Many warriors help in this battle, otherwise we again would be engulfed in Chaos. Often the participants in the battle ask why, in their physical shells, they do not remember the achievements of their subtle bodies. But it would be criminal on Our part to permit such consciousness. The heart could not bear the realization of so gigantic a battle. Only an especially flaming heart retains the black missiles in its consciousness. The heart is stopped, either because of realization or through sclerosis. But the cosmic battle can strike at the strongest heart.


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