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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > MI > MINER (2)

New Era Community (1926) - 118:
118. It may be asked, "What signs in a teacher should be valued?" You already know about the quality of action, and thus can apply new methods in action. One should prefer that teacher who proceeds in a new way. Each word of his, each act of his, bears the stamp of unforgettable innovation. This distinction creates a magnetic power. Not an imitator, not a commentator, but a powerful miner of new ores. One should take as a basis the call of innovation. The time has come when it is possible to go only forward. Let us preserve the call of the will in an incessant run and not linger over the precipice.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 485:
485. Testing the quality of thought in relation to various physical circumstances will give one a fiery understanding of may things. If we compare the thinking of a miner in a deep shaft with that of an aviator at the highest altitude of his flight, we will find a remarkable difference in the trend of thought, in both method and intensity. It would be worthwhile to observe the thinking of a bent reaper and that of a horseman. Thoughts of one and the same order are reflected quite differently in them. Physical conditions act like an accompaniment to the melody of the spirit. During construction, one must exercise one's entire imagination in order to find the consonances of so many diverse conditions. The fiery collective consciousness of peoples presents an instructive spectacle.


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