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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > MI > MIDST (72)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 177:
Listen to the truth - your cloudy mood comes from knowing about the unprecedented approaching world cataclysm. The blind rejoice, the deaf make merry. But the awakened spirit is filled with foreboding and sorrow. Weak-spirited are those who in the midst of battle dream of peace. In five years an entire age is outspanned, But mankind regards its ever-swifter course as a disaster.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.7:
Not with a royal domain, not out of the alchemist's cellar, not with conjurations of magic, but in the midst of life, do we go and come to You, our Elder Brothers and Sisters, to receive the treasures preserved by You, accumulated by us, because we go into the simple Temple of the Supreme Spirit. Thus we shall return to You, because thus do You wish to see us; and the load imposed by You we shall safeguard as the Chalice of Immortality.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.12:
The egg-shaped aura is natural to the astral body. The most usual, the narrow aura, which emanates from the entire body, extends outward about two inches. In accordance with the degree of spirituality, it begins to expand from the upper nerve centers. Starting from the solar plexus, it afterwards rises toward the brain centers, forming the so-called solar aura. Influxes of blood are characteristic of the transposition of the aura, when the current of tension shifts its pressure. Even fainting spells are possible. Finally, the radiation leaves the lower extremities and forms a surrounding ring. The organism while yet in the midst of life becomes acutely sensitive, especially to sounds and colors. The utmost tranquility is needed during this transitory period. The solar aura may be of ten or fifteen inches, and of course its dimensions may increase.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.18:
Astral guests crowd into the midst of life without attention being paid to them. Of course, it is not always easy for them to reach different people, and then one's earthly visitors serve as their mediators. Communication encounters difficulty, but the emanations of auras left by visitors or servants constitute a bridge for the invisible guests. The merit of these is very diverse - from the touch of a butterfly to the jaws of a tiger. Therefore, it is more practical to admit fewer people into your sleeping chambers and your workroom, if your own aura is already sufficiently steady.

New Era Community (1926) - 241:
241. When you come - come as if forever. When you depart - depart as if forever. When you come, possess everything because you have renounced everything. When you depart, leave everything because all has been assimilated. Affirm renunciation amid goods and chattels. Affirm possession in the midst of the desert. If you perceive a thirst for things, quench it.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 13:
13. The book of Thomas à Kempis, The Imitation of Christ, has long been appreciated in the East not only by virtue of its content but because of the meaning of its title. In the midst of medieval idolatry of Christ, the voice of Thomas à Kempis resounded in protest. From behind the walls of a Catholic monastery rang out a voice to clarify the Image of the Great Teacher. The very word imitation comprises a vital action. The formula - Imitation of Christ - is an achievement of daring innate in the conscious spirit that accepts all responsibility of creation. Truly, the conscious pupil dares to approach the Teacher in imitation. Such an example brought light into the musty darkness and behind the monastic walls provided the impetus to strive toward creative daring.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 128:
We are opposed to baseless fantasies, but We welcome each goal-fitting prognosis. If the best building-blocks for construction can be found, and if the will can join them, then one can be certain that one's plan is valid and will be accepted. The cause of unfitness or frailty of any structure lies within ourselves. The horror of destruction is caused by discord between consciousness and reason. The narrowness of human logic and reason can undermine the foundations, when the consciousness is already celebrating victory. If the logic of evidence finds its true role in the understanding of reality, then one's decisions are made firm. Think thus about the future, and in the midst of the desert erect walls of knowledge. You know that every stone put into these walls must be vital and needed. Their strength will resist all assaults of the enemies of knowledge. Treasure each hour devoted to constructing the future. The major forces of humanity are made possible by man's foresight. Whence comes courage? Whence striving? Whence the ability to overcome? From foresight.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 130:
130. You will say to him, "It behooves us, even in the midst of great turmoil and revolt, to preserve our calmness of spirit."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 282:
How can attention be directed to the new energies? By keenness of sight, enhanced by straight-knowledge. Soon people will be divided according to the quality of their straight-knowledge. Those with an open consciousness must be known and paid attention to. Not education, not experience, not talent, but precisely the fire of straight-knowledge opens the direct path to Shambhala. It is precisely the fire of straight-knowledge that enables one to perceive the unique qualities of the new signs in the midst of daily life. In the future, all organizations will guard with special care these sensitive co-workers. Such consciousnesses are like milestones upon a straight road. The new scientific research will be inspired by the fire of straight-knowledge.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 453:
453. The cherub was depicted with wings, but without human extremities. This was perhaps a symbol of non-human evolution. Buddha was human, and was depicted as such, but with rays from behind the shoulders. Thus, to the full scale of human nature was added the symbol of mastery of the elements, and in this lies attainment. But people cannot accept the idea of attainment in the human state. When they are told about the rays of the shoulders, they begin immediately to demean the importance of other parts of the body. Thus is created the caricature of a cherub as a lifeless sausage - a complete and senseless isolation from life. Therefore We adopt a tempering procedure, first with a flow of unexpected events, then by uprooting the sense of personal property, and afterward by assigning a mission of particular danger. And after these purifications, We turn your attention to everyday life on Earth, where in the midst of seemingly ordinary conditions, extraordinary challenges occur.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 529:
529. It is true that the power of thought has been spoken about for ages, but nothing has changed because of this. People generally do not pay attention to their thoughts in order to determine their causes and consequences. Yet what remarkable experiments could be conducted even now, in the midst of everyday life! No special conditions are needed for such experiments. Attention and mobility of consciousness are all that is required. For instance, in experimenting with telepathic communications, one can observe the outer and inner conditions that influence the quality of the communications. Drowsiness or alertness, irritation or joy, lethargy or striving - each reacts strongly upon the quality and intensity of communications. The personal character of the participants also has its effect. Is it not important to take attentive notice of these things?

Hierarchy (1931) - 77:
77. Each step requires new circumstances. Each new step brings its affirmed power. Therefore in the midst of the difficult time a mighty step in conformity with the difficulties is being laid. Hence the creative activity of Our co-workers will bring the manifestation of success when thoughts shall be affirmed upon the might of the future. Thus We build a wondrous step! Thus We build amidst the dissolution of the countries! Thus Our Power enters into life! The manifestation of a new step is so close, but the world decides its fate.

Hierarchy (1931) - 142:
142. You often hear about the battle waged by the powers of darkness. Now you are in its very midst. Truly the Hierarchs themselves participate in the combat. The more glorious will be the victory. But hold My Hand as an anchor. I would not speak of the terrible danger without reason. Therefore, let us not lose the moment to unite, and, rejecting the past, let us strive into the future and hold fast in battle. It should be remembered that great is the honor of confronting the giants of evil. I know your tension, but accept it as a sacred ascent. Drive away all that is evil and dark. Invoke Me often whenever the manifestations of Light are threatened. Remember Hierarchy!

Hierarchy (1931) - 233:
233. It is necessary to become as accustomed to battle as to daily labor. One should understand a battle not only as a test of excelling in strength but also as a source for the accumulation of energy. We cannot think of mastering the elements without a battle. And how ready must we be at a call, for otherwise we may waste the action of the Higher Forces. Hierarchy does not mean the steadfastness of repose, but steadfastness in the midst of battle. Can something else be substituted for battle, when Our Magnet is tense and each victory is the joy of the entire Hierarchy? If it is difficult for some to accept Hierarchy through love, let them accept it as a fundamental necessity.

Hierarchy (1931) - 304:
304. The word Mahatma is translated as Great Soul. Some imagine the Mahatmas as a completely distinct race. One should not conceive a Great Soul to be entirely distinct. Each Mahatma began his ascent from the very midst of the people, having only dared to choose the difficult path of the Great Soul. And, besides daring, he found in his heart indignation of spirit, for how else can the fires be kindled? Upon these fires the precious substance of the secretions is transmuted into a healing substance. One can see how the saliva of a fiery being can remove an inflammation and restore the vital energy to numb centers. Alongside the sacred property of secretions stands the healing power of the laying on of hands. It is instructive to compare the secretions of men having dormant centers with the ejection of the fiery substance. If I advise medicines made from plants for common organisms, then for the more knowing ones there is a powerful laboratory of sacred fiery secretions.

Heart (1932) - 99:
99. The new Subtle World may seem inconceivable to those who have not paid attention to so-called phenomena, verified by photography, x-rays, and testimonies of witnesses. Let us recall - someone reacted to cosmic manifestations; someone heard far-off voices; someone, envisioning it, participated in the Subtle World; someone became luminous; someone levitated; someone walked upon the water; someone walked through fire; someone swallowed poison without harm; someone had no need of sleep; someone had no need of food; someone could see through solid bodies; someone could write with both hands; someone could attract animals; someone could understand a language without knowing it; someone could read thoughts; someone could read with closed eyes a closed book; someone did not feel pain; someone in the snow generated the heat of the heart; someone did not feel fatigue; someone could help by healing; someone could manifest knowledge of the future. Thus, one can enumerate all manifested phenomena and a multitude of instructive examples from life. But for an instant gather all these qualities into one body and you will have the new human transmutation indicated in many Teachings. The principal thing in this transmutation is that all its parts are already manifested, even in the midst of an imperfect existence. This means that with definite striving humanity can be strongly impelled to the transmutation of all life. Therefore, let us remember about the great Fire and about the fiery stronghold - the heart. For it is not a fairy tale, but a house of the Spirit!

Heart (1932) - 174:
174. The flaming pentagram is a shield in time of battle. In the midst of special tension man represents such a pentagram - the larynx burns as if aflame, the extremities of hands and feet are ablaze; thereby, like an unconquerable shield, he rises, protecting the manifested works. Of course, such a condition is especially dangerous in life, where so many petty betrayals occur. I advise silence in order not to ignite a number of centers, especially the heart. Such a self-sacrificing and flaming heart is an especial joy for the Highest World. Like torches, these hearts radiate above all the pressures of the world.

Heart (1932) - 203:
203. How, then, shall you proceed? Exactly by clinging firmly to Me and imagining yourself in the midst of the ocean, where only the Scarf of the Mother of the World guards one. In the battle with darkness, unprecedented tenacity is necessary to open all the beautiful possibilities.

Heart (1932) - 338:
338. A vast amount of courage is needed in order to build up the forces of the heart in the midst of destruction. Were one not aware of the need of these metamorphoses for all worlds, one would believe the heart's attainments to be useless. But fortunately this is needed for all that exists. Therefore, even in the dust of destructions one should build the strongholds of the heart.

Heart (1932) - 381:
381. The transmission of thoughts at a distance and healing through distant currents is sufficiently known to you. Yet it is necessary to repeat this persistently, because people are least desirous of admitting the indisputable. Of course, the transmission of thoughts must be accepted, because the admittance of sendings by the heart is essential. Even a telegraph clerk confuses the mechanical transmission; hence, how much more subtle must be the reception by the heart. Besides, you know how easily an outside thought speeds through the consciousness and is forgotten despite the clarity of transmission. The heart must accept the inexpressible words into its depths. So, it is also easy to overlook the most salutary currents if we resist them in consciousness. The very bed can be shaken by the currents, but this knocking may be rejected. It is also good if the heart understands in good will that in the midst of warmth freezing currents do not come without special cause. In order to accept these simple scientific manifestations, not blind faith is needed, only open good will.

Heart (1932) - 434:
434. Thus, the entire psychology of existence will be changed. You are already able to understand the absence of boredom, even were you to find yourselves in inaccessible caves. You already know the absence of fear, although you are in the front rank of Armageddon. You already know patience, even in the midst of the world's tempest. Thus, many characteristics already enter your life, carrying with them a succession of indestructible accumulations. This is the inception of true wealth.

Heart (1932) - 508:
508. It will be asked how to feel the influence of the Teaching in the midst of daily life. Answer - by the smallest things, by each action, each touch. Denial and daily habit deprive certain pupils of much.

Heart (1932) - 509:
509. Where then is that sentiment, that substance with which we can fill the Chalice of the Great Service? Let us gather this feeling from the best treasures. We shall find its components in religious ecstasy, when the heart quivers at the Highest Light. We shall find its components in the feeling of heart - felt love, when the tear of self-renunciation glistens. We shall discern it in the hero's achievement when power is multiplied in the name of humanity. We shall find it in the patience of the gardener when he ponders over the mystery hidden in a seed. We shall find it in the courage that pierces the darkness. We shall find it in the smile of the child when it is attracted to a sunbeam. We shall find it amidst all flights that carry us into the Infinite. The feeling of Great Service is unlimited; it must fill the heart, which is forever inexhaustible. The sacred tremor should not become the daily gruel. The best Teachings turned into soulless husks when the tremor left them. Thus, in the midst of battle, think of the Chalice of Service and take an oath that the sacred tremor shall not leave you.

Heart (1932) - 525:
525. You know how greatly We oppose any conventional habits, yet one must discriminate between habit and immersion in saving grace. As an example, solemnity combines in itself ecstasy and ascent and a defense against evil and the turning toward Hierarchy. Thus solemnity is a salvation, but it must be absorbed and maintained. In the midst of disintegration and destruction can there be solemnity? But for a solemn consciousness destruction does not exist. It is immediately canopied by a cupola of re-creation, in all its beautiful subtlety. Thus, the reflection of solemnity is justly considered luminous. Before a journey one must take stock of all provisions. Our friends bring to the travelers the best flowers. Solemnity blossoms in purple - thus, we gather the garlands of the heart.

Heart (1932) - 581:
581. With sufficient accumulations one can attain the state of highest consciousness instantaneously. But in the midst of work let us not look for the highest measures. The human spirit advances slowly - let us remember this. Hence, patience alone is not sufficient, let us apply joyous patience. Let us even consider that each instantaneous illumination is not applicable, and in this way we will become convinced of the need for timeless labor in the education of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 2:
2. While observing the fiery signs one may note certain subdivisions of people. Some strive eternally and cannot exist without this uplifting movement - be assured that these belong to the element of fire. Even though they err, they cannot remain inactive. Observe them, and you will invariably discover the flaming force. But do not seek the creative Fire in the inertia of earth, the rolling undulations of water, the gusts of air. We do not wish to extol the fiery people unduly, but in truth it must be said that they move the world. One should not forget that these people do not find it easy to be in the midst of all other combinations. What is said about the Fiery Angel with scorched wings is correct. When he rushes to save the world, his phosphorescent wings brush against the rocks of Earth and are scorched, and the Angel is weakened thereby. Thus is disclosed the marked difference between the earthly world and the Fiery.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 165:
165. The fiery aura may be regarded as an actual indicator of the Fiery World. We must become accustomed to the fact that in the midst of life we encounter signs of these tensions. Crude examples are the electric eel and other animals that discharge electricity. But actually there are some people who, even apart from containing electricity, carry such charges of this energy that at contact they give off shocks and sparks. This means nothing in particular, but it is instructive to observe how the basic energy is precipitated.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 211:
211. I approve of your gathering the evidences of psychic energy and of the corresponding glands. For this it is necessary to observe the time sequence of the communications. In this sequence a deliberate rhythm can be perceived. It is not by accident that hints are given to various people in different countries. The alternation of the waves of East and West is also not accidental. The forgotten domain is gradually being conquered anew. Once again we approach the fundamentals of Existence. Precisely in this way shall we again understand life as a process of self-perfectment, and thus solve the ethical as well as the economic postulates. Hence it is so important to gather with great care all data about psychic energy, from various sources, not being constrained by their seeming contradictions. Nothing else has stirred up as much controversy as psychic energy. These flowers of Existence can be gathered only by a trained hand, otherwise the hand may be unsteady in the midst of the signs of all ages and peoples. There has never been a nation which did not dream about Agni, gathering for it the best consonances. A one-sided consciousness inevitably stumbles over dogmas and is frightened by sophistry. Yet Sophia is not sophistry, and experimentation is not prejudice - thus one may gather a useful collection.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 238:
238. One must understand how great is the achievement of preserving equilibrium in the midst of an attack; I commend this.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 271:
271. A fire is not kindled under water. Achievement is not created in the comfort of a hothouse. In the midst of human burdens let us ask ourselves, Is this not already an achievement? In the midst of oppression let us ask, Is this not forcing us toward the gates of achievement? In the midst of explosions let us ask, Have we not sufficient strength within us to ascend by ourselves? Thus, let us examine every manifestation as to whether it leads to achievement. Thus, let us note everything that moves us toward achievement. Who can foresee precisely what counterblow will put new circumstances into motion? But without a blow, matter will not be brought into motion. These blows upon matter are called "hearth-stones of achievement." Only those who understand the creative substance will realize that what is said is not merely encouragement but the just assertion of a law. One may turn the law into a misfortune, but it is correct to apprehend the usefulness issuing from the foundations of being.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 289:
289. Sunbirds do not descend to Earth. In this myth is indicated the separation of the Fiery World from earthly conditions. One can see that men have paid special reverence to the fiery element since ancient days. Indeed, with what solicitude must one regard each fiery manifestation! In the midst of the most ordinary life one can discern the sparks of the higher Fire. This means that around each spark a purified atmosphere grows; therefore it is especially abominable to extinguish these gleams. They flash out unexpectedly, but the extinction of such lights produces consequences of particular instability. It has been said truly that it is better not to be born than to multiply the abominations.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 332:
332. One should not only look forward to the advent of the densified subtle body but one should strive with all one's forces to become conscious of the Subtle World. Not only is the Subtle World to be realized but we must be filled with daring so that we may gain a perception of the fiery forces. We should become accustomed to the thought that sooner or later we are destined to reach the Fiery Shores. Thus, let us learn to cast the largest net in order to obtain the best catch. Not only in dreams but actually in the midst of daily labor we must direct our thoughts to the distant fiery manifestations. Otherwise, upon finding ourselves in the Subtle World, we will still have difficulty in cognizing the fiery radiance. Not only the eye, but consciousness itself must become accustomed to light. People suffer most from an inability to direct themselves forward. A limited consciousness only looks back, and therefore often begins to retrogress. "The Kingdom of Heaven, the Fiery Kingdom, is taken by storm" - this truth was pronounced long ago, but we have forgotten it and have dismissed each daring aspiration. Many precious indications have been confounded. People have distorted the concept of humility, so needed in relation to Hierarchy. For their own convenience people have made naught of it. Indolence was not ordained, for one must strive with all daring and labor toward Fire, the Beautiful. There is no earthly object of such value that the Fiery World should be renounced for it.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 411:
411. The language of the spirit is essential for the Subtle World. Its essence lies in the subtle nature, but it is possible to become accustomed to it even while in the earthly state. Such orientation is a useful fiery test. The school must discover the resourcefulness of pupils by test of giving one word, and later on comes the task of understanding at one glance. The later experiment will be closest to the Subtle World. In addition one can develop a sense of relativity by addressing one's interlocutor according to his nature. Thus, in an earthly conversation each one adopts the best language for his companion, taking into consideration his state of consciousness. Every schoolteacher knows how multiform must be his language in order to make friends of his pupils. But besides the school, in any home one learns to discern the thoughts of the mistress of the house. Thus, in the midst of daily life, characteristics of a subtle order are manifested. One has only to take note of them, to penetrate into them, and to expand these observations. But for this, one should be imbued with reverence for the future and learn to love the principal factor of the Subtle World - Agni. I insist on the expression, "to love fierily," only thus can one assimilate this element which is so difficult for Earth. Our discourses should first of all lead to an understanding of the Subtle World and, as its apotheosis, bring one fearlessly to the radiance of the Fiery World. We rejoice when, amidst the earthly sojourn, the dimensions of the Subtle World are established. Through this, we bring Earth to a closer cooperation with the far-off worlds, in other words, we participate in the process of evolution.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 428:
428. Slander is especially harmful for the slanderers themselves. This truth should be remembered by people who have bad habits. A thought corresponding to reality forms a vehicle for an elemental. Everything worthy, austere, vital, gravitates toward creative thought, and will beneficently sustain its creator. But the devices of slander will attract brooding elementals, who, failing to find a vital foundation, will precipitate themselves upon the slanderer. Therefore, when I warn people not to succumb to the vileness of slander, again I do not advance a moral precept but point to very painful consequences. It is most disagreeable to find oneself in the Subtle World in the midst of raging elementals. Terrible is such a maelstrom filled with the fragments of one's own malicious thoughts. All these creatures clutch at one and hang on, acquiring an actual physical weight. Thought, like drops of energy, attract small elementals. The character of these germs of the spirit is most varied depending upon their substance, almost imperceptible embryos can achieve, under the nurture of thought, diverse manifestations. They can form the basis of minerals and even of plants. But one can imagine quite clearly how those thoughts that are void of any vital bases litter the lower strata of Earth. Meteoric dust is imperceptible to the eye, but it results in very substantial sediments. Hence, one can imagine how vast the dust of thought is and, being the effect of energy, how very substantial! The consequences of this debris of thought causes the illness of the planet.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 450:
450. It is difficult to imagine that the records about the Fiery World can have a place in the midst of such a battle! There is no human imagination that can picture the chaos of the cosmic battle! The continuity of the battle is beyond the strength of human nature. People cannot even grasp consciously how the encounters of such powerful energies are taking place over and above daily life.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 500:
500. It is especially difficult to explain to people that in the midst of days of extreme gravity there may be no outstanding events, and that the most propitious astrological dates may even be accompanied by misfortune. People will regard such comparisons as indicating the absurdity of astrological laws. They forget that the harvest is gathered after the sowing. Perhaps the best astrochemical currents can relatively lessen the scope of effects, but each effect has its inexorable cause. Therefore, in the midst of grave days one must exert extreme caution, solemnity, and magnanimity.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 514:
514. Humanity truly represents, as it were, the cement of the planet; it helps to hold together the parts threatened by chaos. An unpopulated world easily disintegrates. But man must not pride himself on this mission, he must feel himself to be a guard on watch. Verily, only he who is fortified by the armor of Agni can the more fully consummate his destiny. Agni must not be in a state of inaction. The element of fire is the most active, most speedy, and most spatial, and it is manifested in the midst of the tension of thought. Does not man preserve the planet by thought? The most precious substances are created by thought. Compare breadth of thought with insipidity. I attest that people can gather a treasure of thought, which, in rhythm with the Cosmos, will create the New Era.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 637:
637. He who dares the stream chooses firm stones. He understands to whom and when he may entrust the Teaching. The Bird of Life, the radiant Swan, also reveals straight-knowledge as to where lies the boundary of usefulness. The determination of this boundary cannot be expressed in human language. It can be unalterably sensed, but cannot be calculated by physical measurements. Thus a great test for each treason is created. Another great test lies in the acceptance of homelessness. There may be much mockery over the concept of homelessness. To the earthly mind the concept of a home is an absolute necessity. If anyone dared express himself as to a House of Light he would be taken for a lunatic. Therefore a change of earthly dwelling places is a useful expansion of the concept. Another great test is that of hearing every thought. The pitiable concept of earthly secrecy leads people into many errors. The feeling of pride and egoism rebels against the absence of secrecy, but co-workers of the Hierarchy of Light already understand this degree of cooperation. "I am ready," he says, and hastens to open his heart. The successful mastery of all trials lies within our hearts and consists in our love for the Lord. If we are filled with love, can obstacles exist? Earthly love itself creates miracles. Does not the fiery love for Hierarchy multiply our forces? These forces will help to transform homelessness into a beautiful Home, vast and unlimited! One cannot think of beautiful expanses in the midst of a fog of contentment. It is said that hunger obstructs the path to God, but we will also add that contentment is like murky waters. He who understands the difference between hunger and contentment will enter the current. But he who touches the Light will be transformed into a Bird of Life. So long as the Bird of Life remains a poetic abstraction, that spirit is still unready.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 662:
662. The growth of consciousness is usually considered a slow process. Yet it can be perceived how, even in the midst of earthly conditions, consciousness grows before one's very eyes. Certainly, for such growth there is needed, on the one side, tension and, on the other, rapport with the magnet of an already fiery consciousness. One may rejoice when at each progress of consciousness the ancient acquisitions of the spirit come to life. One may rejoice when the essence of life is regenerated through the proximity of a kindled heart; however, one must discern the difference between broadening and illumining consciousness and a low psychism. We are not at all pleased to see that intercourse with the lower spheres of the Subtle World is increasing. One must not forget that the lower entities, even aside from permanent obsession, can benumb, as it were, the consciousness. From the lowest comes only the lowest.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 663:
663. How can one attain success? Remember, through joy - not through despair, but joy. Do not for an instant believe that We ponder the probability or improbability of success. The thought is, Does your joy suffice to quicken the ascent? We always counsel joy. It is necessary to realize and remember that you have succeeded when you rejoiced. Certainly this is not the frisking of a calf on the meadow, but the creative joy which transforms all difficulties. The play of the Mother of the World is in joy. She enfolds the enlightened ones in Her veil of joy. Rejoice amidst flowers; and in the midst of snow - equally redolent - also rejoice!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 118:
118. Labor may be of four kinds - toil with repulsion, which leads to decomposition; unconscious toil, which does not strengthen the spirit; toil devoted and loving, which yields a good harvest; and finally, toil which is not only conscious but also consecrated under the Light of Hierarchy. The ignorant may suppose that uninterrupted communion with Hierarchy can distract one from striving for the work itself, but, on the contrary, constant communion with Hierarchy lends a higher quality to one's labor. Only the eternal Source deepens the significance of perfectionment. This flaming measure of labor must be established. The very approach to the Fiery World demands realization of earthly labor as the most proximate step. Few of the workers can discern the quality of their own work, but if the worker were to strive to Hierarchy, he would immediately advance to a higher step. The ability to establish the sacred Hierarchy in one's heart is also an inner concentration, but such action comes through toil. By not wasting time upon oneself, it is possible in the midst of labor to become linked to Hierarchy. Let the Lord live in the heart. Let Him become as inalienable as the heart itself. Let the Name of the Lord be inhaled and exhaled with each breath. Let each rhythm of labor resound with the Name of the Lord. Thus should each one who thinks about the Fiery World know how to conduct himself. Can I lie before the Lord? Can I conceal anything from the Lord? Can I contemplate treason in the presence of the Lord Himself? Thus let each reflection only strengthen and restrain one from the evil of faint-heartedness and dark thoughts.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 224:
224. Investigate, and distinguish two kinds of thought. Everyone knows that at times, in the midst of clear thinking, there appear confused, floating thought-forms. Some will advise to ignore these unclear smudges of thinking, but others will recommend the investigations of such visitors. There can be advancement from paying attention to such thought forms. They come from without, which is but the more reason why we must not cast them aside. Who knows - perhaps they are directed to us intentionally, and are not clear merely because of their dependence upon our attitude. Therefore it is best to take pains not to reject any thought, even a fleeting one. When our heart is aflame, it quickly senses the value of such sendings.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 236:
If you ask Me what methods are befitting our times, I say - you must prepare yourselves for direct Communion. All conventional measures are already mediocre in themselves. In these days, when fiery energies have been so intensified, precisely this fire helps the heart to understand the Higher Command. This Command is propounded in the very midst of life. Then We say - harken and obey!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 240:
240. The consciousness directed to Us is continually being refined. The process of refinement becomes a code of every day. Could it be admissible that the subtlest energy be turned into chaos? Everywhere it has been said, "Whoever comes unto Me shall also abide in Me." This must be understood literally. The subtlest energy cannot be turned into amorphousness; therefore I am so concerned about refinement of consciousness. Complication by grossness only demonstrates that the heart energy has not reached a level where it is no longer threatened with drowning in the waves of chaos. One must hasten with the refining process. Each ulcer begins with the smallest decomposition of tissue. A drop of resin can make healthy the ailing tissue, but for a neglected ulcer not even a pot of resin can be of help. Create a manifestation of refinement in the very midst of life. Why only in words, or in glances, when heart energy is multiplied precisely in thoughts. The collecting of the most precious is only for the purpose of returning it. Who, indeed, would not wish to give something of the best quality? Only a cheat will try to offer something unfit or useless. One must keep watch over one's thoughts, in order to send those of the best quality. I am not speaking in the abstract.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 302:
302. Understanding of Light and darkness, as well as of the conformity of the Luminaries with Our Source, is the counsel of the Fiery World. To be pitied is he who hopes to receive Light from darkness. He cannot weigh the treasure in the midst of obscurity. Do not think that such an instruction is an abstract one. On the contrary, each day is filled with associations of Light with darkness. When you bring forward such an ally of the dark ones, no one senses him, only a dog will growl at darkness. One may make a mistake but it is inexcusable not to listen to advice. We do not suppress good-will, but why find oneself in a stormy sea without a life-belt?

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 347:
347. It is beautiful to discern signs of the Subtle World in the midst of earthly life. As a horseman stops on his way to inquire about road signs, so proceeds he who has the future life in his heart. For the earthly sojourn, the only suitable conception is that of the path.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 379:
379. Once Akbar, in the midst of the State Council, ordered that the Book of laws be brought to him. On the book appeared a small scorpion. The meeting was interrupted and all the councilors gazed at the small, poisonous insect until the servants killed it. Akbar remarked, "The very smallest miscreant can suspend judgment pertaining to the state laws." Thus also on the path to the Fiery World the most insignificant detail can do harm. Only the heart can determine the fine point of balance between striving and caution. If the minds of all of a group of statesmen became dumb at the sight of an insignificant scorpion, then a cobra could throw an army into retreat. A warrior can be intimidated by a mouse if in his heart burns not the fire of faith and striving.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 405:
405. Precisely each economy is needed, both in things and in spirit. You cannot take into account all the directions of the currents. Everything is indeed temporary, but the spirit is tempered in the midst of vortices.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 53:
53. You spoke rightly about coarseness, and how powerless are the subtle energies against coarseness. No structure can stand upon pillars of coarseness. Therefore each manifestation saturated with coarseness will not be durable, retrogression is inevitable. Complete disintegration will follow where the worm of coarseness eats away the foundation. Every human action is subject to this same danger. A coarse action may be covered with a thousand lusts, and is not to be concealed from the records of space. Every government should be concerned with the elimination of this horror. Every community must contend with this plague. No closely knit community can show evidence of coarseness in its midst. The nation brought up on coarseness must undergo a fiery transmutation; and he who has permitted such disintegration will be karmically responsible. Likewise the co-workers who dwell in coarseness will have to pass through a special purification. Actually, coarseness is a frightful infection, which develops decomposition in the surroundings. Hence, no government can be successful if it is a nursery of microbes of coarseness. Likewise, a co-worker will not be truly successful if coarseness grips his spirit. Thus, let us remember in the construction upon the path to the Fiery World.

AUM (1936) - 136:
136. In the midst of the loftiest words remember that in each donation a part of that which is received should be allotted for the common use. Not only materially but also spiritually must this basic principle be understood as the law leading to equilibrium.

AUM (1936) - 183:
183. Again about reactions. You may have heard of an experiment of a certain chemist which illustrated the conflict of influences. He invited some friends to listen to some well-known authors; at the same time he prepared several chemical compounds conducive to laughter or tears, irritation or sympathy. In the midst of the most emotional passages of the reading the chemist filled the room with a contrasting gas. The result was that the listeners laughed during a funeral scene, wept during a joyful one and during a description of peaceful events they became bellicose. Thus, at the conclusion of the experiment it was strikingly apparent to what an extent words had been conquered by something unseen and unheard.

AUM (1936) - 224:
224. The thought that psychic treatment has already been satisfactorily established is futile. Attempts to cure by means of light and sound have been weak and not synchronized. No one is occupied with the study of the correspondence of aroma to color and sound. But the principal error lies in the fact that there are almost no physicians who would understand the correspondence of the worlds. Without realization of these fundamentals it is possible to sink into the narrowly material plane, yet the sphere of psychic energy embraces all planes. It can be recognized only in all subtlety. Thus, the physician cannot speak about obsession if he himself has no conception of the Subtle World! Thus, the physician cannot understand treatment with light if he cannot distinguish the scale of colors. He who likes the crudest music cannot discriminate a refined tonality. He cannot prescribe treatment through aromas if he himself cannot distinguish them. My purpose is not to belittle physicians, on the contrary, I would wish to equip them for the saving of humanity. Poisons have increased too greatly. Many resources have been directed only to the destruction of psychic energy, so that not only in cities but also in the midst of nature prana is already being violated by the intrusion of extraneous currents. Meanwhile it is necessary for humanity to understand that it has no right to poison Earth's atmosphere; mankind is responsible for the hygiene of the planet.

AUM (1936) - 596:
Should one not listen attentively to everything which can unite the worlds? It is necessary to discover in the midst of life all the tiny flashes that can lead beyond the limits of the carnate world. Foggy hypotheses are not needed when scientific experiments can be formulated, nor confused doubts where a keen eyesight can look directly upon the immutable laws.

Brotherhood (1937) - 195:
195. It is useful to advise friends to send out mutually good thoughts at a definite time. In such an action there will be not only a strengthening of benevolence but also a disinfection of space, and the latter is extremely necessary. Poisonous emanations not only infect man but also are precipitated upon surrounding objects. Such sediments are eradicated with great difficulty. They can even accompany objects for long distances. In time people will distinguish the aura of such infected objects. Meanwhile sensitive individuals can feel the reaction of such stratifications upon themselves. Good thoughts will be the best purifier of one's surroundings. Affirmations of the sendings of good are still stronger than purifying incenses. But one should accustom oneself to such sendings. They need not be made up of definite words but only of a directed good feeling. Thus, in the midst of daily life it is possible to create much good. Each sending is like a cleansing bolt of lightning.

Brotherhood (1937) - 491:
491. The Teacher bent his head over a cistern and asked the disciple, "What do you see?" The latter replied, "I see thy clear reflection." Then the Teacher directed, "Stir the surface with the little finger - what do you see?" "I see thy features distorted." "Think, if the touch of your little finger so altered my features seen in the water, what distortions will take place in the midst of subtle energies at a coarse contact?" In the smallest examples one can see what is also taking place in the Subtle World.

Brotherhood (1937) - 511:
Speaking about the Subtle World, people rejoice that there thought will be the sole motive power. Correct, and not at all difficult to say, but is it easy to act by means of thought? For such actions one must know how to think. One must love the process of thinking. In the midst of every activity time must be found for the cultivation of thought. Besides, one must distinguish thought conceived by egoism from thought about the Common Good.

Brotherhood (1937) - 556:
556. Communion, like fragrance, spreads far. If it is beautiful, the quality of broad dispersion is a blessed one. Let space be saturated with the best thoughts; many of them will join harmonious radiations. Though not all can absorb the full expression of thoughts, yet the beneficent substance formed by them will be a healing one. One should offer gratitude to the unknown Senders, who impregnate space with beneficial substance. Thoughts manifested in lofty communion are as a spring in the midst of a desert. Pursuing the direction of such springs one may find the Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 20:
20. Urusvati distinguishes the currents that are favorable from those that hinder. One can imagine the reactions of crowds that are seized by one emotion. At some time We will reveal experiments that were carried out in the midst of crowds, and the results will show over what great distances the energy of crowds has its effect. The mood of distant crowds is also felt acutely in Our Abode. Not without reason do We insist upon the necessity of maintaining a friendly unity. Even purely physiological experiments produce varying results because of the chemistry of the participants, and sensitive apparatuses will change their vibrations at the approach of even one person. This means that the confused and angry aura of crowds can disrupt the most important experiments, and this causes Our blood-tinged sweat.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 54:
The ignorant say that there could be a mistake, because someone could imitate the voice of the Teacher. But the broadened consciousness cannot make a mistake, for straight-knowledge cannot make mistakes. In a state of great tension a tremor may be felt, but then one can repeat one's question. It is especially difficult, because people cannot imagine what the spatial battles are like. In earthly conditions it is difficult to imagine a battle in the midst of Infinity. Even the Voice of the Silence is not understood correctly. Still, it is recorded and resounds in the consciousness. Each accepted or assimilated thought vibrates and resounds. Also, those who receive a thought frequently repeat it. This process has a special name - the sealing of the thought. You know how often we must repeat what we have received in order that it not evaporate. The least disturbance can break the reception, even with a broadened consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 101:
Let us not calculate by earthly measures, and let us take the future into consideration. The complexity of relationships is such that neither jinn nor fools should be dismissed immediately, even when they seem insane. We are in the midst of the world's events, and cannot cut karmic knots, for this might cause catastrophe. People often suggest that We put an end to certain circumstances, not realizing that the ends of such threads can turn into snares for them by enmeshing their own karma.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 122:
Even in the midst of Armageddon one can experience the influence of works of art. Concern about precious art can preserve a whole era. Our repositories are filled with objects that people considered lost. Perhaps some of them will eventually be returned to the nations that failed to protect them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 133:
Urusvati also knows that it is very tiring for the invisible witness to remain in the midst of earthly gatherings, yet such attendances are frequent. People can sense the invisible presence, as if someone had questioned or answered them. At times this is felt so intensely that one is prompted to ask his neighbor whether he has spoken. One can recall episodes in history when statesmen clearly heard voices and warnings. Unfortunately, most of them paid no attention to this help.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 201:
"Do not feel disappointed that your imagination is limited, for compared with Infinity all is limited. Let us acquire true striving in the midst of Infinity."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 254:
The Thinker said, "The ocean is stormy and agitated because the elements are ignorant of the higher laws, but the human spirit is enlightened and can be at peace even in the midst of a storm. Inner peace is an imitation of the Divine."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 262:
262. Urusvati knows how difficult it is to find room for great tasks in the midst of earthly life. There is a saying, "To find a place for good is as difficult as packing a trunk." This saying alludes to the problem one faces, when packing a trunk, of finding room for the many small objects that have accumulated. Similarly, in earthly life the human consciousness is so full of petty concerns that there is no room for great tasks. This situation is not perceived by those who do not carefully observe their own lives. Their trunks are often so full that there is no space left for even the smallest object, and the most harmful details go unnoticed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 325:
325. Urusvati knows that dragons dwell at the threshold. It is usually believed that they lurk at the bottom of fearsome abysses, or somewhere in the dark where people seldom enter, but in fact these dragons dwell at the threshold of the home, and one often meets them in the midst of daily life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 361:
361. Urusvati knows that with each generation there are changes in world outlook, customs, and even language. It is not easy to recognize the New Era when in the midst of it, but from a distance every observant eye can see how agitated is the substance of life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 424:
Ask one who is sitting upon water or walking on coals and he will say that no agitating thought troubles him. All such phenomena require balance. The ability to control one's feelings is the result of long training. It can be achieved in the midst of everyday life, when one experiences many occasions for the disturbance of equilibrium.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 427:
People talk about ceremonial rays. It would be better if they thought about rays of urgent assistance. In the midst of conflagration, a special collaboration is needed. We have already spoken of the time that is worse than war, and now such a time can be seen. Observers may think that its limits have been reached, but there is limitlessness in everything.


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