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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > MI > MICE (4)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 408:
408. Three mice approached a hermit, encouraged by his motionlessness. He addressed each one in turn:

Agni Yoga (1929) - 408:
"Verily, mice, you could be human. Just like people, you debase the treasures that are given to you."

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 418:
418. People often experience an unexplainable state of exultation or depression. They attribute this to their stomachs rather than to the approach of good or dark forces. Yet these manifestations occur frequently and can be intense. People often experience a touch or pricks. They ascribe such manifestations to cobwebs or dust, but it never occurs to them that the entities of the Subtle World may thus contact them. Similarly, people often hear movements and rustling, but they think of mice or centipedes in order to drive away all thought about manifestations of a distant world. The same people will complain that the Subtle World does not manifest itself. But subtle movements are not like blows of a hammer! As with everything else, the approach of the Subtle World should be acknowledged and fearlessly studied. We must not condemn that to which we did not even give attention. Yet if some people are so fortunate as to behold a Fiery Being, they will think first of all about a demon. Such is the corruption of the contemporary consciousness! Such crass ignorance is called skepticism, critical judgment, or erudition, when it would be far more accurate to call it plain stupidity.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 473:
473. Manifestations can be either subtle or connected with the dense world. Not rarely do dark entities strengthen themselves by the presence of creatures of earth which they attract. Thus, there may appear some stray dogs or cats or mice or annoying insects. Dark entities strengthen their substance from animals. Repeatedly has the Teaching pointed out the participation of the animal world in subtle and low manifestations. Sometimes they cannot manifest without the participation of animals. But for the courageous spirit all such manifestations are as nought. Let the tarantulas crawl, but it is very important for science to know these connections of animals with the Subtle World . I do not advise having animals in bedrooms. Certain people themselves sense the practicality of such vital precautions, but others, on the contrary, aspire, as it were to attract invisible guests.


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