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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ME > MEMORIZED (7)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 421:
It is unnecessary to constrain oneself with memorized words. It is better to be imbued with rhythm, when each muscle merges in striving with the nerves. One vibrates as an integral whole, and the power of command is transferred by laying the hands upon the teraph. One should be imbued by a single-minded striving when creating a teraph. One should charge the teraph not less than three times daily.

AUM (1936) - 135:
Question people of different beliefs as to the firmness of their conception of the Higher World. You will receive a multitude of the most evasive replies. Many will refuse to answer at all, screening themselves by a hypocritical reluctance to talk about such a subject. Others will repeat memorized formulae which do not live in their hearts. A third group will affirm that the world was created two thousand years BC. Thus, instead of spiritualized responses full of love and solemnity, you may receive heaps of dry leaves.

Brotherhood (1937) - 364:
364. It is impossible to progress without realization of the three worlds. In this they must be accepted just as naturally as is the light of the sun. Many recite memorized words about the worlds, but do not admit them into their consciousness. One can imagine what a drama goes on when the blocked off particles of the worlds are not admitted to cooperation with congenial spheres! Rightly has it been said that man is his own jailer.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 289:
We are alarmed when We hear someone intoning a well-memorized ritual, for if one repeats the words continuously, an unexpectedly powerful rhythm may be established that could actually destroy him! We condemn such irresponsibility. Imagine what would happen if a group of guards were to start firing their weapons indiscriminately in all directions. They could kill each other! The same thing could happen if a group of people were to repeat a memorized ritual without a harmonious understanding of the fundamental truth that underlies it.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 359:
In ancient days students were required to develop subtle sight. For this purpose, the student was asked to observe an object, then suddenly was asked to close his eyes and describe it. This is not an easy discipline. In these tests, although the student thinks that he has memorized everything, he has in reality absorbed only the general outlines, and the object's distinctive features have eluded him. But it is precisely in the distinctive features of an object that one can find its essence and style.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 410:
One may ask in what language and in what terms it is best to appeal to the higher spheres. We will answer that this is possible in any language, but it is best to use your native tongue, which most easily expresses the thought. Let your expressions and your way of thinking be your own; why use the memorized words of another when you can freely express your own feelings? When people speak to each other they rarely use the words of others, and in addressing the Highest should speak in their own individual way. People should understand that the highest consciousnesses need not be addressed with conventional formulas or memorized verses when a direct appeal from the heart is more personal. In everything a heartfelt expression should be used without embarrassment, for the simplest words are always the most potent.


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