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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ME > MELODIES (3)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 421:
421. During the rituals of saturating the teraph, as you know, chants were intoned, combinations of strange words often devoid of meaning. However, it is not the spoken form, but the rhythm that is important. The music of the spheres consists not of melodies but of rhythms. When the developed spirit knows the sounds of the spheres, it will understand the power of rhythm. So, while saturating the teraph the will and rhythm are the most important. It matters not with what words the mission is entrusted to the teraph. Important are the succession of the layers of meaning, the sincerity of the direct transmission, and the rhythm, which corresponds to Mahavan. Only the lesser consciousness needs ready-made commands. The developed consciousness can improvise words in accordance with the flow of psychic energy.

Heart (1932) - 327:
327. Exercising attention is a condition of observation of the signs of the Subtle World. Attention can be developed by various means. In a symphony one can choose and follow one voice, or one can identify several melodies simultaneously. It is also useful to establish the sonance of silence. Silence has many delicate voices, and to observe their rhythm means to come closer to the Subtle World. But, in studying silence it is instructive to recognize the dissonance of each physical intrusion. One cannot find a better example than the comparison of a physical sound with the Subtle World. And such an antithesis is also observed in the sphere of the sense of smell. Yet this quality is developed much more rarely! If smell appears as a form of nourishment in the Subtle World, it is understood that in the physical world it is not so highly developed. Of course, as you have noticed, the Subtle World is full of odors. The higher, the more perfect they are. But the lower strata are full of decomposition. If disincarnated beings are delayed in the lower strata, they carry around themselves the shell of decomposition; therefore, during life it is very useful to get accustomed to the flight into the higher strata.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 320:
320. Urusvati knows that each one of Us has contributed to the peace of the world in various ways. You remember Orpheus, who gave the people soothing melodies of peace, and how a certain Teacher tried to purify the Teachings so that people would know more and understand life better. Another spiritual Toiler preached that people should first of all make use of the most peaceful methods. And the Unifier of nations taught that peace can flourish only in harmony.


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