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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ME > MEDICAMENTS (2)

Brotherhood (1937) - 141:
141. It may be asked, "Will the number of physicians decrease because of the increase of patent medicines?" This would be a calamity. Physicians are widely needed, if by the word physician one means a highly educated friend of humanity. Verily, the conventionally prepared remedies may bring on illnesses which will have to be treated individually in each case by the physician. There will be required a very subtle combination of suggestion together with the medicaments. We are not speaking about surgery, for this field calls for no discussion if it is kept within its proper limits. A surgeon who performs a needless operation is frequently likened to a murderer. Therefore, in this field also the true straight-knowledge is required.

Brotherhood (1937) - 148:
148. People are vainly seeking new remedies and medicaments without making use of the old ones. Even milk and honey are not sufficiently in use. Whereas, what can be more beneficial than vegetable products reworked through a succeeding evolution? Milk and honey are to be had in infinite variety, and they constitute the best prophylaxis when employed rationally and scientifically. The point is not simply to drink milk and eat honey; first of all, one must consider what kind of milk and what kind of honey. It is right to assume that the best honey will be from places that are replete with curative herbs. It may be understood that bees bring together not mere chance combinations of their extractions. Nature lore about bees has importance in the way of directing attention to the particular quality of the honey.


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