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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ME > MEDIATORS (7)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.9:
It is easy to attune the apparatus of visible science with the conduits of the Higher World. For instance, clairaudience will be easily understood as the wireless telephone, which will be very soon established. But just then attention will be paid to the differences in the quality of communications, and in comparing the peculiarities of the mediators the practicability of spirituality will be understood.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.18:
Astral guests crowd into the midst of life without attention being paid to them. Of course, it is not always easy for them to reach different people, and then one's earthly visitors serve as their mediators. Communication encounters difficulty, but the emanations of auras left by visitors or servants constitute a bridge for the invisible guests. The merit of these is very diverse - from the touch of a butterfly to the jaws of a tiger. Therefore, it is more practical to admit fewer people into your sleeping chambers and your workroom, if your own aura is already sufficiently steady.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 447:
Certainly, the type of psychic energy most needed for evolution is that possessed by mediators. Possessing true sensitiveness, they always maintain synthesis with the Teaching. This quality of synthesis, accumulated by the experiences of ages, protects them from dark influences.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 447:
Mediums may spark one's interest, but mediators must be esteemed and appreciated.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 613:
Mediators can be found in the Subtle World. Of course, our own consciousness should attract a refined consciousness, and the mediator must be capable of comprehending the tasks of the world. Not long ago I spoke of how impartially one has to think about the astral world. One must gain a proper understanding of the mediators through straight-knowledge; these are not guides, but simply helpers - telegraph poles, as it were. In time, their number will decrease and they will eventually become unnecessary. Thus, all elements and all conditions will be joined in the one work. How can one point out more clearly to a merchant that he can step beyond the limits of his account books? And how can one show that health and joy abide in the realization of Infinity?

AUM (1936) - 372:
372. The true significance of so-called mediums should be revealed. According to the meaning of the word itself, they are intermediaries between the worlds. But let us not forget that to all people this communion has been given; all men are mediators. Indeed, the unrepeatable multiformity of the Universe gives to each incarnate being his share of communion. But the fact is that the majority of people do not realize their own abilities. On the contrary, under the pressure of ignorance they try to extinguish each manifestation of their own individuality. Therefore, let us apprehend that mediation between the worlds has been given to each man individually in his own measure. How beautiful it is to study such incomparable multiformity!


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