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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ME > MEASUREMENT (11)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 173:
The cause of extinguished consciousness lies in a decline in the reflection of the power of the Cosmic Magnet. It is difficult to detect the connecting levers which propel striving. Of course, one cannot exclude the waves of the will of spirit. Each human virtue or defect can be measured according to the intensity which impels the action. The precision is very indicative, and thus the forces of movement can be determined - be they with evolution or against the surging current. Thus, let each spirit determine for himself the intensity in the quality of his fire. Only through such measurement can one apprehend the Infinite.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 177:
177. The invisibility of the very highest processes can affirm the conception of the far-off world. When the cosmic energies are strained for action, the spiral of cooperation is tensed in rhythm with the Cosmic Magnet. Usually one can determine the tension of the spiral in accordance with the result of the creativeness; but the chain of the process itself cannot be measured by man. Of course, the measurement of psycho-dynamics can be only in terms of the dimensions of Spatial Fire.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 14:
14. The aspects of self-sacrifice are so varied in human understanding that only the highest measurement must be used in everything. He who in self-sacrifice dedicates himself to Service is confirmed as the co-worker of Light. He who serves Cosmic Fire sacrifices himself. He who serves evolution is affirmed as a bearer of the law. He who serves, he who is devoted to the General Good, is confirmed as a co-worker of Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 402:
402. The consciousness embracing the measure of life can approach cosmic cooperation by affirmation of the existing. But when the application of vital principles impels the spirit to the law of higher dimensions the meaning of Be-ness is colored by the striving spirit. Thus, the Universe is cognized by each spirit individually, but the essence is cognized by him who has adopted a higher measurement. Every striving thought leads toward higher dimensions.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 230:
230. The laws of cosmic Equilibrium govern the planet. In the cosmic laws can be included the law of Karma, for the law of Equilibrium contains all the other manifestations of life. Equilibrium is revealed as the creative action of each manifestation. Just as chiaroscuro creates and saturates an action, so is the law of Equilibrium affirmed in correspondence with the development of the will. Cosmic Scales affirm correspondingly the growth of national Karma. The scales of man's Karma affirm their measurement of free will. Therefore it is so important to affirm an understanding of striving for perfectionment, because a desire projected into space can always attract what is desired, and according to the quality of the desire is Equilibrium determined. Thus, let us make a wish which can be fulfilled - a wish for those energies which can be applied to life. Equilibrium can only then manifest its affirmation when the free will chooses the path of the General Good.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 371:
371. Measurement of the degrees of consciousness over the extent of the last centuries places man now near the zero point. And so many gates have been opened before the horizon of humanity! So many beacons have been placed everywhere, so many summations shown to be possible! But uplifting of the veil must impel the spirit to true fiery attainment. To what, then, are we to be held as witnesses, during this saturated giving, when the World is atremble at the Battle of Armageddon? The ponderous power of creation can be turned into a festival of the spirit, which will reveal to the World a resplendent future. But the extended Hand must not remain rejected by human lack of understanding of the path of Light. On the path to the Fiery World, one must understand the urgency of striving toward the Light Origin.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 432:
432. The process of cosmic reaction is constantly growing, yet the adaptability of the earth grows worse. One may observe that scholars are beginning to recognize the effects of cosmic currents. It is not to be wondered at, since the currents are becoming so much stronger! The manifestations of the heaven's radiations, and even the rainbow, have a big significance for the surroundings. But I speak precisely about manifestations not subject to measurement by present day apparatus.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 582:
582. Vairaga is the very sacred flame of renunciation of corporeal things. Forbearance is more difficult in thought than in action. In action even the muscles can assist abstinence, but the thought centers are so subtle that the man who has not attained the art of thinking will not know how to follow the reflexes of these centers. It is said that the Subtle World is far from the material, yet each thought process is already a process of the Subtle World. According to the subtlety of thinking is it possible to imagine the film of the Subtle World. The subtle body is also ponderable, but in the most minute measurements. But the fiery body is already beyond measurement. Scientists can assist in revealing the Subtle World. In all domains is it possible to observe that thought multiplies the other energies; thus new cooperations take place.

AUM (1936) - 426:
A book could be written about small causes and great effects. Indeed, such a definition is possible only from earthly measurement. But it is instructive to investigate what causes have produced the large effects; one may be amazed at the smallness of the visible causes. Many do not remember at all the petty impulses. Let us see how such unconformity could result. An explanation may be found in karmic causes. Moreover, man differentiates the small from the great with difficulty.

Brotherhood (1937) - 521:
521. It is significant that physical exertion sometimes creates a particular clarity of thought. The same thing occurs through reaction to cold or heat. Does this not signify that thought is energy? The affirmation of thought, as well as the measurement of energy will yield many new discoveries. Many particular manifestations are concomitant with the unification of thought. You have read about manifestations which were magnified owing to the quantity of people present. It can hardly be claimed that all those present were thinking in unison. This means that the energy of thought acted as such. The current of energy assisted the participation of the forces of the Subtle World. At each gathering of people one may notice a special condensation of helpers from the Subtle World. Let us hope that the thoughts of people will attract good helpers. In its unified thinking Brotherhood creates a powerful current of Good.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 130:
130. Urusvati is aware that We are not immune either to the dangers that surround Us. In ignorance people assume that We face no danger in Infinity! Certainly, thanks to Our knowledge, We are sufficiently protected in earthly conditions, but everything is relative, and when thought strives to Infinity standards of measurement differ.


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