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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ME > MEANTIME (3)

New Era Community (1926) - 205:
205. Not needed by Us are well-meaning Nicodemuses who come by night and keep silent by day in the Sanhedrin. Each one must guard the secret entrusted to him, yet he must have ready a word about Us. Firm words can stun the adversaries. Say that it is curious to see one speaking about that which he knows not. If they speak against the hidden treasures, say that even the sea is full of sealed bottles. If they speak against the Community, say that he who reveres Christ, Buddha or Moses does not dare to speak against the Community of Good. The worst thing is to bring false accusation, for in it is falsehood, and slander, and betrayal, and ignorance. Say "Since the Teacher exists, why not make use of His wise counsels? You do not make use of them for you know not how to receive them. Hasten to become aware of the Mahatmas not in history but in life, and in the meantime keep your ignorance to yourselves."

Heart (1932) - 313:
313. The consequence of the beginning of the Greatest Battle reacts primarily upon the heart of mankind. The affirmation of the heart is especially needed now, otherwise the ignorant heart will not be able to withstand the hurricane of the confusion of the elements. Therefore, think of the heart as the basic principle, which connects you with the distant worlds. It must be realized what actually burdens the heart most of all. Not special events burden the heart so much as the succession of small specks of daily dust. This is very necessary to remember, because great events can give a special influx of psychic energy. But Armageddon does not consist only of great events, on the contrary a multitude of small actions receive their evaluation, and to this shower of small currents it is necessary for the poor heart to become accustomed. I say poor, because in essence it already knows the great fiery spheres, yet in the meantime it must be shattered against the rocks of Earth.

AUM (1936) - 246:
One day the teacher said, "I am going into the mountains; in the meantime, strengthen yourselves in the assimilation of the Teaching." The teacher departed. But within a short time, unexpectedly, the disciples were visited by a new teacher with whom they were extremely delighted. Finally one disciple, hoping to flatter the new teacher, exclaimed, "How much more excellent and intelligible is your Teaching than the former one!" Then the new teacher removed his turban, threw open his garment, altered his facial expression, and the disciples recognized their former teacher. They became greatly abashed and whispered, "Why did you change your appearance?" He said to them, "You wished to have a new teacher and a superior Teaching, so I helped you in this." Thus one can discover in ancient tales qualities of people common to all ages.


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