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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ME > MEADOWS (3)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 366:
366. Approaching the mountain, one beholds a chaos of stones and jagged peaks. Beyond are the rocky chasms. Then begin the mountain meadows, watered by snow. But behind the snowy summits you will see into the great, glimmering distances. You are passing through a corridor of life, And are raising dust with your every step. How great is the burden, how many the renunciations, how vast the fear! Where was left the Treasure of the World?

AUM (1936) - 399:
399. The signs of the New Epoch are multiplying. They do not perish in the conflict. The flowers in the meadows do not die from the thunderstorm, and the rain only brings out their freshness., Thus, the significance of the impact of polarities should be understood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 200:
"Friends, I wish to relate to you alone how I remember the distant world. The distance that separates us from it is enormous, but the flight is instantaneous. To land on this remote ground is impossible for Us, even in Our luminous bodies. But We can see the outlines of the oceans, rejoice in the beautiful colors, and even see the birds and the fish. People there are not like Us, and, wonderful to see, they can fly! Their speech cannot be heard, perhaps because of the resounding of the spheres. I remember the blue of the water, like sapphire, the green of the meadows, and the mountains, like emeralds. It would seem that man is incapable of stepping upon such pure soil. Even the air is unbearable for Us.


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